i for one am glad that something has been done as i was getting really p155ed of over the last week with all that was going on.
No announcement yet.
Originally posted by stormforcei for one am glad that something has been done as i was getting really p155ed of over the last week with all that was going on.
Same here mate, I'd had a belly full of him!
Glad he's gone.
Good call Koi!
Sorry we've all been kicking off and distrupting the peace!
Originally posted by surfensteinyea i agree good call guys.although he didnt really bother me that much,it was just the forum wasnt the same with him here.i know you have to give people the benefit of the doubt.but i hope that the forum goes back to normal now.so big big forum hug and lets move on guys.
Originally posted by MattFIs Marky Syndrome catching? I'm getting worried about you lot and your group hugs. How big was this closet you lot have been hiding in?DONT YOU WANT A HUG MATT,NOT EVEN A LITTLE BITTY ONE.????
good call on the decision. what happened yesterday was just down right disrespectful and thoughtless, i havnt put any posts in the threads that he was spouting his carp in as i couldnt be bothered to lower myself to his level.
Its just a shame that on a public forum like this that one or 2 individuals feel that they have to entertain themselves but being so immature and trying to ruin things for others. i am just glad that everyone else on this forum seems to be friendly and helpful, and i am proud to be part of it. i just hope to meet a few of you in person soon
animalPayPal for stickers : scuffsnscrapes@hotmail.com
Well, although i feel totally rough after my night on the town last night. I now feel alot better knowing that
A:- i missed wotever the bad thing was tat happend on here last night,
B:- The person the has caused alot of bickering on here lately cannot cause any more as hes gone now.
Good call - also good call for being so tolerant up to that point.
Now at work after attending this mornings main event (played a few bum notes in Last Post, Rouse was OK - s'funny, but the occasion always gets to me, no matter how much I practise...)
I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!
Well i aint one to condem on someone else's say so but i guess it must have been pretty bad to get him kicked out, everything i read just seemed to be the uttering's of an immature person but suppose i missed the bad stuff, deleated before i got to it, perhaps someone would pm me as to just what he did say,
must say tho he got more replys to his posts than i ever have, but there again i am a boreing c**t (clot)Too young to die and too old to give a toss