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No more Santa??????!!!!

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  • No more Santa??????!!!!

    Just as my little boy is about to be born too!
    Where is this 'Think tank', and could someone blow it up please?

  • #2
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
    Just as my little boy is about to be born too!
    Where is this 'Think tank', and could someone blow it up please?
    Fox Hunting is Dangerous


    • #3
      Saw the author of this report on Sky news at lunchtime, he was up against some guy from an anti-PC group. My support was 110% with the anti-PC group.

      In this country we have a couple of festivals which are celebrated by the vast majority. They are loosely based on Christian events (I'm not religious, so I just celebrate the fun side of the events) which is reasonable as this is a Christian Country.

      People who come to this country for whatever reason (and lets not even begin to go there) have to accept that they are not in their own country, and so should not expect their own festivals to be widely celebrated. For the most part, we are very accommodating, and generally let adherents of other cultures etc celebrate their festivals, but no way should the majority be forced to bend over backwards for the minority. After all, would any of us go to somewhere like Poland for instance, and then expect the locals to celebrate Bon Fire night? No, none of us would.

      This PC $$$$ has to stop.

      Paul </Slugsie>
      Immortal.so far!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Slugsie
        Saw the author of this report on Sky news at lunchtime, he was up against some guy from an anti-PC group. My support was 110% with the anti-PC group.

        In this country we have a couple of festivals which are celebrated by the vast majority. They are loosely based on Christian events (I'm not religious, so I just celebrate the fun side of the events) which is reasonable as this is a Christian Country.

        People who come to this country for whatever reason (and lets not even begin to go there) have to accept that they are not in their own country, and so should not expect their own festivals to be widely celebrated. For the most part, we are very accommodating, and generally let adherents of other cultures etc celebrate their festivals, but no way should the majority be forced to bend over backwards for the minority. After all, would any of us go to somewhere like Poland for instance, and then expect the locals to celebrate Bon Fire night? No, none of us would.

        This PC $$$$ has to stop.

        well said give that man a cracker


        • #5
          This "think tank" needs chloronating.
          Hold my beer and watch this


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
            Just as my little boy is about to be born too!
            Where is this 'Think tank', and could someone blow it up please?
            this "think tank"(or something that posSibly Rhymes with it)
            is ...wait for it......based in london,where the rest of the world doesn't exist,only london and london issues,which for some reason the to55ers who wrote this shoite ,seem to think applicable to the real world.


            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by sledge
              well said give that man a cracker
              Oooh, I likes crackers, especially with a nice bit of cheese!
              Paul </Slugsie>
              Immortal.so far!


              • #8
                they having a laugh surely? if not this is my country n if you dont like it dont come here @@@@ off. can we call racism if that ever happens cause that a racist remark against me n my country' if im/we in another country i/we have to abide by their rules so abide by ours n our beliefs thats all i say.

                p.s polly likes crackers


                • #9
                  People, lets face it, we're f**ked! We don't have rights any more, we can't think or choose for ourselves. The government and it's various departments, that we elect to do our bidding (allegedly), really do think they know better than we do what is good for us.

                  Gordon Brown snuck in the new European laws for this country, although he promised a referendum, we can't fly the Union Jack, we can't call ourselves English, we can't celebrate Christmas, we shouldn't drive 4x4's etc.

                  Just look at the main topic of the news yesterday, don't eat proccessed meat, don't eat sweet stuff, don't have more than one alcoholic drink a day.

                  What are we supposed to do just work, sleep and die? It seems like everything that people enjoy, that they work for and wind down to in their liesure time is deemed bad for you.

                  Well me, I'm going to have a massive fry up for me tea, get the Christmas decorations out, have a big cup of coffee and 6 choclate digestives around 9 o'clocck and then drive to work in my big bad gas guzzling 4x4! Oh and at the weekend I'm going to get bladdered!

                  Politically correct - my ar5e!
                  'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Copycat
                    People, lets face it, we're f**ked! We don't have rights any more, we can't think or choose for ourselves. The government and it's various departments, that we elect to do our bidding (allegedly), really do think they know better than we do what is good for us.

