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For those with aftermarket gauges

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  • For those with aftermarket gauges

    I wouldn't mind fitting an aftermarket temp gauge. Just somet decent to monitor the um....temperature

    BUT....do they just make you paranoid? see a slight increase by a degree or two an your at the side of the road with the bonnet up?? Or are they a useful bit of bling...i mean kit..yeah.... kit

    Any opinions would be snazy...oh an tips on installing one

  • #2
    I fitted one of the digital type with a flashing L.E.D when it went over 100 deg
    to my D90 after £3000 worth of engine rebuilds, I made a nice st/st dash to put it in as well. It was very useful for guaging
    how much $$$$ was blocking the rad as it was quite sensetive.

    Let taste be the enemy of art!


    • #3
      Wow! Snazzy dash mate.

      are the digital ones expensive? well, considerably more so then a needle one?


      • #4
        They were when i was looking!! nice tho, i'm no more paranoid since fitting the aftermarket one than i was before, still bl00dy paranoid, they are a lot better than the factory gauge, useually by the time that hits the roof it's toooooooooooooooooooooo late anyhow, i was watching mine top out at just under a 100c yesterday so summat else cooling wise is definatly called for, i dont know! all those fans and it still get's too hot for my likeing,
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          Originally posted by ian619
          They were when i was looking!! nice tho, i'm no more paranoid since fitting the aftermarket one than i was before, still bl00dy paranoid, they are a lot better than the factory gauge, useually by the time that hits the roof it's toooooooooooooooooooooo late anyhow, i was watching mine top out at just under a 100c yesterday so summat else cooling wise is definatly called for, i dont know! all those fans and it still get's too hot for my likeing,

          Leave the bonnet off maybe??


          • #6
            I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


            • #7
              Originally posted by Spitfire
              Leave the bonnet off maybe??
              Yup!! bonnet grill wings
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                Originally posted by kiowa
                F me it's something when you have to take out finance to buy a temp gauge i'll stick with being paranoid, plus they dont look all that different from the ones i have, at about £30 a nob
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  The one in the picture was about £28 with sensor from the bay. Best place to put sensor is inbetween pipe that runs from the head to the heater.

                  Let taste be the enemy of art!


                  • #10
                    we can make them...
                    while i was holiday i done some thinking (ouch! lol) and you know what we all need? all we will need is one LED red bulb that comes on whenever your temp gauge will go over the 3/4 mark. this will be cheap to do.

                    one LED mounted on the dash, wired to a variable resistor set to measure the current accross the original temp gauge. as when the needle goes up the current changes (or is it voltage cant remember need to do some reading).
                    this way your original needle will still work, and when this superbright LED comes on then there will be no mistaking something is about to go wrong. if it comes on early enough..

                    the simpler the better
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?

