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Strata Florida and Sarn Helen this weekend

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  • Strata Florida and Sarn Helen this weekend

    Another fabulous trip, featuring The Lovely Boyo, Plumb Bob (all the way from Kent! Respec' ), Mudsurfer and yours truly.

    UP the Roman Steps on Sarn Helen today. Pretty gnarly looking but we made it look easy

    A bit of a mess around in 'the bombhole' on Strata Florida yesterday.

    Weather absolutely glorious. Unbroken sunshine, and hot! However, still plenty of muddy puddles, even if the rivers were a little low.

    Here's a taster pic of me aiming for escape velocity. Will post more, and links to video later this evening.

    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Yup! Twas a SUUUUUUUUPERB weekend!

    Great to meet Plumb Bob, and watch Linda drive through that bomb hole, great bit of driving!!!

    Andy, I'll get some of my pics of that splendid moment (and the not so splendid bit afterwards) posted later on!

    Boyo and Linda, Andy, Vicki and Nieve/Neave - (how are you spelling that?), Rob and Don't come near me, or I'll bark, then I'll run off, Harley! - great weekend everyone, let's do it again next week - and Vicki can drive...
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      Some more pics...

      What goes down...

      ...Must come up!

      It rained so hard this year, even the rock was so soft we sank!

      Mark? Do you reckon I could add shock mount spacers so I dont dangle my wheels uselessly in space any more?!?!

      "Hurry up! I'm sliding off me seat!!!"

      Plumb Bob 'plumbing the depths'. Hidden dangers in innocuous looking puddle!

      The Lovely Boyo - "I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK..."

      "WE'RE the only Surfs in the Village Myfanwy!"

      There's lovely (1)

      There's lovely (2)

      Plumb Bob lived to fight another day (on Sarn Helen this time)

      We had a famous visitor - John Travolta brought his 2nd Gen.

      Another young convert - even if her mum's not so sure yet!

      The man has no fear! After his aquatic antics on Strata, Plumb Bob attempts the Roman Steps - the hard direction...

      ...and gets it done!

      John Travolta had one of his minders attempt the steps - the girl!

      The first of the videos - Boyo giving his shocks a work out on Sarn Helen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW4arDI2HoY
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Some great shots mate!

        that 'puddle' looks evil!

        now i'l have a barcadi and coke and watch that video!


        • #5
          and another video...

          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            And some more lovely piccies.....

            Boyo shows us all how to climb the stairs....

            Apache reinvents the stair lift...

            Stannah would be proud of this....

            Plumb Bod shows us all that a stock 2.4 2nd Gen is just as capable as the 3.0, front (or is that top mount) intercooler, super high, mega tyres macho mobile.....

            "Now, there's lovely..."

            Apache going in.......

            ....and up for air....

            and I don't think he quite understood when we said "you should get some spinners for the truck Andy..."

            The victorious Linda after showing all the guys that driving through the 'bomb hole' is really a piece of cake...

            So Boyo and Plumb Bob decided to push Apache back in for another go....

            And then, all the gays came back to the village, for a little get together.....
            Too old to care, young enough to remember


            • #7
              Looks so good!!!!!!!!! Need to get myself some of that Welsh action ( not the gays by the way). Gonna start savin' for diesel!!!!!!!!!
              www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


              • #8
                Andy mudsurfer - fantastic pic of Boyo and Plumb Bob trying to shift me!!!

                Thats what it's about! Watching someone else do all the hard work!
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  Hi all, well made it back in about 5 hours, no drama's.

                  Had a fantastic weekend, nice to meet everybody, and put faces to names, thanks to everyone for looking after me and making sure I didn't get in too much trouble ( the mud hole was my fault.....Oooppps)

                  But hey, getting stuck is half the fun.

                  Those Roman steps are about twice as steep as they look on the photo's, and looked quite intimidating for a novice offroader like myself.

                  And after a weekend in Wales, to add to the auto/manual debate, in my humble opinion, the Auto's have it.

                  My manual gearbox struggled through the hilly, windey lanes, and made the roman steps more difficult.

                  Unfortunately the web cam video's are such poor quality that they ain't worth watching, sorry guy's ( unless anybody knows someone who can recover/enhance the images from the original files)

                  Still working for the man!


                  • #10
                    Yup - another awesome weekend - Wales was never lovelier.

                    Nice to meet Plumb Bob (not so sure about Harley), hello again our lookie likey John Travolta (Mud) new recruits Vicki & Naimh (?) and bringing up the rear our man Apache (oo errr ).

                    Thanks for the pics.

                    I'll investigate some new routes and we'll go for that night run when it gets a bit darker.

                    Cheers for a great weekend
                    Another member of the 'A' team


                    • #11
                      Looks like another wonderfull time.I will make one of your outings before long Andy i promise


                      • #12
                        Must appolagise to all for Harley, He can be a bit of a grump sometimes, but he's only a baby, and he's much better tha he used to .......honest.

                        Thanks for putting up wth us guys.

                        Still working for the man!


                        • #13
                          It's just like it sounds...

                          We're simple folk see.
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by plumb bob
                            Must appolagise to all for Harley, He can be a bit of a grump sometimes, but he's only a baby, and he's much better tha he used to .......honest.

                            Thanks for putting up wth us guys.
                            Like I said, in dog terms, he's a teenager.

                            Think Harry Enfield's 'Kevin'

                            "OhhhhhhhhhH!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!"
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by plumb bob
                              Must appolagise to all for Harley, He can be a bit of a grump sometimes, but he's only a baby, and he's much better tha he used to .......honest.

                              Thanks for putting up wth us guys.
                              No problem Rob - not sure how he took to me barking & growling back at him
                              Too old to care, young enough to remember

