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Help!! Key stuck in ignition!

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  • Help!! Key stuck in ignition!

    I've fooked it

    I can't get the key out of the ignition on my surf.... - as if it was not in park, - but it is in park! Anyone heard of this happening before???? I have take it out of park, rolled it forwards and back a bit, still not joy, even played with the different 4x4 modes and put it back into H2 and nothing...

    Anyone had this before?

    I thought it may be because I had removed teh centre console and the ECT power button was not in place, so I plugged in all buttoms.. its still doing it. I'm out of ideas!

    I will not let me go into "lock" so I have to leave it on acc.... which is not going to be good!

    Please Help!!!
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  • #2
    dunno about the 3rd gens, but on the 2nd gen there is a spring that can get knocked off at the bottom of the gear lever, it's part of the mechanism that releases the selector from park only when your foots on the brake, could be something similar round there that's been knocked if you've had that area apart.

    Failing all else take off the lower dash and pop the ignition barrell out, it will only come out with the ignition on, and there'ss be a little button somoewhere on the housing you have to push in to release it. at least then you'll be able to turn the ignition off.
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      or if not try wd 40 ignition on off on off on off,wiggle if that dont work,persuede paper clip wire in and wiggle(to move wot is prob a dropped pin in the barrel


      • #4
        I had the dash out of my 2nd gen to fit new speakers, Couple of days later.... bam the key was stuck in the ignition...

        My cure was to press the red button near the gear stick to free up the gears with the engine off, then just pulled it back an pushed it forward... Now the dash is all back together again and i havent gone near it, Its fine.


        • #5
          FERGUS had the same problem on his 3rd Gen, I tried it & it was fine its never happened since. Check the posts at the bottom of this page for further info.


          • #6
            Yup looked through the links (Handy that feature, search functoin didn't bring them up!) - I'll check for some sort of mechanism around the gear lever at "park". I figure it must be a microswitch or something...

            - if I deconect the battery it goes to lock and comes out fine.

            I'll look on EPc now adn see if there are any parts shown


            All sorted now.... I fiddled took things apart, put them back together and it seemed to work....... I think the button you press on the top of the lever was sticking down and not popping up properly.

            Cheers guys.
            Last edited by Karma Supra; 21 October 2007, 21:40.
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