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dubious to use veg oil HELP please

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  • #46
    Originally posted by stormforce
    sorry i'm putting 10-15l of fuel to 40 -45l of oil/w spirit mix
    ok thank you. sounds a bit more like it.


    • #47
      So you guys are putting white spirit in? I'm going on a road trip tomorrow so will probably wait til I get back to try this.

      Has anyone got a link to a post explaining ho wto change a fuel filter. I have no experience doing anything to my truck. Suppose I better learn quick.

      My surf has that winter pack. Will that be a bit of a help if I'm using veg?
      Last edited by Weseastham; 6 December 2007, 12:05.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Weseastham
        My surf has that winter pack. Will that be a bit of a help if I'm using veg?
        It depends on which level of 'Winter Pack'. The basic one seems to just be the rear heater and double battery. The full one includes a heated fuel filter - if you have that it will definitely help. However the heated filter is pretty rare I think.
        Paul </Slugsie>
        Immortal.so far!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Slugsie
          It depends on which level of 'Winter Pack'. The basic one seems to just be the rear heater and double battery. The full one includes a heated fuel filter - if you have that it will definitely help. However the heated filter is pretty rare I think.
          Not so sure about the heated fuel filter. I do have the double battery and rear heater though.

          I b loody love my girl. I've got to get this veg oil sorted. She's too expensive to run at the minute.

