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p@ssed me off

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  • #16
    Hope Claire's improving Bud, Best O Luck
    Had the same type O thing happen to me this week, While waiting to pull in to a Disabled bay (as I am disabled ) A Guy in a Builders Van said ya can't park there the Security Guard told me so.... So I parked up .... and I asked him if he were Disabled "No he Replied" I told him that if he din't wanna be best leave now, as one day he may be and need help.... Quietly he left!!
    Now I couldn't possibly do much meself but I'm in me Truck !!!!
    Nuffink against Builders, Just Iggorant brainless couldn't care less div's

    There's always a Payback .... Ya just don't see it Comin !!!!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #17
      Originally posted by johnd
      anyway i know i have done it before but i will do in some more..

      look after your family and remember that Claire had an aneurysm that is something that we could all have and not know about ,

      her burst as she was getting the shopping out of the car .
      if you see someone fall and they say they are ok please ask them some stuff and see if the can lift both arms and if it dont look right tell 999 you think it is a stroke and they will give the right drugs from the start ( this may save a life )

      have a read


      it could be the life of a loved one .
      and yes i feel better now and claire is doing ok just very slow progress but is walking and can talk more but still cant read or write ..
      Exelent advice, I have had three people in my surgery who have been having strokes, the receptionist spotted all of them, and quiet frankly saved thier lives. I hope Claire recovers soon


      • #18
        Very sorry to hear what happened… but may I suggest that there may actually be a positive flip side. If this parking guy is making a habit of shouting across the car park at drivers causing everyone else look and that person is not eligible to park in a disabled space then they may just be shamed & publicly embarrassed enough to never do it again!

        In your case all you needed to do was shout back with an affirmative yes and wave your badge in the air for everyone to see….. situation sorted.

        All the best,

        Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


        • #19
          Originally posted by PDR
          Very sorry to hear what happened… but may I suggest that there may actually be a positive flip side. If this parking guy is making a habit of shouting across the car park at drivers causing everyone else look and that person is not eligible to park in a disabled space then they may just be shamed & publicly embarrassed enough to never do it again!

          In your case all you needed to do was shout back with an affirmative yes and wave your badge in the air for everyone to see….. situation sorted.

          All the best,

          or perhaps reply yes i do havea blue badge written in big letters so even a dimwit like you can read it
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #20
            When the revolution starts, it will start in a car park.....
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #21
              Sorry to hear that the carp park guy wound you up, problem is put some people in a uniform and they power trip. It does annoy me to see that I can park in a car park and walk an extra few hundred yards to a shop (need the exercise really lol) then see some idiot go into a disabled space just so they can use the cashpoint! And to make matters worse they still can't park properly in the space!! Since we're on the theme of car park rants, why can't people park properly in a normal size space? Going to start giving our award certificates for worse parked car of the day.
              Hold my beer and watch this


              • #22
                Originally posted by Chillitt
                When the revolution starts, it will start in a car park.....
                Ain't that the truth.


                • #23
                  Heres my tuppence worth.

                  Some of you lot really ought to get a grip. What a fuss about parking, Theres much worse things happen in life, Look at whats happened to Johns missus, Listen to yourselves. all worked up and ready to " kill " and maim and start a riot over parking ?? Most sensible comment or advice came from Marky.

                  Ever heard the expression " two wrongs dont make a right "
                  Сви можемо


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by gwh200
                    or perhaps reply yes i do havea blue badge written in big letters so even a dimwit like you can read it
                    I do hope you where not referring to me as a “Dimwit”.

                    I am sure that Tesco’s will have a policy in place as to how their staff should behave and if this parking guy is out of order then his employers should deal with him.

                    If this guy regularly shouts across the car park at drivers and it stops 10 -20 inconsiderate drivers a day abusing the disabled parking bays and reoffending (because of public humiliation), then surely that is a good result. As I said before, if you are eligible to park there you only need to shout back with a firm “yes” pointing at your badge and then your honour and dignity in the eyes of bystanders will be restored.

                    Unfortunately there are some real hard-faced, selfish people out there who would just simply ignore any requests, however polite not to park in disabled parking bays. I guess if you where that parking attendant and where constantly being told to “f##k off”, then you may well not have the best attitude towards customers by the end of the day.

                    There are of course far more important issues in life than parking spaces, but this obviously upset Johnd enough to post the subject here.
                    Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by charvell
                      Exelent advice, I have had three people in my surgery who have been having strokes, the receptionist spotted all of them, and quiet frankly saved thier lives. I hope Claire recovers soon
                      thanks mate we still got the damage to the left temp lobe acting like a dam but we are starting to find ways round it but it just takes so long but the other day i got in from work and she said at the top of her voice BLACKPOOL and look well chuffed ( dont know why but it just came to her and thats another word ticked of the big list ) .
                      but you are right i think all should read and know about strokes as i watched a work mate have one and he could not talk but all i did was think it funny and ask if he had a drink for dinner but if i knew then what i know now ,,

                      well we live and learn ..
                      i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


                      • #26
                        You have my respect mate, it not and easy thing to cope with seeing someone you love change in a couple of mins. The good thing is she is saying words. she will get a whole lot better. Good luck to you both.
                        SWIFT AND BOLD

