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calling anttheel,from mr hainth

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  • #16
    Originally posted by gwh200
    the potted hithtawy ith,
    mithter anttheel and mythelf have for thome weason been gweeting each other with a lithping wethponth.we have dethided that the betht way forward for thith lithping wethponth ith to pwopogate a thwead whereby all quethtionth weplieths and thuch will only be dealt with by lithping a retponth.all punctuathion,gwammar and the thuch ith to be ath accuwate ath pothibble.pleath rethpect the rulth of the thwead and if you have an itthue with thith total thillineth,well pleath dont complain to uth,ath we wont lithen
    Well thaid thir, i couldn't have ekthplained it better mythelf.


    • #17
      Ban this thwead! Ith othenthive thoo thoth with a speeth impedimenth!
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #18
        Originally posted by Antshiel
        Well thaid thir, i couldn't have ekthplained it better mythelf.
        thath eathy for you to thay!!

        mutht have a thigawette ath thith ith a minor thtwuggle and i think i may have thtwain of the bwain!!
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Apache
          Ban this thwead! Ith othenthive thoo thoth with a speeth impedimenth!
          I think you mutht be mithunderthanding the wuleth thir, ath pweviouthly thtated mithter haineth and mythelf have thtarted this thwead with the thole intention of weplying to wethpontheth from other memberth who are experienthing pwoblemth of any thort and are happy to anthwer only if thpelling and grammer ith correct and punctuathion is aktheptible!


          • #20
            Originally posted by gwh200
            thath eathy for you to thay!!

            mutht have a thigawette ath thith ith a minor thtwuggle and i think i may have thtwain of the bwain!!
            I think he'th taking the pith, and hith thpellingth attrotiouth
            Thould we weport him to the adminithtratorth?
            Last edited by Antshiel; 14 November 2007, 23:29.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Antshiel
              I think he'th taking the pith,
              Thould we weport him to the adminithtratorth?
              mithter apache thir,

              i am fully ekthpecting to be called a totther at thome thtage but phoneticcaly ith the new way forward,pleath limit you weplieth to the exthpected degwee or wethponteth willnot be fawth coming.
              i mean ith tho,tho difficawt to thpeedily rethpond to a acuthathion of mithdameanour and f$$$$ly the accuthation of insthulth toward lithperth ith without foundathion.
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Apache
                Ban this thwead! Ith othenthive thoo thoth with a speeth impedimenth!
                and yeth i thuppoth it ith ,,oh well,thath life
                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #23
                  Here here, tho pleathe wefwain fwom thlinging abuthe at memberth of the lithperth foundation and thpend a little time thympathithing with thothe leth fortunate than yourthelf. Thith time i will let bygonth be bygonth. Thpare a thought for thothe lithperth who thtutter ath well. IT'TH NOT NITHE!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Antshiel
                    Here here, tho pleathe wefwain fwom thlinging abuthe at memberth of the lithperth foundation and thpend a little time thympathithing with thothe leth fortunate than yourthelf. Thith time i will let bygonth be bygonth. Thpare a thought for thothe lithperth who thtutter ath well. IT'TH NOT NITHE!
                    thath tho twue.ith the thame ath having thekth with a thort thick perthon

                    ith not big and ith not clever
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • #25
                      yeth the time hath come for mr hainth to wetire .ith wather late and i nedd some retht.willrethume converthation tomowwow

                      Non intercooled nothing.


                      • #26
                        That thowed him, thouldn't be theeing him for thome time.
                        I thee mithter thtorm didn't thtop long, mutht be getting pirate thtormed on the quiet.
                        Altho noticed thtormforce hath got himthelf a laptop, nithe little number too by all accounth, "well done thtormy" maybe he wanth to do thome wireleth thurfing!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by gwh200
                          yeth the time hath come for mr hainth to wetire .ith wather late and i nedd some retht.willrethume converthation tomowwow

                          Vewy thenthible thir, thee ya thoon


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Antshiel
                            Vewy thenthible thir, thee ya thoon
                            well live from nowich, ith the thale of the thentuwee

                            evening mithter antthell ,how the devil are you ,everything all thplendid ?

                            ith tho long sinth weve thpoken !!
                            Non intercooled nothing.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by gwh200
                              well live from nowich, ith the thale of the thentuwee

                              evening mithter antthell ,how the devil are you ,everything all thplendid ?

                              ith tho long sinth weve thpoken !!
                              Ithn't it, theems like a lifetime, allth well thith end and howth yourthelf?

                              Thorry for keeping you waiting, i wath jutht looking at tyre prithes and found thith:
                              Paddocks it'th a landy thite but they have the cheapetht tyres i've found yet.
                              Last edited by Antshiel; 17 November 2007, 19:26.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Antshiel
                                Ithn't it, theems like a lifetime, allth well thith end and howth yourthelf?

                                Thorry for keeping you waiting, i wath jutht looking at tyre prithes and found thith:
                                Paddocks it'th a landy thite but they have the cheapetht tyres i've found yet.

                                tyreth thurely !!

                                and yeth thth an ecthwemely good prith for the bfg's thuch a pity ith a landwovah thite,but hey ith the thenthible optthon
                                Non intercooled nothing.

