My boss, who's a shooting man has always driven Landies gave up on his last landy it just had too much wrong with it. Kept braking down. You all know the story... Anyway he got himself a BMW 318 coupe but missed the 4x4 experience. He started asking loads of questions about my Surf and commented on numerous occasions how he though it looked good. After finding out that his BM was depreciating to the tune of £250-300 a month he's gone and got himself a brand new Hilux double cab.
Had to tell you all about the depreciation on the BM I couldn't believe it.
And of course I like to think that I had something to do with steering him away from another Landy.
Had to tell you all about the depreciation on the BM I couldn't believe it.
And of course I like to think that I had something to do with steering him away from another Landy.