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The loonies have taken over...

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  • #16
    [QUOTE=Apache]Carrying a knife to school? . What do we do? "Naughty boy! Please dont carry a knife to school or we'll give you detention tut tut!"


    Did you hear about the company that make knife prove vests for police officers are making up some knive proof school uniforms!

    well WTF is that all about! Im on 20 an me an my mates would never dream of stabbing someone... unless it was a f**kin pikey!


    • #17
      Originally posted by TonyN
      Still most of it comes back to the parents, without them backing up and displine the old bill or schools hand out (or used to), it won't work.

      No one wants to except their little darling could have possibly done anything wrong, but dosn't want the trouble of bringing them up properly and teaching about responability.
      Yup. How many times did I get a clout round the head from my dad if a teacher told my folks I'd been up to no good? I shudder to think!

      I was brought home from the local playing fields in the back of a panda car once when I was about 13. Me and a couple of mates had been climbing on the roof of the sports pavillion there. We weren't doing anything, just climbing like kids do, but he caught us and took us home. We BEGGED him not to drop us at our houses cos our parents would have murdered us, just for being seen by the neighbours in the back of a police car! Thankfully, he let us out down the bottom of the road with a stern warning!

      Thats cos we respected the police's and our parents authority. That has GONE from some parts of society now. I try to keep the same kind of respect alive in my kids, and I think I succeed. Both are polite and *I* know wont give cheek to teachers etc. They both know it would be WW3 if they did!
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #18
        [QUOTE=RodLeach][QUOTE=Apache]Carrying a knife to school? . What do we do? "Naughty boy! Please dont carry a knife to school or we'll give you detention tut tut!"

        Did you hear about the company that make knife prove vests for police officers are making up some knive proof school uniforms!

        well WTF is that all about! Im on 20 an me an my mates would never dream of stabbing someone... unless it was a f**kin pikey!
        Yeah, unbelievable! Just makes the situation worse IMO.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #19
          Wheres JUDGE DREDD when you need him


          • #20
            Originally posted by Apache
            Yup. How many times did I get a clout round the head from my dad if a teacher told my folks I'd been up to no good? I shudder to think!

            I was brought home from the local playing fields in the back of a panda car once when I was about 13. Me and a couple of mates had been climbing on the roof of the sports pavillion there. We weren't doing anything, just climbing like kids do, but he caught us and took us home. We BEGGED him not to drop us at our houses cos our parents would have murdered us, just for being seen by the neighbours in the back of a police car! Thankfully, he let us out down the bottom of the road with a stern warning!

            Thats cos we respected the police's and our parents authority. That has GONE from some parts of society now. I try to keep the same kind of respect alive in my kids, and I think I succeed. Both are polite and *I* know wont give cheek to teachers etc. They both know it would be WW3 if they did!
            So you are like me and remember that blood curdling phrase from Mum 'Wait til your dad get's home"
            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #21
              That's the problem with most of those scum kids these days... no dad around!
              Mike G


              • #22
                .i remember when caning was stopped and was so relived cos my hand had so many welts on it. im not advocating a return to corporal punishment(capital yes for police/baby killers) but i took a beating of my old man more than once as well and it DID affect me. i can honestly say that i have never laid a finger on either of my kids,and whilst they are so young(7 and 2) i dont feel there is a need, or indeed any time of there life, to "accept" (as my dear old pa used to call it)what i was due.parenting doesnt have a rule book does it, it s just common sense and RESPONSIBILITY, something todays burberry generation seems to lack.gangs in inner citys talk of "respect" which in reality is fear,well if you decide you want to live by this ethos,you should be punished for your crimes by this ethos.harsh laws may be just the thing to bring enough "fear" into a criminals enviroment and directed at him/her. its all to easy to draw comparisons with the usa, BUT in new york for instance,they adopted ,in the early eighties, a zero tolerance approach to ANY crime.even littering could land you in jail.not only did coming down hard on very minor crimes cause a massive fall in other crimes such as gun and drug related misdemeanours,but many parents found themselves hauled in front of a judge to explain their kids behaviour some being jailed .i agree with tonyn that parents play a huge part in their kids lives. it should be dead important to make a distinction between parents who cant cope and parents who dont care, but those who dont care should feel the full force of the law

                rant over

                rant over
                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #23
                  Y a wouldn'y go to work n then give ya wages to a complete stranger would ya ? no course not but the Government take it in guises asTaxes n gives it to all sorts of undeserving Scumbags.....

                  I say it's about time we get them to repay Society back N Cut Hedges, Sweep Roads /Pavements etc n save us some Poll tax at the same time, O & no pay too boot !!!!

                  There's always a Payback .... Ya just Hope it never does !!!!
                  Buncefield Burner

