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World is mad

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  • World is mad

    on bbc news

    soldier gets £285k for being disabled

    teacher £400k for back injury!!

    prisoner £500k+ for being saved while trying to comit suicide!!!

    My other cars a QUAD
    (sv1000spilot on surf forums)

  • #2
    hmm think i'll get nickd
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      Originally posted by sv1000spilot
      on bbc news

      soldier gets £285k for being disabled

      teacher £400k for back injury!!

      prisoner £500k+ for being saved while trying to comit suicide!!!

      The soldier deserves nothing, he chose the career and poo can be hard.

      Teacher's dont get injured, FFS that aint a real job anyway!

      Suicide within prison should be aided whenever possable.

      And anyway we have "care in the community" so who needs compo?


      • #4
        Originally posted by AuldNick
        The soldier deserves nothing, he chose the career and poo can be hard.

        Teacher's dont get injured, FFS that aint a real job anyway!

        Suicide within prison should be aided whenever possable.

        And anyway we have "care in the community" so who needs compo?
        Agree with your last two,


        I firmly believe that our chaps in green joined up knowing the dangers, but given that anyone else in a dangerous job is heavily insured, or looked after by the state (or should be if lazy, breeding like f*kin rabbits chavs weren't soaking it up) that he fully deserves some sort of support.

        The teacher and the prisoner can swivel as far as I'm concerned.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          How can anyone say teaching isnt a real job??

          auldnick, i think its good you got the balls to just say what you think! fairplay to ya!

          But someones gotta teach us all! You cant leave our latest nation of "lazy f**ks" to learn by themselves.

          You want my opinion! Teaching in a sh!t job. You have to deal with the f**kin chavs straight on day in an day out!! an try your hardest to help them learn when they dont give a damn!

          Im sorry but if anyone here could handle chavs everyday, all day without resortin to smackin them in the gob! I'd love to see it!!!

          A lot of the time we try an preach respect here yeah? Well there aint none there for people who take there times to help others!

          An yeah ok prisoners! quite a few are total c**ts! Deserve to be aided in suicide sure... but what about some poor ba$tard whos life just got screwed by hangin with the wrong people??!

          Sh!t happens, i accept that. People get a bad deal at times but if your gunna shot people down for tryin to give two sh!ts whats going on with this country... then we aint gunna get anywhere.

          All im sayin is... dont sh!t on everyones parade.


          • #6
            Originally posted by RodLeach
            How can anyone say BLAH BLAH BLAH.
            No offence Rod, but I think Nick has a point (for once)

            Teaching isn't the same as going out to Afghaniraq or some other hot sh1tty hellhole. My sis is a teacher and gets WAAAAY too much time off, and WAAAAY too much money for what she does - compared to some poor fool who's likely to get his balls shot off, or worse.

            Nearly half a million cos a teacher gets a back injury is a feckin joke, when a greenie gets less for gettin shot at, surely???
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              my wife is a teacher and some kid told her to f**k off the other day,

              the kid was five!!!!!!
              she is in tears some nights,as she says watching the future adult population going down the drain!!

              soldiers should be looked after properly,they serve their country yet return injured from war to mrsa ridden nhs hospitals cos all the military ones have been shut,and why does a soldier who loses a leg get 100.00 ish quid ,yet a secretary who gets rsi from to much typing get awarded half a million,
              really makes sense!!!

              all the above deserve some form of recognition/help
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #8
                suaddies join up knowing they're basically there to die for rich people to get richer. they're armed and trained to defend themselves, that being said, when they do get hurt, i think they deserve to get as much help, financially, emotionally and physically.

                teachers do what they do to try and help kids, including those of ungrateful parents who devalue their attempts to drum some intelligence into their retarded, asbo collecting scrotes and they don't get training in how to fight off a pupil who decides that taking a knife or gun to school coz someone called him fat/gay/stupid/a son of 2 siblings or whatever.
                OVERPAID AND TOO MUCH TIME OFF???? like to see the people slagging off teachers do their job for a year then come back with the same opinion. if ungrateful, welfare junky parents raised their kids with any respect, then you might have a point, but since at least half the kids in schools these days are little feckers who deserve a noose around their necks, you're talking gash.

                and the criminals in prison???? WTF is going on there??? break the law, go inside. deal with it, and if you want to die you scumf**ks, come stand in front of my truck and i'll give you a hand.
                i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                • #9
                  How did that teacher manage to get 400K. My mother was attacked by one of her pupils, spent 16months of work, had a knee op that went wrong, and her union couldn't get her a penny.
                  She retires this December cause at 60 she can nolonger physically defend herself from the little scrotes. She works at school from 8:30 am to 5pm, comes home, sleeps in the chair for an hour and then does paper work until about 10pm. As a job you'd need to be absolutlely mad to even think about it, this is clearly shown by the government paying people 9K just to train after training they don't have to do the job.

                  Armed forces have my respect, especially as they are nolonger protecting Queen and country, but spend their time playing Policeman in places they are not wanted, and in my opinion shouldn't be. They spend their time now in places where the only allies you have are those that trained with you. I think it is this governments responsibility to look after those that get injured doing their dirty work.

                  As for those in prison, it used to be said if you can't do the time, don't do the crime!
                  Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Apache
                    No offence Rod, but I think Nick has a point (for once)

                    Teaching isn't the same as going out to Afghaniraq or some other hot sh1tty hellhole. My sis is a teacher and gets WAAAAY too much time off, and WAAAAY too much money for what she does - compared to some poor fool who's likely to get his balls shot off, or worse.

                    Nearly half a million cos a teacher gets a back injury is a feckin joke, when a greenie gets less for gettin shot at, surely???

                    No offense taken mate, I have nothing but respect and admiration for those who join the army... personally i dont have the bottle to be shot at.

                    All im saying is, Teachers and squadies are both trying to help the country become better. Thats all. We should have respect for both of them.... giving 100% to try and make us a better britian.

                    I have equal amounts of respect for both parties. At least in the army your expected to be shot at. You hardly expect to be shot/stabbed etc in a school.

                    I didnt mean to cause offense to anyone nor belittle anyone's opinion. It would be a boring world if we all believed in the same ideas.

                    They say respect should be earned, not given. Well anyone who deciedes to be a teacher or join the services earns my respect.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by AuldNick
                      The soldier deserves nothing, he chose the career and poo can be hard.

                      Teacher's dont get injured, FFS that aint a real job anyway!

                      Suicide within prison should be aided whenever possable.

                      And anyway we have "care in the community" so who needs compo?

                      Sorry mate but you are totally wrong.....

                      There is what is called the "Military Covenant". This is when you sign your life away on the dotted line at attestation, the Military agrees to provide you with all the care you need if you get injured, and if you get killed then they agree to look after your family. This has been so for generations.

                      It's only because of this penny pinching Labour Government that they are failing these soldiers.

                      I feel very strongly about this having been a soldier myself. The military, especially the Army get treated like sh*t. A NIG who has just arrived at his unit is only on about £17,000 a year, and this for serving 6 months of every year in a war zone. Compare that to a copper who gets about £23,000 to start and gets a big pay rise every year until he/she has done up to 12 years service.

                      Yes we all know what we are getting into when we have joined up, but if you get disabled like this poor sod has as a result of enemy action then that soldier should expect to be given the very best treatment for as long as he needs it.

                      This is where the Army and military in general should have dedicated hospitals to look after injured ex-servicemen, but this government has closed all these down.

                      You might not agree with the war or like servicemen, but to say they are not entitled to the correct and proper care is wrong.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by M35A2
                        Sorry mate but you are totally wrong.....

                        There is what is called the "Military Covenant". This is when you sign your life away on the dotted line at attestation, the Military agrees to provide you with all the care you need if you get injured, and if you get killed then they agree to look after your family. This has been so for generations.

                        It's only because of this penny pinching Labour Government that they are failing these soldiers.

                        I feel very strongly about this having been a soldier myself. The military, especially the Army get treated like sh*t. A NIG who has just arrived at his unit is only on about £17,000 a year, and this for serving 6 months of every year in a war zone. Compare that to a copper who gets about £23,000 to start and gets a big pay rise every year until he/she has done up to 12 years service.

                        Yes we all know what we are getting into when we have joined up, but if you get disabled like this poor sod has as a result of enemy action then that soldier should expect to be given the very best treatment for as long as he needs it.

                        This is where the Army and military in general should have dedicated hospitals to look after injured ex-servicemen, but this government has closed all these down.

                        You might not agree with the war or like servicemen, but to say they are not entitled to the correct and proper care is wrong.
                        100% agree mate!!


                        • #13
                          if squadies were as good at soldiering as they are at moaning on and on about pay and conditions the wars would be over in a day.
                          i for one am fed up of the constant whinging, if you didnt expect to do soldiering why join up the army or services in the firstplace. most say they dont liek not getting to see action and prefer it to drills and sitting around barracks

                          every profession has good and bad points but u dont see the daily papers mounting campaings for the bin men or tesco workers or all other professions and netiher do other professions get reduced council tax.

                          i suspect life inthe army aint all that bad


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by fergus
                            if squadies were as good at soldiering as they are at moaning on and on about pay and conditions the wars would be over in a day.They are, but it's not quite that simple.i for one am fed up of the constant whinging, if you didnt expect to do soldiering why join up the army or services in the firstplace.The bit they didn't expect is getting done over by HMG on their return most say they dont liek not getting to see action and prefer it to drills and sitting around barracks

                            every profession has good and bad points but u dont see the daily papers mounting campaings for the bin men or tesco workers or all other professions and netiher do other professions get reduced council tax.Thats because binmen empty bins, and British forces fight wars. It's a bit different

                            i suspect life inthe army aint all that bad

                            You are right, a carreer in the forces isn't bad, but that doesn't give the government the right to take the proverbial out of the chaps when they come home broken.
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by fergus
                              if squadies were as good at soldiering as they are at moaning on and on about pay and conditions the wars would be over in a day.
                              i for one am fed up of the constant whinging, if you didnt expect to do soldiering why join up the army or services in the firstplace. most say they dont liek not getting to see action and prefer it to drills and sitting around barracks

                              every profession has good and bad points but u dont see the daily papers mounting campaings for the bin men or tesco workers or all other professions and netiher do other professions get reduced council tax.

                              i suspect life inthe army aint all that bad

                              Why should they pay council tax when they are overseas fighting a war. They should be like the American Army and not pay any tax at all.

                              You obviously haven't been in so you only have your one sided point of view. By the way, life in the Army is excellent, and yes most of us do prefer the action than doing A and X jobs down the vehicle park. But the point is, if you get injured then you expect your employer the government to step up to the plate and offer any help you need to get sorted.

