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Back at long last!!

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  • Back at long last!!

    Having made a very big mistake in october 2005 by selling my beloved surf , i have finally got a surf back about three weeks ago! Hurray....shame the Tennyson trail has since closed down on the isle of wight
    HELEN xx

  • #2
    Welcome back!!!

    You need to update your profile and get some pics of your new Surf!!
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      Well done and welcome back

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        welcome back, now don't sell it again
        Hold my beer and watch this


        • #5
          or if you do sell it,make sure mudsurfer gets it,

          he's trying to corner the market!!!
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            Dont intend on making the same mistake twice....best truck i ever had. Will get some pics on here later on to update my profile but have updated everything else.
            HELEN xx


            • #7
              good to see ya back again Helen and what a wise move getting another


              • #8
                Thanx for the welcome back....I've really missed the forum, but stopped looking on here until i got another one....lots of junk in between including a peugeot 306 est, a mercedes, a suzuki jeep, a paj and a lucida mpv. Did a great deal on this surf tho' straight swap for 1992 lucida.
                HELEN xx


                • #9
                  Originally posted by heleneaustin
                  Thanx for the welcome back....I've really missed the forum, but stopped looking on here until i got another one....lots of junk in between including a peugeot 306 est, a mercedes, a suzuki jeep, a paj and a lucida mpv. Did a great deal on this surf tho' straight swap for 1992 lucida.
                  so we may see you at a few meets next year then so you can get the shineyness out your system and turn to the muddy side


                  • #10
                    Hi this thread is worthless without pictures
                    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by heleneaustin
                      Having made a very big mistake in october 2005 by selling my beloved surf , i have finally got a surf back about three weeks ago! Hurray....shame the Tennyson trail has since closed down on the isle of wight
                      Welcome back !!!!!!!!!

                      Are you sure about the Tennyson ? We did it earlier in the year

                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by UDTrev
                        Welcome back !!!!!!!!!

                        Are you sure about the Tennyson ? We did it earlier in the year


                        Ah cr*p! I hope it aint closed... was hoping to do that one, one day... if i managed to convince you an pops


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RodLeach
                          Ah cr*p! I hope it aint closed... was hoping to do that one, one day... if i managed to convince you an pops
                          you also need to persuade our resident corkhead - Dunno !!!!
                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by UDTrev
                            you also need to persuade our resident corkhead - Dunno !!!!

                            Ahh!! Well, After seeing your pictures from earlier in the year i was disapointed i didnt go on the trip. Was really hoping to do those routes somewhen.

                            When my trucks all finished with the lift etc. If its ok with you an pops an Dunno. I really would like to see them.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by RodLeach
                              Ahh!! Well, After seeing your pictures from earlier in the year i was disapointed i didnt go on the trip. Was really hoping to do those routes somewhen.

                              When my trucks all finished with the lift etc. If its ok with you an pops an Dunno. I really would like to see them.
                              I can't see any problem there, I take it you have the extra visa in your passport ?
                              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

