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In the cold light of day.......

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  • In the cold light of day.......

    Forum members, surely I can't be this wrong.

    I've just re-read 'that' entire thread, after wiping coffee of the screen a few times, and getting up off the floor once, I can't see hardy any issues with that thread causing offence. Then I went through it again with Linda, and she thought its funny to.

    Its a masterpiece of this forums humour, it also showed a little narrow mindedness, and also a lot of level headed'ness on a subject that people should'nt be so scared of.

    I REALLY don't get it, what is the problem?

    If we don't want this stuff here maybe I'm in the wrong place.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

  • #2
    Originally posted by TonyN
    Forum members, surely I can't be this wrong.

    I've just re-read 'that' entire thread, after wiping coffee of the screen a few times, and getting up off the floor once, I can't see hardy any issues with that thread causing offence. Then I went through it again with Linda, and she thought its funny to.

    Its a masterpiece of this forums humour, it also showed a little narrow mindedness, and also a lot of level headed'ness on a subject that people should'nt be so scared of.

    I REALLY don't get it, what is the problem?

    If we don't want this stuff here maybe I'm in the wrong place.
    What thread? ive been away for a few days
    Kite Surf


    • #3
      Is this the one that got a bit abusive?
      I haven't read it so post us a link.

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #4
        Originally posted by surfstar
        What thread? ive been away for a few days
        Found it, i think its the homo one
        Kite Surf


        • #5
          Originally posted by surfstar
          What thread? ive been away for a few days
          Originally posted by KERRSURF
          Is this the one that got a bit abusive?
          I haven't read it so post us a link.

          Jesus, where have you been, I think it even made the BBC news!!

          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            Originally posted by TonyN
            Forum members, surely I can't be this wrong.

            I've just re-read 'that' entire thread, after wiping coffee of the screen a few times, and getting up off the floor once, I can't see hardy any issues with that thread causing offence. Then I went through it again with Linda, and she thought its funny to.

            Its a masterpiece of this forums humour, it also showed a little narrow mindedness, and also a lot of level headed'ness on a subject that people should'nt be so scared of.

            I REALLY don't get it, what is the problem?

            If we don't want this stuff here maybe I'm in the wrong place.
            im only new here so my opinion wont count for much but , but thought it was a laugh ,cant be that bad seems most everyone read it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MTBBILLY
              So ye Tony dude,as you seem so consumed by this are you gay?

              Are you in a 4 door pickup?

              Do your freinds know you have a closet problem?

              Watch it mate!! First Mark an now TonyN! Pretty soon there will be no one left willing to give you any advice!


              • #8
                tony i have to agree,what is so offensive about it.i think its more a lack of humour than anything else.every one needs to lighten up.i for one found it very,very funny and wasnt the slightest bit offended.hell it not every day you get to be a gay icon is it.
                billy why do you have to be such an offensive tw#t


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MTBBILLY
                  Controversy makes the world go round!

                  Besides I HATE the english toff that think they are god because they are EFFFFFFFFFFING engineers when they are really a bunch of farm mechanics that have no life other than the internet.Along with being anoying i am also very clever and take great delight in winding up the small,meek and stupid members of the internet community.
                  I can and will fix my own truck and would be able to offer you all some advice on how to repair and modify just about every item on a 4x4 of any make..............after all its only nuts and bolts.
                  As for tonys fixation it only leads me to belive he is a closet poof which is as bad as anything.I have no problem with what people do but to evaluate and critisize others means only one thing to me.
                  Keep diggin'

                  Still working for the man!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MTBBILLY
                    Controversy makes the world go round!

                    Besides I HATE the english toff that think they are god because they are EFFFFFFFFFFING engineers when they are really a bunch of farm mechanics that have no life other than the internet.Along with being anoying i am also very clever and take great delight in winding up the small,meek and stupid members of the internet community.
                    I can and will fix my own truck and would be able to offer you all some advice on how to repair and modify just about every item on a 4x4 of any make..............after all its only nuts and bolts.
                    As for tonys fixation it only leads me to belive he is a closet poof which is as bad as anything.I have no problem with what people do but to evaluate and critisize others means only one thing to me.

                    Well, at least you seem to stick to your guns!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MTBBILLY
                      Controversy makes the world go round!

                      Besides I HATE the english toff that think they are god because they are EFFFFFFFFFFING engineers when they are really a bunch of farm mechanics that have no life other than the internet.Along with being anoying i am also very clever and take great delight in winding up the small,meek and stupid members of the internet community.
                      I can and will fix my own truck and would be able to offer you all some advice on how to repair and modify just about every item on a 4x4 of any make..............after all its only nuts and bolts.
                      As for tonys fixation it only leads me to belive he is a closet poof which is as bad as anything.I have no problem with what people do but to evaluate and critisize others means only one thing to me.
                      Tony is the person who has taught alot of us how to fix our motors, I don't think of him as a toff, or an engineer (pretty close to a mechanical god tho).
                      I for one would not be able to afford to keep my truck if it wasn't for Tony, and I think there are many others.
                      This attack is out of order, and will make many enemies. If you have sense delete it.
                      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MTBBILLY
                        THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!!!!!
                        Yes, but personal attacks on members and moderators could get you banned, although you have a life outside the internet, so it will be no loss to you, or us for that matter!

                        Still working for the man!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MTBBILLY
                          Buggerit ive said what ive said and NEVER go back.
                          It is plainly obvious too me that in this world we now live in its each man/woman for themself.NOTHING is cheap anymore so make what you will of what i say because it is all true,
                          THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!!!!!
                          Yes but you spoke without the facts (and without research). Most on this forum are not in it for themselves, just read some of the threads to find out the help that goes on.
                          The truth differs thorugh opinion, I've said mine gained over four years of experiance.
                          Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                          • #14
                            Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and, as adults, as Mark has already said, we can take or leave it, not rise to any 'bait' and just choose to ignore what people say or get involved, express your opinion and add weight to the overall argument...

                            Freedom of speech is something we miss a lot of with today's overly pc society, so we should encourage it where we can.

                            However, that said - there is also the question of respect. We must all respect each other, as that respect is what holds our society together, and by society I mean the larger view of our country and the world, but also this forum. Say what you will about me, I'm old enough and daft enough to have my own view and not be bothered about what people think of me - but I've made some great friends through this forum, and I like to include Mark and Tony in that (as well as the rest of the fine people whose acquiantance I've been fortunate to make before you all start posting and telling me I've missed you off the list ) and I respect the people here.

                            I don't tolerate stupidity or rudeness - just for the sake of illiciting a reaction, I don't see myself as a toff, nor do I label others, I treat everyone the way I would like to be treated - this outpouring of direspect, thinly disguised as a weak immitation of humour is futile, and seems to be causing a degree of upset - so, make your comments, be true to yourself and your opinions, but please, do so with the respect and feelings of others in mind - you never know when these people you are so quick to ridicule and upset my be the closest thing you have to a solution to something, and also they are some of the best people I have had the pleasure in getting to know.

                            I'm now off my soap box.
                            Too old to care, young enough to remember


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MTBBILLY
                              There is no soceity or community left in this country.
                              that may be true where you live pal, but in my opinion, it's that frame of mind that seems to be pulling it apart - a little more effort, and a bit of consideration can make the world of difference.
                              Too old to care, young enough to remember

