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  • Iezura

    Hello all
    Yes its not a swear word, just the name of a Jap part supplier I have come across on the search engine. Have not seen any1 mention this one to date..............has any1 used b4?
    Started with a beast now I have a beauty

  • #2
    Originally posted by b19aus
    Hello all
    Yes its not a swear word, just the name of a Jap part supplier I have come across on the search engine. Have not seen any1 mention this one to date..............has any1 used b4?
    not used, when I looked at their prices I thought 'cheap' then I read a bit more carefully and their engines are not new and didn't have a lot of details on what had been changed or not, there feedback on their site seemed good but they wouldn't publish bad would they!
    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


    • #3
      I have bought the usual service parts.. i.e. filters,pads,shoes,gaskets from them and they were all pristine with a next day delivery

      Can't comment on their engines etc



      • #4
        Originally posted by Artful_dodger
        I have bought the usual service parts.. i.e. filters,pads,shoes,gaskets from them and they were all pristine with a next day delivery

        Can't comment on their engines etc

        On a late shift 2morrow, they r on the way to work so may blag a look see!
        Started with a beast now I have a beauty


        • #5

          Hi there, I got a middle exhaust box from them about a year ago and so far it's been absolutely fine. More recently (about 3-4 weeks ago) I bought a replacement radiator from them. It came in a box marked Doculrad (don't know if that's a different company or their supplier) but it looked like a decent radiator and went in without too much bother. So far it's been fine too. I've bought the stuff from them via e-bay (don't know if there's any other way to buy it) and the prices have been very competitive and the delivery has been first class. If I have any problems with the parts I've bought to date I'll let people know.
          Ubi est mea anaticula cumminosa?

