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  • speedo

    the speedo in my hilux has miles per hour on it but the milage still ticks over in kilometers is this legal and right and houw do i change it to measure distance in miles? I have only just realised and now i am panicing that i am only getting 16 miles to the gallon when i thought o was getting about 27mpg.

  • #2
    Originally posted by andyhum
    the speedo in my hilux has miles per hour on it but the milage still ticks over in kilometers is this legal and right and houw do i change it to measure distance in miles? I have only just realised and now i am panicing that i am only getting 16 miles to the gallon when i thought o was getting about 27mpg.
    You can get a gearbox adapter to change the odo into miles, but you don't need to legally, plus you'll need another speedo face to match the new needle position.

    I wouldn't bother.

    Sounds like it needs a service, or you need to wear lighter boots!
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

