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getting hot

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  • getting hot

    ok the truck is using water big time ive been told to get a rad cap and thermostat before going down the radiator/head route question is do i get the items from milners or toyota???
    if a politition is talking its lying

  • #2
    Originally posted by firefly
    ok the truck is using water big time ive been told to get a rad cap and thermostat before going down the radiator/head route question is do i get the items from milners or toyota???
    i got my last ones from roughtrax and haven't used the ones from milners b4
    you haven't got a leaking pipe anywhere have you by any chance


    • #3
      got mine from toyota not worth messing with spurious aftermarket parts when the gen stuff is just a quid or 2 dearer
      Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


      • #4
        Got mine from toyota main dealer, I think about £25 for the pair, small change compared to the head, and if it is the head, then these are best changed too, along with a few other bits along the way ( cam belt + tensioner, head bolts and gaskits, coolant) as well as checking the water pump condition, and flushing the rad and cooling system.

        Still working for the man!


        • #5
          cheers guys i havent got a clue where the water is going if it is a leaking pipe i cant see it and it isnt showing on the drive
          if a politition is talking its lying

