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Global warming, the greatest scam in history!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by tavvi
    Is it reasonable to assume that all those who think it's a load of b0llocks are running on 100% diesel? Personally I think we need a few more veggie-mobiles - better safe than sorry!
    Nope, that's an unreasonable and quite frankly illogical assumption. I run on corn oil to save money, nothing else.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #32
      Originally posted by andy62
      Nope, that's an unreasonable and quite frankly illogical assumption. I run on corn oil to save money, nothing else.
      Well said.

      I too use veg oil and biodiesel purely to save a bit of money... nothing at all to do with global warming.
      One day my paranoia will go away!


      • #33
        about 200.000 years ago the whole earth was in the grip of a huge ice age.
        "snowball earth" was the term used to describe it.the consensus is that hot ocean vents are the only thing that prevented us from icing over,(one reason the oceans are described as the real power house of the earth) .since then we have been in a period of warming.
        if you need to look at time lines consider this.politicians warn of global warming,"hottest summer since records began",well thats 300 years (for reliable records) tops.the ice epoch we are now in (ie we are in an ice age but during a period of warming) is one of many during the earths 4.6 billion year development,and has lasted since before records began,hell it started before we even evolved as a species.there is a current form of scientific thinking that proposes the idea of the global temperature ,falling between now and 2020.

        20 years ago during a 2-3 year period of wild weather,the blame was put squarely on el nino' the ocean weather pattern that routinely affects the lower hemisphere.it seems odd that the most funding of pretty much any science based subject is now enviromentally based,so lets quietly forget old el nino' and blame global warming (which will occur naturally , along with global cooling),even though the time line being used is much to short.
        with regards to the oceans,one aspect being quietly ignored is the north atlantic conveyor.this ocean system is quietly going about its business,
        circulating ocean water from the equator up to the northern hemisphere.
        as the salt laden (and denser) water is circulated neare to the north,its salt content makes ice formation more difficult.consider why we are on the same latitude (almost) as iceland,and consider why our winters are much milder,the atlantic conveyor is responsible.
        this system is reckoned to take approx 10.000 years to recirculate the ocean water.
        the bottom line is weather and global changes happen slowly,much more slowly than the politicians would have you believe.any long term effect we are having on our enviroment will not be felt for many millenia.

        just seems very arrogant for a politician to spout rhetoric about the enviroment when the change set in before he was evolved ,and will not change ,inspite of him till all his atoms have been well and truly redistributed.
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #34
          Originally posted by gwh200
          just seems very arrogant for a politician to spout rhetoric about the enviroment when the change set in before he was evolved ,and will not change ,inspite of him till all his atoms have been well and truly redistributed.
          To add to that, in 10-15 years time you will get one of two bits of $$$$ spouted from the mouths of politicians.

          1. Look, our taxation policies have proved effective because Global Warming is abating. Bend over because we just need to make doubly sure.


          2. Because there has not been a noticeable change in Global Warming, it shows that our taxation policies have not proved effective enough. Bend over because we're going to have to start hitting you up even harder to get it to work.

          Paul </Slugsie>
          Immortal.so far!


          • #35
            Originally posted by tavvi
            Both articles quotes above are identical and contain zero information - just an opinion that Global Warming is a scam. Global warming is not a scam it is happening - we just have two polarised views on why it is happening and whether it is a long-term trend. I like to think I'm open-minded on the subject - certainly open-minded enough to recognise these articles as being worthless. If that's all the anti global warming lobby have to hang their hats on then they've lost the argument.

            if you read the statement properly it does not state that global warming may not be happening, but what was said in a round about way was why use all this transport to go to the places when reports can be done other ways...same as the music events (all the power, fuel etc to transport kit and artists around the world)


            • #36
              i think its just mother nature doing what she does best, we thought along time ago the world was flat & that we would fall off the edge how wrong was we, was just like many things we didnt know or think possible. just think to many people trying to make money out of something that happens naturally.dont forget once the world was covered in ice think it will just happen when it happens we cant control mother nature


              • #37
                Originally posted by pirate-storm
                i think its just mother nature doing what she does best, we thought along time ago the world was flat & that we would fall off the edge how wrong was we, was just like many things we didnt know or think possible. just think to many people trying to make money out of something that happens naturally.dont forget once the world was covered in ice think it will just happens when it happens we cant control mother nature

                What???? Are you saying the world isn't flat??


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  What???? Are you saying the world isn't flat??
                  i'll let you know tomorrow night when im piratestormed


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by pirate-storm
                    i'll let you know tomorrow night when im piratestormed

                    Stay away from the edge then!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                      What???? Are you saying the world isn't flat??
                      Course it isn't. there's bumpy bits all over the place...
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                        Stay away from the edge then!
                        like ive always wondered why the aussie's dont fall off the world if they at the bottom of the world does that mean they have magnectic shoes?

