.......I'll tell you all (my rant of the month!)
Junior born on the 10th August, lots of sleepless nights, baby clothes and visitors.
The radiator goes on My surf, Ah-har! warrenty replacement then, so I speak to the company that supplied it, arrived 2 days later, so goes to get it fitted.
That night The wifes section scar starts leaking....... Badly,
Back to the hospital, Scar infected, I get home at 3am, she gets a night in hospial.
She comes home the following day, but midwife makes appointment for Sam as she is not happy with the way his cord is looking. (We told them that on day 8), get to doctors, he refers Sam to THE HOSPITAL who admit him because he has a skin infecton.
He is on antibiotics for 2 days, wife stays with him & he gets out Friday.
We miss our holiday & I have paid enough parking charges to own a space in the hospital carpark!!!
Still the new rad is fitted and also a transmission oil cooler fitted.
Sam is now on the mend, belly button looks like a belly button again, wife is also on the mend so now I might have time to log on more often.
right rant over...... normal service will be resumed as soon a possible
Junior born on the 10th August, lots of sleepless nights, baby clothes and visitors.
The radiator goes on My surf, Ah-har! warrenty replacement then, so I speak to the company that supplied it, arrived 2 days later, so goes to get it fitted.
That night The wifes section scar starts leaking....... Badly,
Back to the hospital, Scar infected, I get home at 3am, she gets a night in hospial.
She comes home the following day, but midwife makes appointment for Sam as she is not happy with the way his cord is looking. (We told them that on day 8), get to doctors, he refers Sam to THE HOSPITAL who admit him because he has a skin infecton.
He is on antibiotics for 2 days, wife stays with him & he gets out Friday.
We miss our holiday & I have paid enough parking charges to own a space in the hospital carpark!!!
Still the new rad is fitted and also a transmission oil cooler fitted.
Sam is now on the mend, belly button looks like a belly button again, wife is also on the mend so now I might have time to log on more often.
right rant over...... normal service will be resumed as soon a possible
