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Really Bad Ebay Feedback!

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  • Really Bad Ebay Feedback!

    I've seen some interesting feedback comments on Ebay at times but this guys remarks really go too far!

    thieving german never trust a race that practices genocide death to all nazzis cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:17
    Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:31):
    Please BEWARE your words, that is REALLY HORRIBLY RUDE, Don't create hatress

    to return it to be repaired and then steals it kraut thief two world wars thief cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:15
    Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:32):
    You bid our items and not pay and give bad comment, what kind of person you are?

    thief when broken item arrives its from hong kong not uk as stated cost me 25.00 cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:14
    Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:33):
    If you need help, just mail us, NO need to insult others in such a rude way.

    Is this guy for real? Surely remarks like that can get you into real trouble.
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Yep, that's pretty rude and (correct me if i'm wrong) a race crime.

    Flea bay should remove it & also the member
    Bring me the head of a treehugger


    • #3
      Originally posted by Copycat
      I've seen some interesting feedback comments on Ebay at times but this guys remarks really go too far!

      thieving german never trust a race that practices genocide death to all nazzis cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:17
      Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:31):
      Please BEWARE your words, that is REALLY HORRIBLY RUDE, Don't create hatress

      to return it to be repaired and then steals it kraut thief two world wars thief cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:15
      Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:32):
      You bid our items and not pay and give bad comment, what kind of person you are?

      thief when broken item arrives its from hong kong not uk as stated cost me 25.00 cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:14
      Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:33):
      If you need help, just mail us, NO need to insult others in such a rude way.

      Is this guy for real? Surely remarks like that can get you into real trouble.

      Ebay will remove the top two based on highlighted but not the last one
      thief in feedback is not covered by ebay feedback is hard to get rid of even from A holes

      One last option is to submit the below they will then remove neg feedback
      pretty much regardless of content.

      Notice of Claim of Defamation Statutory Declaration
      Fax notice to UK fax number and send hard-copy to address below
      eBay.co.uk Customer Support Dept - ref. Defamation
      eBay International AG
      P.O. Box 9473
      Dublin 15

      Fax Number + 44 (0) 845 280 3357
      I, [name] ____________________of [address] ______________________________ ____ do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:
      1. I believe in good faith that the materials specifically identified in the Exhibits to this notice are false and defamatory under English law, and that I am the person to whom such materials are intended to refer. Please act expeditiously to remove or disable access to these materials. In the event that I cease to hold the good faith belief referred to above, I agree to immediately notify you in writing.
      2. Photocopies of the allegedly infringing materials which I have marked to show those portions which I believe are false and defamatory, are now produced and shown to me and marked 'Exhibit 1'.
      3. I may be contacted at:
      Title ______________________________ ____
      Name ______________________________ ____
      Address ______________________________ ____
      ______________________________ ____
      Post Code ______________________________ ____
      Email ______________________________ ____
      Telephone ______________________________ ____
      Fax (if available) ______________________________ ____

      4. AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835.
      Important Notes:
      1. You must sign this form in front of someone authorised to witness and confirm it. An authorised person would be one of the following: Solicitor, Barrister, Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public, Justice of the Peace or a Judge. Signatures by person from a profession not listed will result in the claim being invalid.
      2. This person will also need to see and initial the photocopies of the allegedly infringing materials (your feedback page) to be attached as exhibits.
      3. If we remove the identified content, we will notify the suspected or alleged poster or source of content that we have done so, and at that time will provide them with a copy of this notice.
      4. Only the eBay account holder can file a claim of defamation. If the claim is not submitted by the eBay account holder, the claim becomes invalid.
      DECLARED at [place] ______________________________ ___
      this [date] ____ day of ___________________________.
      Your signature: ______________________________ _______________________
      Before me: ______________________________ _______________________
      [signature of person before whom declaration is made]
      Before me:
      Eligible Profession i.e. Commissioner for Oaths ______________________________ _______________________
      [name and profession of person before whom declaration is made]


      • #4
        I believe the guy may have retaliated again as someone had bid £1,000 on a load of the sellers auctions which only had a top value of about £160. These bids were removed however before the auctions ended, presumably by the seller.
        'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


        • #5
          Check out the rest of the feedback he's left for others.

          Couldn't help but laugh meself

          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            i'm getting my nextdoor neighbour banged up for race crimes!... he's called me Jock since i can remember!!

            he does a $$$$ scots accent too!!

            it wouldn't be so bad if i had ginger hair and any scots accent!!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Apache
              Check out the rest of the feedback he's left for others.

              Couldn't help but laugh meself

              what the blazes has he been buying ?
              nice guy and hope to meet soon!!!hope you were pleased with my chest
              laker13944 ( 100 [Feedback score is 100 to 499] )
              18-Sep-07 19:40
              -- -- Private
              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Copycat
                I've seen some interesting feedback comments on Ebay at times but this guys remarks really go too far!

                thieving german never trust a race that practices genocide death to all nazzis cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:17
                Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:31):
                Please BEWARE your words, that is REALLY HORRIBLY RUDE, Don't create hatress

                to return it to be repaired and then steals it kraut thief two world wars thief cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:15
                Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:32):
                You bid our items and not pay and give bad comment, what kind of person you are?

                thief when broken item arrives its from hong kong not uk as stated cost me 25.00 cobhamfarmsell ( 54) 07-Nov-07 11:14
                Reply by sbo2eu (08-Nov-07 01:33):
                If you need help, just mail us, NO need to insult others in such a rude way.

                Is this guy for real? Surely remarks like that can get you into real trouble.

                Sure this ain't mtbillynomates when the drugs wear off?

                Still working for the man!

