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David Cameron

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  • David Cameron

    The more I listen to this guy, the more I like him.

    He's been talking about the social security system. He just echoed my own thoughts by saying that if you are out of work, and you are offered a job, and you can do it, and it's a fair job with fair pay, and you refuse it then you will not get any money. A bit of toughness with all the lazy chavs!

    Also, dropping inheritance tax on inheritance less than a million seems like a good move given the huge value increases of fairly modest houses.

    Roll on that election! Lets get rid of Brown and his cronies who are crippling thins country's industry, and hammering the working and middle classes with unfair huge taxes!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2


    • #3
      They all talk a good job untill they get the power, then it's F**K YOU voters and they do what they like, it's been the same with every government I've known.

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        let the royal family take over....4x4 drivers won't be penalised anymore, duty on fuel and booze will reduce...political correctness will be abolished (cheers Big Phil!!!)....we can have good old fashioned public hangings back for the $$$$e bags who don't work and cause misery for those who do...and how cool would it be to be able to start wars with the FRENCH again!!!!BRING IT ON!!!!

        only down side would be, if you got the wrong person knocked up, they'd have you killed in a car accident.
        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


        • #5
          Originally posted by logey79
          let the royal family take over....4x4 drivers won't be penalised anymore, duty on fuel and booze will reduce...political correctness will be abolished (cheers Big Phil!!!)....we can have good old fashioned public hangings back for the $$$$e bags who don't work and cause misery for those who do...and how cool would it be to be able to start wars with the FRENCH again!!!!BRING IT ON!!!!

          only down side would be, if you got the wrong person knocked up, they'd have you killed in a car accident.

          Well nobody's perfect.

          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            he makes a lot of sense and even if he only achieves some of it im sure I wont be as wound up as I am now with Labour!
            Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


            • #7
              Originally posted by dirtydog
              he makes a lot of sense and even if he only achieves some of it im sure I wont be as wound up as I am now with Labour!
              If they get in and acheive nothing at all, it's still better than the ****ing we are getting off comrade bruin...
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Apache
                if you are out of work, and you are offered a job, and you can do it, and it's a fair job with fair pay, and you refuse it then you will not get any money.
                trouble is, you can go on the social, get a house, council tax paid and get free money...

                get a job, work hard and stay living with parents till 35 years old!

                why get a job if you're gonna be worse off??
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                • #9
                  David Cameron is a little twerp basically, hes read the Sun and the Daily mail and he is telling people what he thinks they want to hear. Rest assured of one thing, theres lots of things that hes not telling you , because he knows you dont want to hear those. He might save Mr and Mrs average a buck or two in inheritance tax ( handy when your dead ) he might save you a bit on another tax, but he WILL NOT reduce your tax buden. He will take it from some other way that he IS NOT telling you about. They all do this, the whigs, the tories, labour, tell you loudly what you want to hear and mutter the things you dont want to hear, or bury them in small print in a policy document or manifesto. He is as big a snake oil salesman as the other lot if not bigger

                  Сви можемо


                  • #10
                    brown and his band of self serving cronies are the worst possible thing that could happen to this country.they talk all the time about conviction whilst denying us a say on who ultimatly will govern us via brussels

                    cameron may be a little twerp,but control freak,and fiscal mismanager brown (who has taken the countries credit card up to the hilt) is more than a twerp,he's a to55er
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by da SLUG man
                      why get a job if you're gonna be worse off??
                      1) Social conscience?

                      2) So *I* dont have to pay for lazy tw@ts rent / car / holidays / fags / booze?

                      Two good enough reasons for me.
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dirtydog
                        he makes a lot of sense and even if he only achieves some of it im sure I wont be as wound up as I am now with Labour!
                        Tim, Thats why they call it Labour ...
                        Coz they make us labour !!
                        While they swan off round the world playin God n get 2 cars 4 their trouble n we silly 8urgers pay for it .....
                        Too many suits if ya ask me, n Not enough Brains !!!!

                        There's always a Payback .... They just don't wan't to admit it !!!!
                        Buncefield Burner


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Apache
                          The more I listen to this guy, the more I like him.

                          He's been talking about the social security system. He just echoed my own thoughts by saying that if you are out of work, and you are offered a job, and you can do it, and it's a fair job with fair pay, and you refuse it then you will not get any money. A bit of toughness with all the lazy chavs!

                          Also, dropping inheritance tax on inheritance less than a million seems like a good move given the huge value increases of fairly modest houses.

                          Roll on that election! Lets get rid of Brown and his cronies who are crippling thins country's industry, and hammering the working and middle classes with unfair huge taxes!
                          Kin 'ell is it April already.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Apache
                            1) Social conscience?

                            2) So *I* dont have to pay for lazy tw@ts rent / car / holidays / fags / booze?

                            Two good enough reasons for me.
                            it's the system that's open to abuse

                            not all on benefits are lazy... my mate's a single father... he gets no support from the mother and would need a job to fit in with a young daughter...
                            he could work 25 hours a week, but the benefits system penalises that!

                            other mate gave up work a year ago to care for his sick wife, she died a few weeks back and now he stays home to look after 3 children... he likes a drink, drives a car and may possibly go on holiday sometime... "Lazy tw@t"???
                            Attached Files
                            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                            • #15
                              I had my first holiday in 10 (yes 10) years, and spent it in Wales on the Strata Florida.

                              Thats 3 days Holiday in 10 years, and I'm still skint.
                              Working for a living ain't done me any favours.

                              Still working for the man!

