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Dangerous Dogs

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  • Dangerous Dogs

    I've just been bitten by my aunts dog... bastid... caught me right in the face, teeth in either side of my bottom lip.

    It's not bad I ain't gonna go to hospital or nothin an i don't expect it'll scar but it $$$$$$ hurts. I expect it'll smart a bit in the morning and swell up nicely, but the thing that annoys me most is i'll be walking my shepherd, he's huge but a gentle giant, and a friends white shepherd, who can be a bit feisty but wouldn't hurt you.

    And if anyone recognises that there bite marks on my lip it'll be one of them that people think has done it, not this little $$$$$$ collie cross mongrel thing that i agreed to walk and feed for my aunt while she's away this week. Still got 3 days of walkin the bleedin mutt aswell. Today was the 1st day.
    =SOLD UP!=

  • #2
    lol best get him to the vets tomorrow just in case hes caught something from you
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      In my experience the collie's and collie crosses can be nasty little b'stards with a short fuse, generally, the bigger the dog the better the temprement, the little ones tend to suffer from the "Napolian complex"

      Get an antiseptic mouthwash, animal bites can get septic real quick, and get a tetnus if you're not already covered.

      Oh, and take the dog to the vets and have him castrated, that'll show him not to fcuk with you in the future ...................nah, only joking.

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        I love dogs but they need to know there place.

        soften it's $$$$ing ribs.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #5
          The little $$$$zu........

          And Rob, Harley's a big dog, and he damn near bit my head off.....but he's gentle once he know's its you.....then forgets and tries to kill you of course!

          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #6
            Originally posted by MudSurfer
            The little $$$$zu........

            And Rob, Harley's a big dog, and he damn near bit my head off.....but he's gentle once he know's its you.....then forgets and tries to kill you of course!

            aye, i've met Harley, he's lovely, just schizophrenic
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              Originally posted by plumb bob
              Get an antiseptic mouthwash, animal bites can get septic real quick, and get a tetnus if you're not already covered.
              I've washed out with saline so hopefully that'll do the trick.

              Other than that i dunno what the best antiseptics are to use in and around the mouth TCP or i somethin like Bonjela i guess or just go to the pharmacy in the morning and see what they recommend. Any ideas?
              =SOLD UP!=


              • #8
                Hehehe, yes he can be a bit wary of strangers, once he gets to know you he's ok, just takes him a few months thats all

                Still working for the man!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nero279
                  I've washed out with saline so hopefully that'll do the trick.

                  Other than that i dunno what the best antiseptics are to use in and around the mouth TCP or i somethin like Bonjela i guess or just go to the pharmacy in the morning and see what they recommend. Any ideas?

                  TCP will do it, but it may sting a bit, a good shot of whisky/vodka/brandy, as the alchohol will help kill the germs, then at least you can swallow it, unlike the TCP.

                  Still working for the man!


                  • #10
                    ooh an excuse for vodka, must be almost exactly 2 years ago i last drunk vodka and i spent the night in A&E. I'll probably only have to sniff the stuff and i'll fall over.
                    =SOLD UP!=


                    • #11
                      i just had to get rid of my springer spaniel pup 6 months old he was i loved him to bits but he had my kids a few times then nearly had baby so he had to go now im lost without him but least he wont bite the kids now n some so called friend didnt like i got rid of him n said i was cruel n if i ever have another dog they will report me to rspca for cruelty. hmmmmmmm some friends,they think more of dog than of humans what was i spose to do keep him n let him have the kids n baby n bite them god id be in sh@@ street then even more so i cant win either way. 2 different vets said he was well looked after dog n very healthy so am i really cruel what would you guys do in that case


                      • #12
                        That's a shame, but kids have gotto come first, been enough horrific dog attacks on children ( in the press) lately, you did the right thing,for you, your family and the dog.

                        He'll find a home that will suit his temprement, and I'm sure you'll find another companion.

                        As I said, the larger dogs generally have the better temprement, so if you can afford to keep it, a bull mastiff makes a good family pet.
                        They don't need too much excersize, as they're a heavy dog, maybe a mile or two a day, whereas a GSD can need over 5 miles a day. And a bull mastiff will eat about £15/week

                        Still working for the man!


                        • #13
                          you done the right thing Will.

                          We (me and my whole family) love dogs and have always had dogs, we were lost without one when one we had from a pup died at 15 years old, mostly we've had rescues, we've only had 2 from pups. And the first pup turned on me when i was a toddler, ok so i was tryin to eat his dinner out of his bowl at the same time as him (i was too young to know better, or at least that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it ) my parents considered having him rehomed but we kept him.

                          Since then we've been lucky and other than 1 all our dogs have had lovely temperaments, one that didn't was a shepherd bitch and she just wasn't suited to a family environment, we got her when she was about 3 years old, and she had been mistreated by a previous owner and wasn't used to being indoors, or around people, she didn't like people with northern accents, and went for 2 of my friends. In the end we had to have her re-homed and she ended up working as a security dog where she had the run of a compound and basically lived outside but she was happier doing that than she was with us.

                          Missing the point here though. - Will, not all dogs are suited to all environments or situations, and you've got to think of the family and kids first. Whatever people say about particular breeds and so on are only indications, any one dog of any breed may or may not show all the behaviours associated with that breed. It may be safer to wait until the children are a little older and try again with another dog. You may also find a slightly older dog who is up for rehoming might be better suited to young children, especially if they have come from an environment where there's been children around. The RSPCA and so on will ensure that the dog is suited to you and your situation before you commit to taking it on aswell.

                          Just cos you had a bad experience with 1 dog doesn't make you a bad owner Will, and you know he's gone to a good home where he will be looked after, and you haven't got to keep half an eye on the pup and half an eye on the kids all the time.
                          =SOLD UP!=


                          • #14
                            yes your right m8 n sorry for nicking your thread but when i seen this thread i thought id say also.
                            just we lost our old dog last xmas n she was brill with the kids i know all dogs not the same but i wanted one so much n so did the kids.dog was to be close friend if you know what i mean.
                            i still want another dog but i spose i'll have to wait till the kids are older.
                            i have learnt one thing never go for the last dog in a litter. dont get me wrong he loved the kids but would bite now n then n when he nearly went for baby i had to let him go broke my heart n still is least i can still see him where he is but not the same.
                            i aint bumped into these so called friends yet only wife as n they made her cry twice but i cant do anything bout it as id end up worse off if i went off on one. i know im going to soon but got to keep a cool head.
                            but i still want a dog so bad that much that if anyone off here comes on holiday here in cornwall dont put your dog in kennels as long as its good with young kids id look after it for a week or 2 to help out free.
                            i still think i did wrong thing letting him go but on other hand kids come first n these so called friends cant see that. sorry to go on as it not my thread just so angry with myself n them t@@ts that i still have a tear over the dog silly i know but thats me im a big kid
                            Last edited by pirate-storm; 24 October 2007, 08:45.


                            • #15
                              On the subject of dogs! Couldn't sleep last night and of course the dog's I'm sure I certainly woundn't normally hear were bouncing about up and down the stairs... its now just before 5.30am in Germany and I'm in work so that I don't kill them.... I don't start work till 8am today! Sposed to be my lay in!!!

                              Man Flu + Dogs = Early Start!?!?!

                              How does that work FFS!
                              Always in the sh*t! Depth: Various.

