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mad fuel price?

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  • mad fuel price?

    i just got this in an email from petrol prices . com... is this a load of plums or what?

    Dear Tony,

    Having presided over the first bank run in the UK since 1866, Alistair Darling is now about to add an extra 2.35p tax to every litre of fuel sold in the UK. This tax hike comes into force at the start of next week, just as oil prices are at record highs and every motorist is already being punished.

    At PetrolPrices.com we want to help get motorists' voices heard and so we have prepared a vote. If you have an opinion about tax on fuel please vote and pass this email round to anyone you know who might want to vote as well.

    If they are not saving money already like you by using PetrolPrices.com please 'dont' let them know about our site too.
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    That's the tax increase that dear Gordon put on ice at the last budget (or the one before - can't remember). I bet Alistair is really loving the job at the moment - all Gordon's pigeons coming home to roost

    My Pointer ate the dog trainer


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gamedawn
      That's the tax increase that dear Gordon put on ice at the last budget (or the one before - can't remember). I bet Alistair is really loving the job at the moment - all Gordon's pigeons coming home to roost
      hang on!!!

      i am absolutely disgusted with myself for having the sheer nerve to own a four wheel drive!!
      i deserve to pay 10 times what i pay,cos............

      gordon has been the most succesful labour chancellor in history(their words),
      but if you have had
      a. your pension stolen
      b.watched an unelected(peter mandelson) flunky commit mortgage fraud
      and still get a 200 grand a year eu job
      c.commit ,time after time blatant acts of disrespectul,theft against the taxpayer
      d. so many other scandals stretching over 10 years its hard to keep track

      then say you had no say in policy,i mean christ new labour,gordon ,alastair(with your ridiculous last name),
      in fact all the present administration,they are practiccally heros
      the sad thing is the opposistion is a big girls blouse!!!


      im going to lie down(again) now
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #4
        Lets not forget before blaming it all on Labour, that the major change to taxation on petrol started under a Tory government in 1993 with the introduction of the Fuel Price Escalator.

        The escalator was designed as a means both to raise money and discourage car use on environmental grounds.

        At the time, British fuel was the third-cheapest in Europe. It is now the most expensive.

        The annual fuel escalator was set in 1993 at 3% above the rate of inflation.

        On its introduction it added three pence to a litre of fuel and raised the tax burden on unleaded petrol to 72.8% of the total cost.

        When the Conservatives left office in 1997, the escalator was at 5% and had contributed a 11.1 pence rise to the cost of unleaded fuel. Tax as a proportion of total cost stood at 76.3%.

        Last edited by hawkwind; 28 September 2007, 10:47.


        • #5
          Originally posted by hawkwind
          Lets not forget before blaming it all on Labour, that the major change to taxation on petrol started under a Tory government in 1993 with the introduction of the Fuel Price Escalator.

          The escalator was designed as a means both to raise money and discourage car use on environmental grounds.

          At the time, British fuel was the third-cheapest in Europe. It is now the most expensive.

          The annual fuel escalator was set in 1993 at 3% above the rate of inflation.

          On its introduction it added three pence to a litre of fuel and raised the tax burden on unleaded petrol to 72.8% of the total cost.

          When the Conservatives left office in 1997, the escalator was at 5% and had contributed a 11.1 pence rise to the cost of unleaded fuel. Tax as a proportion of total cost stood at 76.3%.
          according to the ons tax as a whole including duty and vat stands at a whisker above 81%

          this is not just a rant against fuel tax,but really tax in general.
          my council tax has risen by 97% in the last ten years where my income has risen by about 50%(and im lucky average rise year on year stands about 26%)

          my tax burden is responsible for wiping out about 34% of my income.the govt will tell you a different story,but you can add my bills up subtract the tax burden and hit them with a hammer,they aint gonna change.
          new labour have overseen the largest rise in stealth taxation ever.
          the new hot cookie is now saving the enviroment.lets all pay a green tax,
          and lets all hammer the tapayer (again),whilst somewhere like china builds a new coal fired (ie polluting) power station every 12 days.
          we only exist to pay the bills that gordon has written for the last ten years,and is now having trouble honouring.the fuel tax rise is a consequence(and if you read the whole post)
          of the complete mismanagement,fraud,nepotism,f lunky pension protecting
          mess that labour have generated.
          saying "well the tories started it" is a moot point
          cos they may have started it but this present administration have abused it.
          the big promise in 1997 was a new fresh honest start,and i was taken in by it,i decided to cut my losses when scandal after scandal emerged,especially (for me anyhow),when john prescott,who famously said " a tories idea of not being involved with sleaze is not being caught"
          decides to play away with his secretary,then uses his ministerial jag to go from london to hull and find his wife.(at the taxpayers expense)

          the sad thing is (as mentioned previously) is that the opposistion is so far of the mark,(both sets lib dem, and tory),that what credible choice do we have.
          its no wonder that extreme political views are then allowed to come to the fore (as happened in the last french general election when the national front came through to the second round of voting because of voter apathy/non credible opposistion)

          we are all going to hell on a hand cart it seems and nobody seems willing to stop us boarding
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            Not to mention that labout stopped the 25 year roll on on classic cars being tax exempt!
            More Lift.
            More Tyres.
            More Engine.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Karma Supra
              Not to mention that labout stopped the 25 year roll on on classic cars being tax exempt!
              yeah i know what a bunch of $$$$$$$s. is there some way we can get this back when new power is in?
              you know the whole reason for road tax was to help in the war, and it was supposed to be abolished after that (so ive read somewhere)
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #8
                There was a petition on No.10 about it, tens of thousand signed.

                They did fook all.
                More Lift.
                More Tyres.
                More Engine.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Karma Supra
                  There was a petition on No.10 about it, tens of thousand signed.

                  They did fook all.
                  a petition is accepted by both local and national govt as a way for the general populace to vent their spleen once only!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  why do you think we have no chance (YET) of a referendum on the eu treaty.when it was at the petition stage it was able to be ignored whilst it appeared debate was happening,now it is a national issue,whoa!!!!!!!

                  im not really blaming/aportioning any blame on any particular administration,just the whole idea that we as a country are to thick to understand the finer workings govt.its there there, you are a numpty, let us make a decision for you,oh and by the way how much money will i make out of it!!!!!
                  Non intercooled nothing.

