was talking to my buddy sumo earlier the poor boy going through the wars
he on the sick just now with wot he thought was Carpel tunnel in his wrists
had one done about 5 weeks back
this week the poor lad had a MRI and it found the sumo has a dodgy disc in upperback neck area thus making the poor boy unable to use his hands walked like old man (ok he not young, you young un's but he still got the drive of you young jessie's
so upshot is he gotta have an op now to correct this.
and in the meantime been told to go home and do NOTHING
(sounds great i hear you cry) take it from me when i was off on long term sick with my shoulder (10 months) if it had not been for my Terrie i would have gone MAD well madder than i am now.
so will you all JOIN ME & Terrie in wishing our buddy SUMOa speedy recovery so he can get back to Bally work
and we can go scuba again soon
ps. its not all bad tho as long as he dont nod his head to fast
he can still DRINK BEER guys
he on the sick just now with wot he thought was Carpel tunnel in his wrists
had one done about 5 weeks back
this week the poor lad had a MRI and it found the sumo has a dodgy disc in upperback neck area thus making the poor boy unable to use his hands walked like old man (ok he not young, you young un's but he still got the drive of you young jessie's

so upshot is he gotta have an op now to correct this.
and in the meantime been told to go home and do NOTHING

so will you all JOIN ME & Terrie in wishing our buddy SUMOa speedy recovery so he can get back to Bally work
and we can go scuba again soon

ps. its not all bad tho as long as he dont nod his head to fast
