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knowing windows

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  • knowing windows

    well i thought i would post this for you lot who dont know how to see were your (kids or who ever has been on the internet) or if you just want to clean up your tracks of were you been on the internet
    i get many phone calls off worryed mums and dads who want to know what there kids are doing on the internet i have no kids so only me use's my commy and i dont do nothing with my commy but still check every now and then just to see were use's have been (mainly i dont do porn) if its not happening in my bed i dont want to know

    windows is very sneeky its got its own way of spying on us all
    here is the way of looking or keeping your self up to date
    this may be useless to most of you but iam sure it will be good for some (speeds your inter net up too)
    to read a compurter lingo / means folder
    to follow a path just click on every thing i type (in your own compurter) one by one
    first go to start then controle panel/folder options (this will bring up new window) at the top of that window second one across click VIEW
    scrole to the bottom of that page
    then click APPLY
    your screen will refresh its self at this piont
    now you can go and look at all the placers your compurter has ever gone
    just by following this next path
    start/my compurter/local disk c:/documents and settings/the name of your compurter(mines george)
    now you will see ghost like folders they are the ones that you where never ment to see
    so keep to the path i showed you now you see then first go to

    my recent documents (this folder looks liks a see through clock) this folder is what every thing that has ever been looked at on your compurter
    if you want to know when it was looked at right click over the top of that picture then click GENERAL (this will tell you when and were it was made and what date and time is was added to your commy)
    now click back at the top of the main page bringing you back to the ghost like folders
    ones to look at are the
    COOKIES (if you empty this folder it cleans up your net loging so make sure you know any pass words to forums before deleteing anything)
    this folder holds the key parts in tracking down were your internet has been
    click into the local settings folder
    now you will see one ghost folder and three other folders one with a dail on it
    APPLICATION DATA there is no need to go in to here no reason too
    HISTORY (the one with the dail on it)
    when you click in to here you will see that it gose down in weeks and some days clicking into each of those folders will show your all the web sites that your compurter has ever been all times and date can be found by clicking in to the folder and scroling along (the date and time is at the far right)
    TEMP this can be emptyed (easy way to delete a folder full is CTRL and A togeather) this will high light every thing up in blue right click over any file that is blue and chose delete
    this too needs emptying (speeds the net up)
    dont worry if some of them dont delete (windows will know if its needed and will not let if go so dont worry too much)
    well i hope its of some use to some of you and very hard to read for others (but i did learn myself to wright)
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate