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Bugger, Leaky sun roof :(

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  • Bugger, Leaky sun roof :(

    Well It rained yesterday for the first time since I bought the surf... and the $$$$$$ sun roof leaks On closer inspection the seal seems to have split in the dead centre of the glass, at the front, Has anyone had this before?

    The worrying thing is it looks bonded to the glass, can the seals be easily changed or am I into replacement glass? Also are they all dark tinted from the factory is is mine after market? (the glass is nearly black from the top - but looks to good to be retro fitted film)

    Please help!

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  • #2
    Originally posted by Karma Supra
    Well It rained yesterday for the first time since I bought the surf... and the $$$$$$ sun roof leaks On closer inspection the seal seems to have split in the dead centre of the glass, at the front, Has anyone had this before?

    The worrying thing is it looks bonded to the glass, can the seals be easily changed or am I into replacement glass? Also are they all dark tinted from the factory is is mine after market? (the glass is nearly black from the top - but looks to good to be retro fitted film)

    Please help!

    A quick short cut till you get it sorted is to get a tube of silicon the same colour as the seals and apply a thin layer on the seal then spray it with water (a thin mist all over the silicon) wet your finger and smooth it over. (by wetting the silicon and yor finger it does not stick to you). I did this to the windscreen seals on our other car three years ago still not leaked.



    • #3
      you used to buy a product called creeping crack from D.I.Y shops that you put on seals and it finds all the cracks and fills them up did a mark 2 capri sun roof with it great stuff


      • #4
        Yup I'll try some form of silicone sealant/spray - it looks like someone has had a go already, and clearly failed! - At least it expains the slight discolouration on the headlining I'll also blast out the drain tubes while I am at it.

        When I get home I'll check out the EPC to see if the glass is listed as the same part no. as the seals around it...

        I can be quite fussy about doing things "properly" so will eventually want to replace the actual seal... I was just wondering if anyone else had or not....

        After a targa top supra (that leaked) two MR2 T tops (that leaked) and a porsche 944 (that leaked) I thought I was safe with my "sensible" all weather surf!
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        • #5
          Originally posted by Karma Supra
          Yup I'll try some form of silicone sealant/spray - it looks like someone has had a go already, and clearly failed! - At least it expains the slight discolouration on the headlining I'll also blast out the drain tubes while I am at it.

          When I get home I'll check out the EPC to see if the glass is listed as the same part no. as the seals around it...

          I can be quite fussy about doing things "properly" so will eventually want to replace the actual seal... I was just wondering if anyone else had or not....

          After a targa top supra (that leaked) two MR2 T tops (that leaked) and a porsche 944 (that leaked) I thought I was safe with my "sensible" all weather surf!

          ahhh but isn't assumption the mother of all foul up's
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            [QUOTE=KarmaSupra].............................. .............................. .............................. ...........I can be quite fussy about doing things "properly" .............................. ............................QU OTE]

            Really? have you met Andy? (M35A2)


            • #7
              Not met anyone yet!... but I have been known to be fairly fussy with my cars

              - My Supra engine...
              Last edited by Karma Supra; 20 September 2007, 17:08.
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              • #8
                Originally posted by Karma Supra
                Not met anyone yet!... but I have been known to be fairly fussy with my cars

                - My Supra engine...
                Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                • #9
                  Looked it up on the EPC.... - the Glass and rubber is listed as one bonded item
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Karma Supra
                    Looked it up on the EPC.... - the Glass and rubber is listed as one bonded item
                    The glass is a piece of p!ss to fit mate. just remove the plastic coverings around the glass on the inside of the sunroof (very carefully as they smash very easily). The glass is held in place on the sunroof runner mounts by 4 bolts, remove the bolts and lift out the glass. Get a mate to give you a hand, it's a doddle, the hard part is finding someone who just wants to sell the glass and not the complete sunroof!
                    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Karma Supra
                      Not met anyone yet!... but I have been known to be fairly fussy with my cars

                      - My Supra engine...
                      tut tut tut

                      Such abuse of an engine

                      tut tut tut
                      heres 1 happy surf engine

                      Note the tender loving care you need to give your truck

                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by UDTrev
                        tut tut tut

                        Such abuse of an engine

                        tut tut tut
                        heres 1 happy surf engine


                        Note the tender loving care you need to give your truck


                        it's not just the engines though, the interior needs special treatment every now and then too
                        =SOLD UP!=


                        • #13

                          My idea of abusing engines is a lil different I also don't think the kind of temperatures involved would work well with that much mud :P
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                          • #14
                            So can anyone confirm if they are tinted from the factory or not? from the outside mine looks pretty much black!

                            Its raining adn mine is leakinga fair bit so I am going to have to sort it! (will make do with silicone for now)
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                            • #15
                              Right, for the sake of the search, they all come with the same level of tint from new, I guess saying as no one answered I'll have to search for lots of top down pics of gen 3s with sun roofs to see if they all look the same shade to work out of mine has been darkened further or not!

                              Just tried out all the drain tubes they are all perfectly clear, so I am into a new roof. $$$$$$$$, thats £300 from toyota unless I can find one used.
                              More Lift.
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