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  • Tiscali!!!!

    Hi Gang

    Don’t know if any one out their uses Tiscali for their ISP but I thought I would let you all know of the problems I am having with them at present.

    I applied on line for their 256kbps broadband on 8th February for £19.99.

    I then contacted AOL to arrange the cancellation of my present account with them. I was asked why I was terminating it, I explained I could get Broadband for £19.99, to which they responded we can do 512kbps for £19.99 as I was a “VALUED” customer! . I then asked why did they not advertise this, to which they responded “We are not allowed”!!. Unfortunatly I was unable to register with AOL at this point as I had already registered with Tiscali. and they had already captured my phone line.

    So I get on to the phone to Tiscali to cancel my order, only to be told “sorry you will have to ring the help line tomorrow” as they were unable to sort it out on a Sunday. So Monday morning I am on the phone to them again only to be told “sorry you will have to e-mail us with your cancellation”. So off I go and send them an e-mail, to which I receive a confirmation to my request stating that they will be in touch by either phone or e-mail within 7 days.

    Now at this point I think to myself fair enough, its my stupid fault for not checking with AOL first (but they advertise 512kbps for £27.99) and Tiscali will need a few days to sort it out.

    So I give it 4-5 days and ring AOL to request them to set me up with broadband only to be told the line is STILL locked up. So on to Tiscali again and I get the usual machine saying “Key 1 for accounts key 2 etc etc” get to the section I require only to be told “all operators are busy please ring back later” and then get cut off!! After lots of trying I get through and speak to this very nice Indian gentleman who had trouble understanding me and he in the end informs me “Yes sir it is being sorted” So I wait a few more days and go through exactly the same procedure, only this time it is another Indian gentleman who had even more trouble understanding me, he said “its being sorted” so I asked his name and he said “David”, “David what?” I replied & he said “Just David” it turns out I am dealing with one of these Help desks in India!!!

    I then get an e-mail on 17th February from Tiscali saying Congratulations my phone line is now set up for broadband and that I could expect my modem in the next few days. On the phone I go again, cut off lots of times, Temper boiling, only to be told by a very nice Indian lady that they would only accept the cancellation in writing and that the e-mail address had not been in use since last year! EXPLOSION or what “put me on to your supervisor” he refused to talk! So Head office phone number requested only to be told they don’t take calls. On to 118118 “Tiscali Head Office phone no please” Got Phone number of Head Office in Milton Keynes, It Rang & Rang & Rang and I never did get it to be answered.

    I tried BT to see if they could Free up My line on My behalf, unfortunately they are unable to do any thing.

    That’s it call in the big boys OFFCOMM they tell me to try another number for Tiscali which Rings and does not cut me off and gets me through to someone who understands me and they are based in UK!! They say yes it is still being cancelled but I will have to wait for it to take its course.

    Then the modem arrives! Another call to the UK help desk “don’t worry it is being cancelled by Head Office at Milton Keynes and they have stepped up the priority of it”

    I rang again this morning and the girl assured me that my line will be freed up with in the next 2 days…………Some how I don’t think so.

    So two points
    1. If you are on AOL and still using Dial Up ring their help line and tell them you are thinking of cancelling your contract to go to (dare I say it) Tiscali, and see if they make you the offer. Make sure you get through to their cancellation dept.
    2. If you are thinking of going over to Tiscali because they offer Cheap Broadband please beware that their support is crap!!!

    Any comments on How I can free up my phone line from Tiscali would be greatly appreciated.

    (If you thought this was long winded you should try dealing with them)
    DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!

  • #2
    Try the message boards at :


    Plenty of disgruntled Tiscali customers there.

    Trawling through the above site should give you a fair idea of who to avoid. I use Plusnet 512 kbps at £18.99 a month.

    I didn't do it !


    • #3
      Ive had probs with AOL as it keeps kicking us off line and will not reconnect . AOL are blaming PC world as it is a new computer and other 2 computers still work . PC world blame AOL .
      AOL help desk ,mmmm, lovely Indian lady in ,errr , INDIA !! . Gave some poor tecno reason for problem and left us in the middle of 2 companys blaming each other . I wrote down the tecno reason the lovely Indian lady told me was prob and spoke to PC world . Guy at PC world went mad and it turns out the lovely Indian ladys tecno talk was total Bo****ks to baffle me (not hard) . A complaint from PC world is going in to AOL as PC world promot their product .
      Still no response from either party as to prob and how to fix it .
      My fix it was : turn off computer , have a drink , leave computer till next day , turn on and all works again !!
      I should get a job in I.T.


