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Sumo's soapbox.

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  • Sumo's soapbox.

    I'm not a political minded person as I think all polatitions are the same,but there is 1 local issue that has got me a bit wound up,and thats our local hospital.Its partly the fact that they want to close,sell and then redevelope a nice grade 2 listed building but mostly its the fact that IT DONT BELONG TO THEM.

    Back in 1917 when Dr John Barrtlet died he left to the community a 52 bed convolecence hospital plus nureses quarters and £250k in trust funds to keep the place going.In 1947 the NHS took over and agreed with all the terms and conditions of his will.Now in 2007 the local PCT want to sell it to a developer.
    When they were challenged to the legal right of ownership they said "oh sorry we have lost the paperwork but trust us it is ours to sell".
    All right said the local action group show us the financial records the.
    What records said the PCT our records only go back to 1996.

    Who was John Henry Bartlet?
    John Henry was a Surgeon based at Ipswich Hospital. He was also the son of an Ipswich surgeon and therefore had a good understanding of healthcare and the need for convalescent care. Before he died aged 87, he made a will that made provision of a convalescent home as he identified the gap in the general care of patients. The Care in the Community project cannot provide the specialist care that the Bartlet can which reflects the problems experienced by the people in 1914 when John first wrote his Will.

    What happened to the money?
    John Henry left £250k in stocks and shares when he died in 1917 to be used for the provision of the Bartlet; the Trust money transferred in 1947 has vanished without a trace. Financial records from the NHS were not kept until 1996! The bank that the money was in has no record of where the money has gone.
    So basicaly they nicked a lot of fine seafront real estate and £250ks worth(back in 1917 so whats that at todays rate) of dosh.

    Now the pitch.If you feel like bugging The Right Honorable G Brown go to

    http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/SaveTheBartlet/ and tell him.There are a few other issues but this is not the place for me to start.

    Ok Rant over thanks for listerning and the normal sumo service will be resumed.
    If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.

  • #2
    This happens all the time. Councils and governments , local or national have no shame. More than 30 yrs ago the father of a mate of mine sold off his farm which was being encroached on by the town. He sold it bits, most of it to developers but some to the council. He also gifted a chunk to the council on the condition that they use it for the good of the community. They did nothing with it for over 20 years and then sold it off as building plots to individuals at whatever a plot cost at the time. There was something in the region of 30 plots worth. A fair chunk of dosh. When my mate complained they offrred to name a street after his Dad. He told them to shove it.

    Сви можемо


    • #3
      we had the same thing down here at a small local hospital in Hayle.Nuns started the hospital up many years ago and kept it going.Then 2 years ago the nhs wanted to close it down.There was a massive march to petition the closure of more than 30,000 people which closed the the whole of Hayle down.Even the surgeons who were going to be at the hospital a lot of the time like the one who done my hip operation joined in the petition and threatened to walk out if the closure went ahead.The hospital is now being kept open and is going to be used for breast cancer and orthapedic operations now.
      I feel myself that the care i got in a small hospital like this was far more than i would of got at another bigger hospital,im not saying that this would of been the case but with the NHS being under staffed the smaller hospitals and staff have more time to spend with the patients and hospitals are there for the patients and not the patients for the hospitals.

      Hope they keep your hospital open Sumo like they did here


      • #4
        signed .........NHS don't give a F.F. as long as the targets are hit


        • #5
          what do you mean understaffed!!!!!!!

          the nhs has got no where near enough accountants

          infact whilst closing the maternity unit at eastbourne dgh(to provide a better service wouldnt you know)

          they have recently taken on more pen pushers at a cost of hundreds and thousands of pounds
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            GET BACK TO WORK Grumpy
            Enjoying Life after Cancer


            • #7
              Same with the impending closeure of Haslar hospital in gosport, excellent hospital, was the last military hospital i think, no ammount of protesting will stop the money hungry/target meeting trusts
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                they're all the same, near me was some green-belt land using a covenant, but Bolton council didn't even fight to keep the covenant and instead let Barratts Homes have the land.

