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Fatal Accident

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mud skipper
    Hiya Bibs did the postman deliver a package to you ?

    Hello stanger - Nope - postal strike an all that - as soon as I go to reception now Kirsty says - no post before I even ask.

    If it doesn't turn up next week I will worry.

    (Say hi to Sally)
    How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


    • #17
      As much as I love riding my bike I do have to confess it does scare me, and as much as I hate to quote stats the majority of bike accidents, (forgive me I don't have the stats to hand) anywhere up to 70% of bike accidents are single vehicle accidents with only the bike rider/ bad luck to blame.

      Every vehicle driver has a near miss on a very regular basis, from minor things like missing a junction to being distracted and having to break too hard at the end of a line of traffic to god forbid a major RTC. The difference between bikes and other vehicles is the complete lack of steel armour surrounding a biker, and therefore the abscense of crumple zones, and impact protection.

      A word of caution... I was banned from owning a motor bike by my parents, whilst living at home, as soon as I moved out I brought one and the constant your not having a bike there too dangerous routine possibly drove me towards it more.... I would suggest that if you have a family member expressing an interest in riding, support their decisions, and try to steer them in the direction of proper training and advanced training, as well as all the proper safety gear!

      Nothing P1$$e$ me off more than being overtaken by a biker in shorts and t-shirts, on an R1 (1000cc) whilst I potter into work on my NSR 125 (125cc) in all the safety gear money can buy along with my rather un-fasionable hi-vis yellow rucksak (a pressie from my concerned father).


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bibs
        Hello stanger - Nope - postal strike an all that - as soon as I go to reception now Kirsty says - no post before I even ask.

        If it doesn't turn up next week I will worry.

        (Say hi to Sally)
        Sal would say hi but shes at work now til 3pm tomoz( yes u did read that right), if u dont get the cd let me know and i will resend.
        Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


        • #19
          Originally posted by adm_sx
          As much as I love riding my bike I do have to confess it does scare me, and as much as I hate to quote stats the majority of bike accidents, (forgive me I don't have the stats to hand) anywhere up to 70% of bike accidents are single vehicle accidents with only the bike rider/ bad luck to blame.

          Every vehicle driver has a near miss on a very regular basis, from minor things like missing a junction to being distracted and having to break too hard at the end of a line of traffic to god forbid a major RTC. The difference between bikes and other vehicles is the complete lack of steel armour surrounding a biker, and therefore the abscense of crumple zones, and impact protection.

          A word of caution... I was banned from owning a motor bike by my parents, whilst living at home, as soon as I moved out I brought one and the constant your not having a bike there too dangerous routine possibly drove me towards it more.... I would suggest that if you have a family member expressing an interest in riding, support their decisions, and try to steer them in the direction of proper training and advanced training, as well as all the proper safety gear!

          Nothing P1$$e$ me off more than being overtaken by a biker in shorts and t-shirts, on an R1 (1000cc) whilst I potter into work on my NSR 125 (125cc) in all the safety gear money can buy along with my rather un-fasionable hi-vis yellow rucksak (a pressie from my concerned father).
          your last comment is true that really pi$$es me off, u have only one skin and one life so protect it.
          as for steering offspring away, yes i hopefully have by buying a honda xl125s as a field bike for the pair of us to play with, having had the odd little off he is now bored and wary of bikes. it mite all change when he turns 16 and realises he could have his own freedom....................... ...............
          Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


          • #20
            Originally posted by adm_sx
            As much as I love riding my bike I do have to confess it does scare me, and as much as I hate to quote stats the majority of bike accidents, (forgive me I don't have the stats to hand) anywhere up to 70% of bike accidents are single vehicle accidents with only the bike rider/ bad luck to blame.

            Every vehicle driver has a near miss on a very regular basis, from minor things like missing a junction to being distracted and having to break too hard at the end of a line of traffic to god forbid a major RTC. The difference between bikes and other vehicles is the complete lack of steel armour surrounding a biker, and therefore the abscense of crumple zones, and impact protection.

