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It been a while!!

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  • It been a while!!

    Hi again all!!

    Its been quite a while since i was last here. It was a drunk driver who wrote my surf off with a vauxhaul astra. Well its taken me ages and a lot of legal wrangling to get the money out of the insurance company and finally got myself another surf. Same model colour and everything ( black is best after all) Got a few little probs but nothing i cant deal with.

    Good to be back and look forward to chatting with you .


    I always work better wet .

    Its why I became a plumber!!!

  • #2
    welcome back, shame about the colour, but at least it's a surf.

    One day you'll learn
    \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Welcome back buddy, im fairly new (5months) and cant think of a betyter place to be. shame the insurance will run to a burgundy one. Never mind
      Without Surf And Unhappy


      • #4
        Welcome back stranger

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Hello mate!!

          Spot on with the Black is best comment mate!

          Wouldn't bother with any other colour


          • #6
            Hello trev ,how have u been mate??? have u gone aver to the dark side yet or do you still have a green
            truck lol
            I always work better wet .

            Its why I became a plumber!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mike66
              Hello trev ,how have u been mate??? have u gone aver to the dark side yet or do you still have a green
              truck lol
              I've been fine m8, I am still on the green side

              Hippo continues to leave a trail of frying fumes as she trundles along

              It's good to see you back.

              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


              • #8
                Originally posted by UDTrev
                I've been fine m8, I am still on the green side

                Hippo continues to leave a trail of frying fumes as she trundles along

                It's good to see you back.

                madam's corsage is quite the best i have ever seen trev,
                the legend "this truck is a vegetarian" is legendary !!
                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gwh200
                  madam's corsage is quite the best i have ever seen trev,
                  the legend "this truck is a vegetarian" is legendary !!
                  Why thank you sir, you are a gentleman of the first order

                  And how the devil are you tonight ?
                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by UDTrev
                    Why thank you sir, you are a gentleman of the first order

                    And how the devil are you tonight ?
                    im very well thank you trev, yourself ?
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • #11
                      would you like some tea and biscuits sir's


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sledge
                        would you like some tea and biscuits sir's
                        why that would be most convivial !!

                        tea two sugars stirred anti clockwise if you please my good man !!

                        Non intercooled nothing.


                        • #13
                          Not too bad m8
                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sledge
                            would you like some tea and biscuits sir's

                            A STRONG (the spoon must stand up by itself) tea with no sugar, and some choccy digestives - yum yum

                            [hides his tannin stained mug]
                            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                            • #15
                              well this thread is well now and truly hijacked !!!!

                              (but did you notice it was done in a thourghly BRITISH way)

                              m8 !!!!!
                              Non intercooled nothing.

