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Sunday Drivers

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  • #16
    Originally posted by M35A2
    Hey, can you get away with not scanning half your shopping? How do they know you haven't "missed" a few items??
    No idea. I was far too busy swearing at the thing to consider that.


    • #17
      Originally posted by UDTrev
      will it fit in their ear ?


      • #18
        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
        It's old 'biddys' in supermarkets that wind me up,they have all feckin' week to go shopping for their two potatoes and slice of tongue, but they insist on going on the week-end wandering around getting in the way when everyone else is there!

        P.S. I've nothing against old people, my nan is one!

        you cant have nothing against old people m8 as i thought youd joined that club now


        • #19
          Originally posted by M35A2
          That has really made me laugh Matt. Yeah, why is it the case that when you park your truck in the furthest space in the car park, away from all the door bashing nobs, you come out and it's like flies to sh*t.....
          I think it must be some comfort thing for 'em. God it's annoying though.


          • #20
            Originally posted by POPEYE
            Moan, moan, moan!! jeez, give and take guys, people GIVE ya $hit, TAKE em out
            Supermarket massacre. That'd make a stonking headline.

