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  • ignorant

    Had just been for a walk with my dog on the beach, and some $$$$ decided to tell me my dog had no place here. ?? "a lot of parents and kids walk there dogs here he said" by the way I have a staffy which would lick you to death.
    I told him he was talking $$$$ as i had been coming down here for ten years with no bother, till now!! Just waiting for a knock on the door now, as he scribbled my number plate down when i had a good go at him.

  • #2
    The anti dog thing really narks me off. I'm anti children, but you don't find me telling parents to put their kids on a lead, and please muzzle them as their noise annoys me! (live and let live is my main policy).
    Now I'm just about to load our six into the surf and take them for a good frolic on the New Forest (that insidentally they would like us to stop walking).
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


    • #3
      still sitting here boiling with rage, got a good mind to go back


      • #4
        some poeple are idiots really. We often get asked when walking our boys "are they tame?", no i'm just taking them back to run free in the town centre!! There again we do have 2 adult great danes.
        Just trying to raise my postcount!


        • #5
          We get it all the time from townies from London who've bought second homes
          on the see front, and moan about us taking are five on the beach.
          The cheeky sods have even had "fake council notices" banning dogs put up!!!
          How very dare they

          Let taste be the enemy of art!


          • #6
            I'm anti children, but you don't find me telling parents to put their kids on a lead, and please muzzle them as their noise annoys me!

            ha ha ha ha .. but it's an excellent idea....
            Had enough... going to live in Spain....


            • #7
              Nothing more annoying than finding dog sh!t on the sand- or worse still treading in it. Was fishing on the beach last week and some idiot with SEVEN dogs on the loose let one p!ss all over my rucksack! Luckily plenty of stones on hand to throw at the bl**dy thing- so it wasn't allowed to finish. No sort of an appology from the owner though....in spite of it being signed as a no dog/horse beach with £500 fine.


              • #8
                Go to any walking spot that dogs are allowed and I Will bet you cannot walk 20 paces without dog sh1t being there for the first 200 meters of the walk. Those type of owners really wind me up, I pointed this out to one such owner, his dog having left a fresh steaming one on the path. He told me where to go, so I said if he did not pick it up then I would be ramming it into his Car air vent so he could take it home with him (he picked it up)

                Whats with the owners who pick it up then throw away the bag into the bushes, then when winter comes theres a whole load of unpleasant tree decorations

                I love the fact that dogs are banned from beaches at certain times of the year because on the flip side there is a number of places I cannot let my kids run around due to dog sh1t

                Unfortunately I don't think some dog owners realise that not everyone loves their pet so spoil it for the responsible owners because if they did what most of the other owners do...pick up the poo...control their animal...being considerate to parents with young children, then all the areas could be used by both.



                • #9
                  I will keep my gob shut in future! upsetting everybody today


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Helen
                    I'm anti children, but you don't find me telling parents to put their kids on a lead, and please muzzle them as their noise annoys me!

                    ha ha ha ha .. but it's an excellent idea....
                    I have kids .......and i think thats a good idea ..............


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Nkerridge
                      I will keep my gob shut in future! upsetting everybody today
                      Its a good job you did'nt mention you drive a 4X4
                      (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Helen
                        I'm anti children, but you don't find me telling parents to put their kids on a lead, and please muzzle them as their noise annoys me!

                        ha ha ha ha .. but it's an excellent idea....
                        How can anybody be "anti children"????We were all children once,what is this sick $$$$ing world coming to????You'll be saying it's a good idea for children to be abducted and murdered next!!!!
                        Powered by ????


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RobD
                          How can anybody be "anti children"????We were all children once,what is this sick $$$$ing world coming to????You'll be saying it's a good idea for children to be abducted and murdered next!!!!
                          Flippin 'eck Rob!

                          <Scouser>"Carrrrm down! Carrrrm down!</Scouser>

                          I dont think anyone was suggesting anything of the sort, it was all lighthearted. I cant stand dog owners who let their dogs sh1t everywhere, I also cant stand parents who let their kids be a bl00dy nuisance to others either. (Got kids, getting a pooch)

                          I think the thread is basically saying 'have respect for other users of the beach", thats all.
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Apache
                            Flippin 'eck Rob!

                            <Scouser>"Carrrrm down! Carrrrm down!</Scouser>

                            I dont think anyone was suggesting anything of the sort, it was all lighthearted. I cant stand dog owners who let their dogs sh1t everywhere, I also cant stand parents who let their kids be a bl00dy nuisance to others either. (Got kids, getting a pooch)

                            I think the thread is basically saying 'have respect for other users of the beach", thats all.
                            Hear Hear, Think you all need a beer, drinks on me. Or as apache would say carm down carm down .


                            • #15
                              KIDS should be seen & not Heard
                              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

