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We're not AWOL we're back

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  • We're not AWOL we're back

    Well Guy’s n Gal’s were back, our trip to Scotland and the Highlands, over 1500 miles
    considering we didn’t really have an agenda and it wasn’t a race, just the opportunity to be here n’ take it all in and to make the most of every minute were here!!
    “Highlander” (john) describes it very well… “winging it”
    “Apache” you n’ Vic will love it especially if ya haven’t been before.
    First stop was just north of Lockerbie, so we could at least watch the Rugby n drown our sorrows (less said bout that the better) n to sleep it off afterwards all refreshed for the next day, we hope….

    So as we set off next morning I’d forgot to phone “Smiffy” sorry we didn’t and then couldn’t contact ya earlier to meet up “Smiffy” (frazer) we did contact “Smiffy” approaching Loch Lomond a little late in the day unfortunately (next time) “Smiffy” but armed with “Smiffy’s” directions and help and “Highlander” john’s mobile no, we headed upto Clencoe and Fort William.
    We had been traveling for 6 hours now an not seen a sniff of a Fuel station so we stopped at
    Tyndrum, lo n behold a filling station, Nod nod say no more, I phoned “Highlander” john to see if he had a bed for the night, (he’d just returned from a Suffolk trip himself) “no problem, I’ll see ya in about 2 or so hours” we continued on to Fort William, then of to Glenfinnan, we were looking for a sign for Lochailort, along the road will be a Maroon 2nd Gen Truck parked in the driveway by the road (we nearly didn’t see it) the sights were so amazing…

    After welcoming us, we had a cuppa and some small talk, we went with “Highlander” to his local Shops (a 60-mile round trip I think he said) on returning “Highlander” made something to eat and we engaged in more small talk, it was about eleven-ish when we retired for the night.

    Next morning after a hearty breakfast “Highlander” john had cooked we said our good bye’s n’ thanked him for his Hospitality and instructions for a route well worth a visit, we set off to catch the ferry to Skye (“Highlander” john did tell us of road works starting) we missed the ferry by 5 minutes, as there were only 2 crossings, the next one was 6 hours away @ 4pm.
    We considered the options of waiting, but set off on the long trek route, passing “Highlanders” homestead on the way to continuing our journey north to the Highlands, were now making for
    Lochaish, but approaching Shiel Bridge rumblings of a wheel bearing nature was heard, on inspection I thought it best to repack the bearing as it didn’t appear dangerous, just 8l00dy noisy, we retreated for the second time today, back the way we had come and would see how things go while we continued onto Fort Augustus, where we would decide on our fate.
    We didn’t wanna call on the Cavalry just yet but we didn’t want the bearing to give up on us either the rumbling noise from the front n/s/f wheel bearing was bearable, at Fort Augustus we stopped a while. We decided to carry on alongside Loch Ness for some pics and on to Inverness, thinking if we can make it we’ll call it a long day n’ stop for the night.

    Next day we set off early on route for Grantown – on- Spey, Aviemore, hopefully Perth
    or even further we eventually stopped at Penrith where we had something to eat and settled down for the night and the Truck’s well deserved Rest too, hoping for an early start in the morning.

    First thing we noticed next morning was how Misty n Cold it was (in Scotland we hadn’t see much Sun, but it wasn’t cold) within an hour or so the Sun was beaming and as we trundled along we almost forgot about the wheel bearing until we were nearing Doncaster, where we stopped for food n coffee before deciding A1 all the way or M18/ M1.
    We opted for the latter as we knew we could keep a constant speed up, tho we had a
    noisy wheel bearing to contend with and barring any hick ups we’d be home some time today, Wednesday.

    Thanks to “Smiffy”, “Highlander” n’ Jan and me Trusty Truck!
    Oh and not forgetting the missus as Co pilot….. Id’ take her again … me Truck

    Happy trails wherever you travel!
    Buncefield Burner

  • #2
    good to see you got back home safe m8 n that you all enjoyed yourselfs


    • #3
      Awesome, Good for you!!! Id love to do a trip like that but id get so horribly lost its crazy!!


      • #4
        Here's the first of 3 lots o Pics
        Attached Files
        Buncefield Burner


        • #5
          These are in no particular order
          Attached Files
          Buncefield Burner


          • #6
            And the final few..... So don't say we don't bring ya any thing back.....
            Hope ya enjoyed the show as much as we enjoyed the real thing !!
            No not Coke ..... The Views

            Jess n Zenda
            Attached Files
            Buncefield Burner


            • #7
              hmmmmmmmmm but did you see nessie?


              • #8
                Originally posted by RodLeach
                Awesome, Good for you!!! Id love to do a trip like that but id get so horribly lost its crazy!!
                Just don't forget ya Maps !!

                There's always a Payback.... Ya just never think it's your turn !!!!
                Buncefield Burner


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pirate-storm
                  hmmmmmmmmm but did you see nessie?
                  No Chance !!!!! Will
                  But were there's a will ... there's a way !!!!

                  There's always a Payback .... Ya just don't see it Comin !!!!
                  Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 26 October 2007, 02:09.
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Surferjess
                    No Chance !!!!!

                    There's always a Payback .... Ya just don't see it Comin !!!!

                    good to see n hear you all had a good time m8 might make up that way myself next year been just over the border into scotland with BBC film crews but never seen it otherwise


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by pirate-storm
                      good to see n hear you all had a good time m8 might make up that way myself next year been just over the border into scotland with BBC film crews but never seen it otherwise
                      "Highlander" did say he might try n organise summat wiv "Smiffy" n others north o the border for a run up there next year, we can only hope ....

                      There's always a Payback .... Ya just don't see it Comin !!!!
                      Buncefield Burner

