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  • Puppies

    Hi all
    Been offline for ages but finally have some good news to share! My beautiful Spanish Water Dog, Maddie is due to whelp on 4th November. So all you dog lovers out there please be forthcoming with tips about the whole process as quite frankly i am scared to death! (plus we have one definite home for a pup - if you are interested in the breed do some research and get in touch - thwy should be rehomed at 7 weeks which takes us to 23rd December assuming due date is correct)
    And another plus is that after my other halfs horrific accident last year, he has passed his HGV medical so I sent him back out to work. And we still have the Surf. So all in all not bad!

    Be good to be back in the fold......


  • #2
    congrast on your good news [puppies] @ getting him back out to work ]
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      good stuff, I know nowt about whelping.

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


      • #4
        Congratulations on the pups, and on your other half returning to work. Is your other half the guy who had an accident in a loading bay? Hope he has made a good recovery.
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #5
          Originally posted by nero279
          Congratulations on the pups, and on your other half returning to work. Is your other half the guy who had an accident in a loading bay? Hope he has made a good recovery.

          Thanks - yes he did have the accident in the loading bay last year and it's been a $$$$$$ tough year for both of us!
          He still has foot drop due to the nerve damage caused in the surgery but we are hoping that this will recover. He wears a supportive splint and was able to pass his HGV medical so back to work hes gone, grumbling and complaining. He got very fond of daytime TV which is worrying.........


          • #6
            Originally posted by Purpledoris
            He got very fond of daytime TV which is worrying.........

            .......glad to hear he's back driving, and hope his recovery continues.
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              Originally posted by Purpledoris
              He got very fond of daytime TV which is worrying.........

              When my working dogs (collies and spaniels) have been expecting pups they have usually chosen a special place in their kennel and made a 'bed'. I usually put a heat lamp above their bed (out of chewing reach!)a few days before and when the due day arrives, which is usually pretty accurate, only ever had one dog a day late, keep an eye on her. Watch out for signs of pawing the ground and carrying things about in her mouth and going to lie in her chosen place a lot. First litters can take quite a while to arrive. Watch she doesn't squish them when she's giving birth to the next one. Best of luck.



              • #8
                mate of mine used to make a whelping box a few weeks before she was due so she would get used to it , put a pig rail in [keeps the bitch from as someone[jax] said squishing the pups lol] put whelping box in search engine might be able to steal some ideas
                Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                • #9
                  Hi Doris

                  We have whole department that are experts, one of which has become a very good friend and she is THE EXPERT as she whelped 5 litters in 12 months which works out to 35 weeks of pups.

                  if you would like help and advice contact me and I'll put the two of you in touch.

                  All the best Tony and pup Chloe


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Purpledoris
                    Hi all
                    Been offline for ages but finally have some good news to share! My beautiful Spanish Water Dog, Maddie is due to whelp on 4th November. So all you dog lovers out there please be forthcoming with tips about the whole process as quite frankly i am scared to death! (plus we have one definite home for a pup - if you are interested in the breed do some research and get in touch - thwy should be rehomed at 7 weeks which takes us to 23rd December assuming due date is correct)
                    And another plus is that after my other halfs horrific accident last year, he has passed his HGV medical so I sent him back out to work. And we still have the Surf. So all in all not bad!

                    Be good to be back in the fold......


                    Build a whelping box large enough for your bitch to lay down fully stretched out with a bit extra all round and get her used to sleeping in it a few weeks before hand you can line the floor of the box with newspaper or vet bed. Place it in a warm dry sheltered place or in the house if thats wher you (She) is having them. Start taking her temperature a few days before she is due. doing this you will be able to determine her normal temperature. When her temperature drops she will whelp within 24hrs. Taking her temp 2 or 3 times a day you will be able to pinpoint the drop.
                    The first stage of whelping your bitch will become very restless and probably go into bouts of deep panting ( dont worry if she vomits or refuses food).This could last up to 24hrs.
                    When she is ready to deliver she will go calm the first sign of a delivery should be the appearance of a dark fluid filled bag. She should be able to deliver by herself if there are no complications.ie chewing off the umbilical cord etc.
                    She may eat the placentas this is quite normal if not you will have to open the bag yourself. ensure you see the same number of placentas as puppies as remaining placentas can and usually do cause problems.
                    Usually after each birth and after the pup has had milk we put them to one side in a box of towels under a heat lamp while the next is born. The puppies should be born head first. Whelping can last quite a long time depending on your breed so be prepared to stay with her until the last pup has been born.
                    Hope this helps feel free to ask if you wish to know more.
                    PS I wouldnt rehome till 8 weeks at least this would take it after Xmas and remember when you do a dog is for life not just for Xmas
                    Last edited by Taliesins; 24 October 2007, 21:57.
                    Trust your Hound.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all the tips! I shall let you know how it goes - just got to persuade the vet to be on call as nobody locally does an out of hours service anymore.
                      However this breed do go to their new homes at 7 weeks and no later - the club are quite strict about this, the pups are more than ready to go by then - all the breed websites and owners will confirm this, I don't think we are being hasty here....

                      She has always followed us around and so has so far ignored her whelping area preferring to get under our bed so I suspect we shall be moving to the sofa - they are due on 4th November so fingers crossed!

                      We shall probably crack open the champagne after the 2nd successful feed (or just grab some sleep in shifts)

                      She is lying next to me on her back with her legs in the air at the moment letting some air to her massive tum!




                      • #12
                        Well finally got time to post! Maddie delivered 6 beautiful pups on 4th November, 3 of each. If any of you hunters out there fancy a pup, look up Spanish Water Dogs on tinternet and let me know if you are interested! We have both sexes available. Not that I want to part with them of course...........
                        My pictures are too big to go on here - how do I resize?



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Purpledoris
                          Well finally got time to post! Maddie delivered 6 beautiful pups on 4th November, 3 of each. If any of you hunters out there fancy a pup, look up Spanish Water Dogs on tinternet and let me know if you are interested! We have both sexes available. Not that I want to part with them of course...........
                          My pictures are too big to go on here - how do I resize?

                          if you got paintshop pro openthe pic you want then click the image icon then click on resize n then save image as same or rename it


                          • #14
                            Or MS Picture Manager to resize. Create a http://photobucket.com/
                            account and upload there then use the 'insert image' icon here and paste from photobucket.

                            Wax on, wax off