      PS they are all $h**e
      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


      • #4
        got my tiscali modem through the post last week, twice ive connected it all up and got it running .... twice my pc has crashed so badly that i have had to use the recovery disk.... don,t think i,ll be trying again!!

        have not tried phoning them yet but looking forward to it


        • #5
          Originally posted by luap
          got my tiscali modem through the post last week, twice ive connected it all up and got it running .... twice my pc has crashed so badly that i have had to use the recovery disk.... don,t think i,ll be trying again!!

          have not tried phoning them yet but looking forward to it
          when you sign up with an adsl provider, they then "hold" your line.
          If you want to switch providers, you need to get your current adsl provider to contact BT to allow them to release your line, so that the new provider is able to get the line activated over to them. Its a bit of a palava, especially if your old provider doesn't contact BT within the given time as BT gives up, and your new provider will cancel your order!
          But if you hassle all parties it "shouldn't" be too much bother to switch providers.
          2 Tone Mud Master!


          • #6
            I think all the isp are basically the same. I had a real problem with NTL with them taking a direct debit from my account and not providing anything. Oh yes I must chase the money again.

            I switched to Tiscali and had a small problem when I upgraded my OS to XP (Big Mistake ) their help line sorted the problem be it I was talking to someone in india and it been fine since.

            You know what's going to happen now

            The place to be is under the sea


            • #7
              I'm sure someone will have a horror story, but I've had my BT Openworld ADSL for over two years now and never had a problem. Installation was quick, it worked first time, reinstalled on my new PC with no hassle, and apart from the servers being taken down for maintenance occasionally has worked ever since.

              Maybe I've been lucky...... (got those fingers crossed behind my back)




              • #8
                Originally posted by Linda
                I'm sure someone will have a horror story, but I've had my BT Openworld ADSL for over two years now and never had a problem. Installation was quick, it worked first time, reinstalled on my new PC with no hassle, and apart from the servers being taken down for maintenance occasionally has worked ever since.

                Maybe I've been lucky...... (got those fingers crossed behind my back)

                I've had my Easynet ADSL for about the same time - only problem I've had was when a power surge blew up my ADSL Modem. BT came along and replaced it - in about 15 minutes, all lined up again and off he went.

                No problems since and I have 3 PCs running on it, one over Wireless, got fixed IP addresses as well so I ran a development web server on my Linux Box.

                I don't think I could go back to dial up again - mind you the company pay for mine and it's £79 per month for 512MB (but no contention on the line so high speed all the time).

                Mind you I have never heard a good thing about Tiscali.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by molrams
                  Try the message boards at :


                  Plenty of disgruntled Tiscali customers there.

                  Trawling through the above site should give you a fair idea of who to avoid. I use Plusnet 512 kbps at £18.99 a month.

                  Thanks for the info Richard I checked out that site and its horrendous. Any way someone on there said that they put it into the hands of OFFCOM which I did this morning. So watch this space as they say!.

                  I also contacted BT this morning and they said they could switch the line off which would disconect them but it would leave a tag on the line so no other provider could access the line still. I thought it was a line beteen BT and myself!!.

                  Thanks for all the other comments gang.

                  DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


                  • #10

                    All I can say is:

                    99.9% perfect.
                    Never throws me out.


                    Rob G


                    • #11
                      Tiscali are not too popular here either:

                      Powered by ????


                      • #12
                        Cancel your direct debit and start again!!
                        NO WORRIES!


                        • #13
                          we use ntl broadband we have no complaints although a little slow at times
                          [center][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][size=7][color=magenta][u][b][img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipgrl12.gif[/img][/b][/u][/color][/size] [img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipmn1.gif[/img][/font][/center][center][img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jim_ashton/shyAV5.jpg[/img][/center][center][b][color=#ff00ff][size=7][u]E[/u][/size][u][size=5]ms [/size][size=5]&[/size][size=7] J[/size][size=5]im[/size][/u][/color][/b][/center]


                          • #14
                            BT aren't so bad after all !

                            I have BT Broadband, paid for by Hewlett Packard @ £105 per quarter. It has given no trouble in over a year. I upgraded recently to XP and the modem wouldn't re-install so I went to their website and found a suitable driver. BT Openworld also has drivers to download ! BT get a lot of stick but they are fighting back. I work in Telecoms and I see a lot of my companys business going to India and it sucks because the support is always poor. I sympathise but my advice is this - you get what you pay for. And rememeber folks I make my living in Telecoms and cheapest is not always best in the long run ! I don't work for BT I work for HP so I ain't trying to push BT. A lot of these smaller companies simply don't have the infrastructure or support in place to compete as they are already selling bandwidth below the going rate. They are relying on getting large customer bases to sell advertising. Its a risky business


                            1992 SSR-X Grey 2.4 TD Automatic

