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Fatal Accident

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  • Fatal Accident

    Yesterday I was driving to work when I went past a motorcycle accident at Cold Ash near Thatcham. There was already a car at the scene and the driver of the car (who happened to be one of our drivers, but I didn't know at the time) was out on his mobile (and I later found out got there about two minutes before me) so I carried on driving to work. It turns out that when our driver stopped he found the motorcyclists body near to his bike.

    He told me when he got into work that it seems he hit a telegraph pole, and it killed the poor guy.

    I would like to say my thoughts are with his family at this time. Not a very nice scene to come across on your way to work and a very sad day for his family.

    My sincere condolences go out to him.

  • #2
    Yeah! happens all too often to riders, saw one on saturday, dont know how bad as i was on the bus, lost a couple of mates in motorcycle accidents, in the sixtys, and come close meself a few times, i'd $hit myself on a bike now,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      I've also lost a few mates in bike accidents. I've got a licence myself, but am pretty cool about getting one. One mistake and that's your lot. Most seem to be caused by the third party and the poor biker is the one who gets it.


      • #4

        only half a mile from my door.
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


        • #5
          one of my mates is in hospital at the mo from a bike accident last Thursday and it doesnt look good, van pulled across in front of him, he ended under it and it had to be lifted off using a fork lift, the van that is...
          Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


          • #6
            A guy I knew hit the side of an interflora van when it turned across him. Went over the top of it and then into a dry stone wall. Spent about 6 months in hospital.

            Way too dangerous on the roads these days.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              thats the sole reason i dont ride any more my life expectancy droped with every ride
              Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


              • #8
                yep its in every town bad drivers kill others my heart gose out to motor bikers
                iam very carfull around bikers i let them pass and let them out
                i was involed in a crash
                the other day (4 days ago) i was going down the road just at the back of my house (its a main road) i saw a elderly couple trying to get on there drive half on and half off the road so i stoped (nothing in the rear view mirror) i stayed there for about 10 seconds the old guy got onto his drive so i set off (looking in the rear view mirror) i saw a white ldv van go side ways and flip over a flower bed (about 2 ft high brick thing) the van went about 4ft in the air and slamed into a wall (my view was getting wider by now)i saw he was sat in to a wall the whole front end was a V shape but the 2 blokes got out of the van so at the time i carryed on with my stuff 5 mins later on my way back the whole road was shut off police ablulance fire engine all was there (i knew it was wrong) so i stoped and went up to a police man and told him what happend he tuk a statment off me then told me the van had jump into the wall (like i saw) but there was an old woman coming down the road on one of those scooter things
                the van hit her full on (that guy was going about 50 in a 30 zone
                when i was told this i felt realy bad for not getting out first time
                the driver off the van was about 18 (known boy racer)

                i hope that woman was ok but i dont think she was
                Last edited by JUDWAK; 16 October 2007, 08:13.
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #9
                  Hmmm...to misquote Mr Orwell: "Four wheels good; two wheels baaaaad."


                  • #10
                    That's why I'm off bikes for good, and trying to discourage my son from the idea.

                    If you drop a rock on a jug, the jug breaks.
                    If you drop a jug on a rock, it's still the jug that breaks.

                    Fortunately, young Rob thinks Surfs are seriously cool!

                    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                    • #11
                      we try to keep all ower famerly off bikes (its worked up to yet)
                      i will never have any more not rode a motor bike for 12 years or so
                      i go by 2 rules
                      woman + hilux = cost
                      man + bike = death
                      easy realy
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • #12
                        I go past that spot every day. It was the telegraph pole he hit. When you come up the road (which is straight for about half a mile) you have to negotiate some traffic calming measures, but a bike would be relatively unaffected. The telegraph pole is in direct line of the road as you approach the bend that it's on. It looks like he's failed to make the bend, gone straight across and hit the post head on.

                        There are lots of flowers there today.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
                          That's why I'm off bikes for good, and trying to discourage my son from the idea.

                          If you drop a rock on a jug, the jug breaks.
                          If you drop a jug on a rock, it's still the jug that breaks.

                          Fortunately, young Rob thinks Surfs are seriously cool!
                          same here i have a son who is egar to drive, and at the mo he hopes to get a suzuki sj as a first car, fingers crossed he keeps to it-a promise of green laning on the day he passes his test mite help
                          Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JUDWAK
                            we try to keep all ower famerly off bikes (its worked up to yet)
                            i will never have any more not rode a motor bike for 12 years or so
                            i go by 2 rules
                            woman + hilux = cost
                            man + bike = death
                            easy realy

                            Oooo now that's not right.

                            Woman + surf (1 yr)= nothin broke just a bit of off road damage
                            Man + bike (+woman) = still alive after 7 years going to the TT, hundreds of times over the mountain course an (touch wood) no misshaps

                            I am more likely to die on my horse.....................so statistics show

                            But each to their own opinion..........
                            How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                            • #15
                              Hiya Bibs did the postman deliver a package to you ?
                              Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell

