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leaving neg. feedback on ebay!

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  • leaving neg. feedback on ebay!

    A few weeks ago i decieded to have a tidy up and try and sell off some old bits i didnt want on ebay... One being a 1/10 ferrari F1 car! Well.... bloke bids and wins!

    2 weeks later, no payment at all! I sent a message asking "do you still want the item?" anyway! I open an unpaid item dispute via ebay.... NOTHING!

    So out comes negative feedback! seconds later all i get is feedback saying " '''''''''''''''''to$$er''''''' ''''''''''' "

    Well thats pi$$ed me off to be honest.... i gave the guy ample time to pay or contact me!!

    How do i do one of those reply things?

    By the way.... If mrferrari35 bids on anything you have to sell... cancel his bids the '''''''''''to$$er'''''''''''' !!!!

  • #2
    just add a comment on his feedback that explains it.
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      The joys of fleaby, makes you mad.

      In your myebay down at the bottom of the left hand menu should say feedback forum or you might have to select feedback first. You can then post replys.
      Cornwall Fire & Security


      • #4
        All you can do is leave neg feedback for him , i do remember that someone got the feeback removed by replying and using swear words .
        Also report him for being abusive


        • #5
          id bombard ebay with emails to sort it out, surely there contracted to look after you in these circumstances when you agree to there terms of using the auction.


          • #6
            Right!! Cheers everyone

            Replys left, comments sent! An ive reported him to ebay

            Fingers crossed something happens about him.

            Hes done the same thing before, one guy left a comment about after 21+ days no payment or comms. An the same feedback remark left ..... " ''''''''''''''''''''''TO$$ER'' ''''''''''''''''' "


            • #7
              i emailed ebay to ask for my username n password as i forgot them both n that when i asked i still havent recieved them but it seems it was in my old email on aol n they say i got to apply using that but i havent got the account with aol now so i ve sent off to them proving i am who i am n at min seems they still dont want to know so i'll have to start off again by look of it


              • #8
                Rod, if the guy doesn't reply to the unpaid dispute from ebay they can remove the negative strike against you. Unfortunately the negative remark stays in your feedback, don't ask me why, ebay are downright crazy at times. The removal of the negative strike will however reinstate your 100% positive feedback assuming you had one. The only thing is ebay give the guy 28 days to reply to the unpaid before they take action. Contact them again after a month.
                'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Copycat
                  Rod, if the guy doesn't reply to the unpaid dispute from ebay they can remove the negative strike against you. Unfortunately the negative remark stays in your feedback, don't ask me why, ebay are downright crazy at times. The removal of the negative strike will however reinstate your 100% positive feedback assuming you had one. The only thing is ebay give the guy 28 days to reply to the unpaid before they take action. Contact them again after a month.

                  Yeah i did have 100% positive! Its a black mark on my beautiful ebay career!

                  I may have been a bit hasty! I didnt wait 28 days to leave feedback after starting the unpaid item dispute!


                  • #10
                    I've 1 strike against me from a chuffin chinese conman

                    He failed to supply me with a Surf model, after Paypal refunded I left a trike against him, and the swine left a revenge for me - but he's the one removed by ebay
                    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                    • #11
                      neg feedbacks are just a fact of ebay, i use ebay a lot and even someone with a couple of neg feedbacks ie: 197 positive 2 negative, will still get my business.
                      You just can't please all of the people all of the time. fact.

                      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                      • #12
                        """""""""""""""""""$$$$$$""""" """"""""""""""""
                        mrferrari35(25) 28-Oct-07 330175429663
                        Reply by rodsterman12: You didnt pay or contact me! What did you honestly expect??


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by breakdowntruck2
                          """""""""""""""""""$$$$$$""""" """"""""""""""""
                          mrferrari35(25) 28-Oct-07 330175429663
                          Reply by rodsterman12: You didnt pay or contact me! What did you honestly expect??

                          You found my reply then!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by RodLeach
                            A few weeks ago i decieded to have a tidy up and try and sell off some old bits i didnt want on ebay... One being a 1/10 ferrari F1 car! Well.... bloke bids and wins!

                            2 weeks later, no payment at all! I sent a message asking "do you still want the item?" anyway! I open an unpaid item dispute via ebay.... NOTHING!

                            So out comes negative feedback! seconds later all i get is feedback saying " '''''''''''''''''to$$er''''''' ''''''''''' "

                            Well thats pi$$ed me off to be honest.... i gave the guy ample time to pay or contact me!!

                            How do i do one of those reply things?

                            By the way.... If mrferrari35 bids on anything you have to sell... cancel his bids the '''''''''''to$$er'''''''''''' !!!!

                            Hi mate know the feeling I have just recived my first neg in 7 years over 400 feedbacks as a direct result of me leaving a very poor seller neg.
                            Ebay will do nothing even thou its clearly an unfair response as I paid this joker on time and in full. My point after many emails back and forth ebay will only remove feedback under very limited circumstance.
                            However yours is one of them if he has used the word to sser then they will remove the entry make sure you complain based on the languge used.
                            He will then not be allowed to respond and you will be free to follow on his feedback.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by yoshie
                              Hi mate know the feeling I have just recived my first neg in 7 years over 400 feedbacks as a direct result of me leaving a very poor seller neg.
                              Ebay will do nothing even thou its clearly an unfair response as I paid this joker on time and in full. My point after many emails back and forth ebay will only remove feedback under very limited circumstance.
                              However yours is one of them if he has used the word to sser then they will remove the entry make sure you complain based on the languge used.
                              He will then not be allowed to respond and you will be free to follow on his feedback.

                              Its a total pain in the a$$ aint it!

                              Im only on about 70 something but i was pleased that i had 100% an now this guys messed it all up because hes useless at it!

                              I did message ebay an said that his feedback was "rude and offensive" so hopefully that will trigger something. Im not personally offended by the word! But other people might be and its just the fact that hes completly in the wrong!

                              One time i was bidding on an item that was for a birthday present.... anyway when it came to pay for it, it just said 'unknown seller' an that his profile was canceled! So i moved on an got another... i got an unpaid item dispute an i sent the guy a message explaining the situation an that i would be happy to pay for him to relist etc. He was a nice bloke.... told me no worries an we both left positive feedback!! thats how it should be done.

