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Boy Racers... Discuss

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  • #76
    ikea coffee table !! boy i bet that shifts
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #77



      • #78
        i dont know what that is but it looks very similar to the old v12 jag engine.
        Last edited by surfenstein; 14 October 2007, 18:22.


        • #79
          Originally posted by surfenstein
          i dont know what that is put it looks very similar to the old v12 jag engine.
          Thats right


          • #80
            I've been away all week just been reading our opinions over Sunday coffee.

            If you have lost a loved one or friend as a result of this emotive topic my deepest sympathy.

            In writting I do not wish to cause offence or upset anyone, this is not my intention so if you have been touched by tragedy on our roads please accept my deepest condolences you may not wish to read further.

            I have not made reference to any specific makes or models of vehicles or refered to locations due to the sensitive nature of this post.

            I hope that perhaps some parents may pick up on the message and consider what we can do to stop our children getting hurt both on motor bikes and cars.

            I love going to rally's and looking at all the custom cars, classics dodge vipers 4x4s etc.

            Nice to see them on the road too, what I personally hate is the fact that most towns these day's have a gathering place for the kids with their cars.

            Why can't we help children/ young adults to use the imagination they have obviously got having made their little cars look pretty and foxtrot off some where else for the weekend to a beach party or organised event at a race circuit. or even just hire a campsite field or go to Blackpool and cruise slowly through the lights.

            Instead some groups pick the same car park and race each other round and round the same street weekend in and weekend out using about the same amount of petrol they would going to Blackpool till one of them gets killed.

            I have personally over the last 17 years dealt with over 30 relatives telling them their kids have been killed on the road mostly while racing each other mainly on the 40MPH LIMIT on the outskirts of towns.

            Usually between 0130hrs and 0300hrs.

            Some parents who bought their kids things like (a thin tin box which does warp factor 10) during their first year of driving can't understand why I have turned up to take em to the mortuary to I'd their sons or daughter's. They demand to know who was responsible!

            These have some times been the same parents who a week previously went to the nick to complain that Polis have been picking on their son/daughter because they keep getting stopped for no reason at all!

            They can't understand that we receive dozens of complaints about the noise of the cars and bikes charging round and around the same housing estates night after night keeping everyone awake and that their offspring have been asked repeatedly to stop.

            Some eventually realise but by then it is usually prior to attending the funeral of a youngster killed on the road.

            I think it's such a f**king waste of young lives and am sick of it.

            We were all young lads behind the wheel but personally 25 years ago with 1.1 Austins and Triumph heralds on x ply tyres which didn't go quite so fast allowed us to get a feel for the road and learn to drive.

            The roads were quieter too when 60mph felt like 120 with the wheel shaking and the free play 1/16th of the wheels circumference and bags of understeer meant you got a feel for the road.

            With modern crash test dummies and air bags kids think they are invincible rubberband tyres and wide wheels kids think they will be safe from puddles not realising that wide tyres mean lots of skating on damp roads.

            I have dealt with young folk having lost limbs stepping in front of speeding bikes and cars as they staggered out of the local night club in a drunken state.

            At this time I know every boy racer in my current post and each one of them has rolled his car or been with a mate who has rolled.

            I love to stop and chat with the kids in their shiny custom jobs, fluorescent lights glowing underneath in the car park( not while driving on the road)
            It gives me immense pleasure and leaves me awestruck at the skills they have now found fibre optic "wiring".

            However, I stopped a kid once and he opened the bonnet of his "Vauxhall Astra", he was beaming with excitement as he clamoured to show me his new "power unit" I was impressed it was a real gem.

            But I pointed out that he should have spent the cash on new brake pipes cos his were rotten to the point of extremely dangerous.

            His inner wings had been patched with cardboard and filler within 30 cm of the engine, suspension and drive train mountings as I am allowed to use hand pressure to test I finished up handing him half his inner wing which had come away in my hand, I felt sorrow for him and pity but a great sense of relief when I put a prohibition order on his car knowing that he would have been racing as soon as the police car left the village.

            As a local plod you get to hear and distinguish every one of the kids cars from the different exhaust notes and style of driving ( engine revs gear changes) which can be heard from several streets away.

            Complaints, well yep I got loads of abuse from the boy's parents for damaging their sons car, picking on him for no reason.

            Like I say I love the kids love their cars and love to talk to them but I'm not sure that I can keep doing it for much longer, 6 years to retirement frankly can't come quick enough, there's only so much grief a fella can take.

            Only recently a parent barged into the police station and was verbally abusive co's their son got a petty ticket from me for not wearing his belt.

            I'd stopped him for speeding and as a token gesture rather than £60s and 3 points I gave him a £30 fine which carries no points for not wearing his belt, then got a complaint for being unreasonable from his parents and only booking a kid co's I was too lazy to catch real criminals.

            I wonder what's worse a stolen car stereo or a dead kid.

            Sorry for the sombre post but I just wanted to put in a few words from a different perspective.

            6 more years may be just stretching my resolve too much.

            It isn't just kids in cars who are responsible I know that more than anyone.

            There are drunk drivers, drug drivers, speeding 4x4 drivers, lorry drivers taking risks and driving too close, taxi drivers, delivery drivers and oap drivers to name but a few.

            I just feel that this thread is dealing with boy racers and so have only posted my experience and very personal view in relation to it.

            Take care all you boy racers and think about beefing up yer brakes and suspension, take in a couple of track day's for christmas instead of a new boom box this year and if taking the girl friend for a spin if you want to keep her your girlfriend they ain't impressed by your tetosterone displays behind the wheel of yer Nova.

            Oh and father of the girlfriend will not be impressed if you have a prang.

            www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


            • #81
              Brilliant, this should be printed, laminated, and placed under the wiper of every modified car you see in a carpark!


              • #82
                Originally posted by Woodzie
                And this.................
                that looks like an IRL engine::

                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #83
                  Originally posted by dieselboy
                  that looks like an IRL engine::

                  Not it doesn't, yours has two extra cylinders!!!


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by RodLeach
                    Ohh... if he does buy back there is a STUNNING chrome bumper on ebay....

                    With no damn bids
                    ebay link plz Rod


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                      Not it doesn't, yours has two extra cylinders!!!
                      i was always short on spark plugs anyway haha
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by yoshie
                        ebay link plz Rod

                        The Auction finished now mate. It was just my old chrome bumper.... You interested?


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                          Brilliant, this should be printed, laminated, and placed under the wiper of every modified car you see in a carpark!
                          Cheers Vince

                          I am glad it came across.

                          Thanks JB
                          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