            A word of caution... I was banned from owning a motor bike by my parents, whilst living at home, as soon as I moved out I brought one and the constant your not having a bike there too dangerous routine possibly drove me towards it more.... I would suggest that if you have a family member expressing an interest in riding, support their decisions, and try to steer them in the direction of proper training and advanced training, as well as all the proper safety gear!

            Nothing P1$$e$ me off more than being overtaken by a biker in shorts and t-shirts, on an R1 (1000cc) whilst I potter into work on my NSR 125 (125cc) in all the safety gear money can buy along with my rather un-fasionable hi-vis yellow rucksak (a pressie from my concerned father).
            Wise words - suprsising how many seconds earlier you can be spotted with hi vis items. I swear by them.
            How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


            • #21
              Originally posted by mud skipper
              Sal would say hi but shes at work now til 3pm tomoz( yes u did read that right), if u dont get the cd let me know and i will resend.
              Ooooo ouch .......will do
              How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


              • #22
                Field bikes are a great way of learning to respect a bike, I also think if you have to save for a bike and learn to maintain it you'll respect it more and not want it to go down the road, I can remember nearly crying at a 15/20mph off I had on a rescued and rebuilt H-reg CG125, (£180 otr) as i watched the sparks come off the foot pegs. I smile at the thought now, but I wont make the same mistake again.

                I also think that biking attracts a certain type of nutter to buying big bikes, and I personally think this minority make up a large majority of the accidents, thats not to say we dont all have em, but as long as there is a brain with some common sense attached to the hand on the throttle then I think the likelyhood of an accident is decreased.

                Although as other vehicle drivers we can reduce the accidents involving bikes further by following the guidance of killspills.org.uk about over filling with diesel, and it slopping out the tank on bends or bumps in the road where a biker is more vaunerable.


                • #23
                  Know what they call Bank Holidays in Hospitals? "Donor Days!" Cos of all the weekend bikers that kill themselves.
                  So many hare up and down the A10 near me there's a fatal regularly. One overtook 2 cars and a truck with trailer which was turning right just after a bend and on a bridge! I know stupid drivers kill bikers but equally stupid bikers kill themselves and other people.
                  Nil illegitimi carborundum


                  • #24
                    Don't know if posting links is really ok in here but I think this really shows the mentality (or lack of mental activity) some bikers have.

                    Like the blurb says this is the A27 between Shoreham and Lewis in Sussex, not the most dangerous section of road but this guy definately has some kind of death wish

                    So without further ado... here is how to give biking a bad name...



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by adm_sx
                      Don't know if posting links is really ok in here but I think this really shows the mentality (or lack of mental activity) some bikers have.
                      That person is an arse

                      I love my bike, I love the freedom it gives me. But I absolutely hate idiots like that giving us a bad name. We're not all eejits, sure some are, like there are in all walks of life, but in the main we know what's right and what's wrong.

                      I've lost count of the number of folk who've pulled out in front of me or hung U turns in front of me. Old men with bunnets, van drivers and boy/girl racers are the bain of my biking life. I've even managed to kick 5 cars, if a car's close enough to be kicked it's got no right being there.

                      Titanium toe sliders make short work of car paint
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by adm_sx
                        Don't know if posting links is really ok in here but I think this really shows the mentality (or lack of mental activity) some bikers have.

                        Like the blurb says this is the A27 between Shoreham and Lewis in Sussex, not the most dangerous section of road but this guy definately has some kind of death wish
                        What a to55er. I ride a bike and people like that should be taken to one side and

                        I also work in the OT, along with Gerblet & Drunkmonkeyboy. We all get totally pi55sed off with the idiots that think Dartmoor is a racetrack, get it wrong and crash. This also applies to boy racers in their cars!!!
                        My other cars a QUAD
                        (sv1000spilot on surf forums)

