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  • Oopppppppsssss


  • #2
    Ooops indeed - you imagine that conversation....

    Yeah, it kind of 'fell off' sorry!
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      big ooppps, would of been fun if it was live, they would of been able to find it, what with a big hole in the ground pmsl


      • #4
        some poor bugger could have hurt with that dropping from the sky like that
        wonder if they would have said any thing if it was a live one
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          I love this quote "Even if the practice bomb survived the fall, we would stress it is highly unlikely to represent a significant danger to the public." So a concrete block hurtling towards the ground is not a significant danger to the public in itself?
          Hold my beer and watch this


          • #6
            are they not telling us something ??
            "Even if the practice bomb survived the fall, we would stress it is highly unlikely to represent a significant danger to the public."

            now a concrete block does not represent a danger unless someone throws one at you or your building falls on top of you, or some of like situation happens

            so where is the danger once it landed intact ???
            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


            • #7
              Originally posted by joker??
              are they not telling us something ??
              "Even if the practice bomb survived the fall, we would stress it is highly unlikely to represent a significant danger to the public."

              now a concrete block does not represent a danger unless someone throws one at you or your building falls on top of you, or some of like situation happens

              so where is the danger once it landed intact ???
              Some Practice bombs have a small pyrotechnic device which lets the pilot see if it hits the target not enough to cause a crater but enough to blow yer arm off if you poke around with it.

              I still get called to ww11 ones which were concrete and had a small amount of nitro glycerine in them for the same purpose they are really unstable co's the gell flows into the threads on the end of the bomb which is rusty iron casing which has been lying around for about 60 years!

              Seem to remember a case of a side winder being accidenaly let off across the water from a Scottish base in the 80s!
              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


              • #8
                This makes a change it's normaly the yanks dropping stuff on the british but thats ok cuz it's friendly fire
                I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


                • #9
                  good job it wernt a fat boy. bored with iraqis thay turn on us now ay?!

                  i like this bit:
                  ""The RAF said that even if the concrete device had survived the fall, it was "highly unlikely" to be dangerous - but people were warned not to touch it anyway.""

                  if a 14kg chunk of concrete was falling at 10m/s squared, how fast would it hit the ground from however high they fly? 20,000 ft?

                  also, 14kg has a big mass really, it would bust through walls and stuff.. imagine if it hit someone..
                  where were they flying over?
                  Oh Nana, what's my name?


                  • #10
                    The ones I have gone to are mostly intact having hit a sand bank or peat bog.

                    You would think the flight control box and modern technology would tell them were it was when the thing detatched.
                    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

