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FAO Rodleach

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  • FAO Rodleach

    hi, sledges wife here, i'm sorry, i can't pm you as new and no subscription as yet! Sledge has asked me to contact you regarding him visiting you this evening, he is very sorry but can not make it as he is knee deep in tiles and grout in the bathroom! he didn't think it would take this long! if there is any way that i can get you our new address then you are more than welcome to pop over and pick your stuff up, other than that, he'll have to pop it over to you asap! my email address is alrdori@hotmail.co.uk if you want to contact me to find out our new address.

    sorry again

  • #2
    Hi, Ive just mailed you. Thanks


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dori
      hi, sledges wife here, i'm sorry, i can't pm you as new and no subscription as yet! Sledge has asked me to contact you regarding him visiting you this evening, he is very sorry but can not make it as he is knee deep in tiles and grout in the bathroom! he didn't think it would take this long! if there is any way that i can get you our new address then you are more than welcome to pop over and pick your stuff up, other than that, he'll have to pop it over to you asap! my email address is alrdori@hotmail.co.uk if you want to contact me to find out our new address.

      sorry again
      We know of someone else who recently had to do this

