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Bl00dy sciatica

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  • Bl00dy sciatica

    First time I've been able to sit at the pc since I came back from hols last month. Following the Spoggle family hols with the caravan in sunny Scotland(was that you that I flashed at coming out of Fort William a few weeks back Highlander?) and the nice 5 hour drive home, I found that my right leg didn't want to work any more and hurt like hell. Doc recons sciatica (wife says old age). So three weeks later, loads of pain killers and a few visits to a therapist who has pummeled my back and leg I'm still off work but at least able to now sit without crying . Not been a good year health-wise was off with stress for over 4 months went back for 2 weeks, had 2 weeks leave and now this. Doc says that I may be able to go back to work next week Never mind, cant stand daytime telly Now, must be hundreds of pages of threads for me to read


  • #2
    If you were an animal you'd be SHOT
    Get better soon mate. Hows the KNITTING coming along


    • #3
      Don't want to sound like a hippie or anything but the best fix for your problem is to give up meat, wheat and dairy for two weeks.

      I PROMISE that it will fix it.

      The problem will be from you lower back / gut area. You need to give your system a rest, think of it like a radiator flush or something.

      It's hard for the first few days. Murder if you like your tea and biscuits but it'll be worth it.

      Use soya milk instead of milk, get the sweetened version, tastes rough to start with but you must concentrate on the relief of being pain free.

      Sainsbury's has a great selection of wheat / dairy free products including some great snack bars. I especially recommend their sponge or chocolate puddings with soya custard.

      This will hook you up.

      PM if you need some more diet related tips / thoughts. You need to reduce the acidity level of the food you eat.

      Two weeks is all it will take, you'll feel better after around 3 days...

      (I was a professional skier (roger'd my back jumping off cliffs) and am a chef, the missus is food tech / physiotherapist. My back / sciatic pain was cured by this.)
      Surfin' Swiss Style...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Spoggle
        First time I've been able to sit at the pc since I came back from hols last month. Following the Spoggle family hols with the caravan in sunny Scotland(was that you that I flashed at coming out of Fort William a few weeks back Highlander?) and the nice 5 hour drive home, I found that my right leg didn't want to work any more and hurt like hell. Doc recons sciatica (wife says old age). So three weeks later, loads of pain killers and a few visits to a therapist who has pummeled my back and leg I'm still off work but at least able to now sit without crying . Not been a good year health-wise was off with stress for over 4 months went back for 2 weeks, had 2 weeks leave and now this. Doc says that I may be able to go back to work next week Never mind, cant stand daytime telly Now, must be hundreds of pages of threads for me to read


        ask your doc for an MRI scan , chances are l4 or l5 lumbar disc will be shot .I had the op 5 years ago . deep root nerve decompression . best thing i ever had done .
        Last edited by internetsurfer; 18 September 2007, 15:14.

