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Insurance Ugh

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  • Insurance Ugh

    Daughter is 17 on Wednesday phoned insurance

    Me, Hi can you put daughter on as named driver.

    Person on phone, Norwich Union yer Sir 998cc Nissan Micra renewal is January thats £522.98 please.

    Me, Oh well it was £115 fully comp for me and Mrs Highlander.

    POP, Yes well it still is.

    Me, So how much till January.

    POP, £522.98 Sir.

    Me, And then

    POP, $522.98 plus £115 Sir.

    Me, So £522.98 for 9 weeks then £533.98 plus £115.

    POP, Yes.

    I called Direct line and got £420 for wife daughter and myseld fully comp no claims protection free windscreen cover all the trimmings and daughter gets her own no claims bonus even though she's a named driver on my insurance.

    Just called Norwich Union back and cancelled taking out Direct line.

    Sorted has anyone else found such a huge hike because they wanted to let their kids learn to drive.
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2
    do a search for quinn insurance i think it is based in Ireland as well insured the 18 yr old fiesta with them with the wife as driver and the boy as a named learner driver and we got it for about £500 fully comp.
    everywhere else we tried were over 1k for us to get him insured.Plus this quinn insurance specialises in young drivers


    • #3
      Thats what i hate about insurance companys!!

      Ive had to pay stupid amounts of money to drive the cars/trucks ive wanted too!!

      Im on Adrian Flux now, £800 all mods 3rd part F&T - 20 years old, 2 NCB


      • #4
        Well Norwich shot themselves in the foot wanting a full years fee for 9 weeks

        My ZZR1100 is only £160odd. FC
        www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


        • #5
          Same hassle with N.U. Me & wife driving surf on 9000 miles pa UP from £600 to £820 but no claims or losses..........how come? and bye bye
          With Adrian Flux now £550


          • #6
            i got the opposite, added my mum onto insurance and it dropped by £150!!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Originally posted by da SLUG man
              i got the opposite, added my mum onto insurance and it dropped by £150!!
              When I first tried to insure the car for myself it was more expensive they said if I had female driver on the ploicy it would be cheeper.

              My wife has had 4 accidents against my none but they put her on and knocked £110 off original quote.
              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


              • #8
                I hate Norwich Union. Was with them for a year, and that was more than enough time. The final reason to leave was that when my renewal quote came through it was £1,500. Considering the previous year I was £900, had no claims, no points, no nothing. Went to Adrian Flux and pay £750 per year now. The only plus side to being with Norwich Union is that I was staring to learn Hindi, after chatting with their call center
                Hold my beer and watch this


                • #9
                  Originally posted by da SLUG man
                  i got the opposite, added my mum onto insurance and it dropped by £150!!
                  Can I add her to mine? I'm always looking for ways to save money
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