                    Gordon Brown snuck in the new European laws for this country, although he promised a referendum, we can't fly the Union Jack, we can't call ourselves English, we can't celebrate Christmas, we shouldn't drive 4x4's etc.

                    Just look at the main topic of the news yesterday, don't eat proccessed meat, don't eat sweet stuff, don't have more than one alcoholic drink a day.

                    What are we supposed to do just work, sleep and die? It seems like everything that people enjoy, that they work for and wind down to in their liesure time is deemed bad for you.

                    Well me, I'm going to have a massive fry up for me tea, get the Christmas decorations out, have a big cup of coffee and 6 choclate digestives around 9 o'clocck and then drive to work in my big bad gas guzzling 4x4! Oh and at the weekend I'm going to get bladdered!

                    Politically correct - my ar5e!

                    Don't forget to hang a huge Union flag outside you house as well!


                    • #11
                      this country is getting beyond a $$$$ing joke now, its ENGLAND, or GREAT BRITAIN even ffs , its been like it for years , leave it as it is, likes been said if they all want to come into this country they should adapt to this way of life and what gets celebrated over here and if they dont like it they can $$$$ off.
                      sorry but this kind of stuff really is atrting to get to me now, fair enough theres multicultures here , so what, its still great britain,

                      RANT OVER
                      PayPal for stickers : scuffsnscrapes@hotmail.com


                      • #12
                        Try getting a Muslim country to celebrate christmas, and see how long it takes for them to come round and cut your head off!!

                        FCUK 'em all, next election I'm voting BNP not because I agree with all their policies, but just on principal, and to give the rest of the political scum sommat to think about ( for five years)

                        This country is just fcuked now, only good for immagrants and chavie criminals, the common working (TAX PAYING) man or woman has no rights, and no voice, time for a mass exodus to somewhere we can be heard ( I think poland is pretty empty these days)

                        Could you see this happening in france, germany, USA, Canada??? I think not, their governments have BALLS, and the patriotism to look after their own.

                        Anyway, what with devolution ans all, why the hell do we have a SCOTTISH prime minister?????????

                        Still working for the man!


                        • #13
                          I think we have a Scottish Prime Minister because he's part of GB and that the devolution thing was only sothat they split up the gov across UK.

                          We are all still under the same control, nothing has changed Scotland has always has it's own laws just never had it's freedom for a few hundred years.

                          With the Olympic Games we have always worked as a United Kingdom 3 Nations together, so why can't we have a United kingdom football team for the occasion.

                          I think King James 111 was king of Scotland who eventually ruled over all the United Kingdom.

                          The Queen is from German decent and Prince Philip Greek decent.

                          I don't think It matters.

                          It would matter if Christmas was sacked. I don't think it will ever happen.

                          I Do wish they would ban the advertising for the 3 months run up.

                          If you reside in a particular country then you live by their laws and respect their beliefs. I don't think we should expect people to change their beliefs or ways of worship but just to accept the countries beliefs in which they have settled.

                          There are lots of UK prisoners in far flung jails across the world who have flouted drug trafficking laws and are languishing for life sentences which mean life not the poultry $$$$ we dish out here to our criminals.

                          Well those are my personal views
                          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                          • #14
                            Huh.,... who did they speak to... who were the 'think-tank'... where were they educated...

                            "It emerged in 2006 that three out of four employers were not putting up Christmas decorations in the workplace for fear of offending staff of other cultures."

                            Where did they go to to get that rubbish...

                            As for our esteemed government... its all down to the civil service that doesn't change, and they certainly do make it up as they go on... vote in who you want... the government has little influence...

                            my $0.02...


                            • #15
                              "It emerged in 2006 that three out of four employers were not putting up Christmas decorations in the workplace for fear of offending staff of other cultures."

                              That's just not cricket, thankfully I think we in the North are still a bit behind in the ban the decorations bit
                              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

