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The loonies have taken over...

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  • The loonies have taken over...

    A few days ago, Gordon Brown was suggesting building on greenbelt because there is a shortage of affordable housing, and (their words, not mine) there is not enough housing for the expect influx of immigrants from eastern europe.

    WHAT THE F***?!?!?!

    Hold on... who is gonna pay for these $$$$$$ houses for the influx from Eastern Europe? You can bet they wont be wandering in from Poland with £200k in their back pockets! Thats right... You and me will end up paying! The ordinary British tax payer!

    Now on the news I hear there's to be a kneejerk reaction to the poor bloke who was killed by a bunch of mindless teenage yobs.

    OK, if your kids drink, we're gonna take them into care!!!

    WHAT THE F***!?!?!?!
    I'm sorry you morons who have the gall to call yourself a Government, but this isn't an alcohol issue. Its a respect issue! I started drinking homebrew at 15 (admittedly unknown to my parents) but I didn't kill anyone. Me and my mates didn't even THINK about killing anyone! We never even got into any real trouble! We were too busy listening to music, or playing footy on a local playing field.

    What the hell is it with these cretins we have in charge?!?! Recently, it was smoking which has been demonised and blamed for everything, you evil smoking b@stards! Next it'll be beer. They're already talking about hiking up the tax to make it unaffordable to kids (NO GORDON, you mean to create a bigger TAX cashcow from ordinary drinkers you tw*t!), whats the betting they'll be talking about banning it next?

    George Orwell might be 23 years late, but his sentiments were close. Soon we wont be able to fart without DER GOVERNMENT demonising us for, oh I dont know, killing the planet or something.

    Here's a radical idea! Kick all the lazy fat baby machine WHITE trash slobs out of their houses paid for by me and you, and ORDER them to work. Let them know the alternative is they starve. Use the money they save to build affordable housing, and CAP the prices so first time buyers can afford them. Fine chav parents heavily (or jail the b@stards) if they cant keep their kids under control. Job done! Respect restored.

    When will the hopeless, spineless f*ckers in charge realise this, and have the balls to do it? They've got my vote - and I suspect the majority of the law abiding, tax paying folk in this country!

    Sorry, but this sh*t makes my blood boil!!!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    WTF are you apologising for dude!!!! you're right in what you say...it's a respect issue not a drink/drugs issue.

    when i was at school i think i was at a place to see the early depletion of our respectful way of life.

    girls pregnant as early as 13, kids gobbing off (using the f, c and sh1t at teachers) words to great effect at teachers who at that time were becoming powerless to stop them.

    this is only 12-17 years ago...you got this scum that the teachers were powerless to control having kids then, so their offsping is the next generation of moronic non-use life....its not just THIS useless government thats failed us but the ones that preceeded it as well...we're by ourselves in defence of decency my friend.

    i know i get on here and feck about most the time and wind people up....but in all seriousness have you seen the film OUTLAW with Sean Bean.....it's the only way to go with these little c u n t s....
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...


    • #3
      Bl00dy townies ...............Stick them back in the slums they deserve


      • #4
        mate, if i could get a job, earn a living and live in your neck of the woods i'd be there tommorrow!!!

        sort me a job and i'll be there as soon as i can drive/walk again!!!!!

        BTW....i'm up with all the pagan knowledge, so i'd fit right in.....what are you anyway woodentop, i'm guessing Wiccan!?!?!?
        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


        • #5
          Originally posted by logey79
          mate, if i could get a job, earn a living and live in your neck of the woods i'd be there tommorrow!!!

          sort me a job and i'll be there as soon as i can drive/walk again!!!!!

          BTW....i'm up with all the pagan knowledge, so i'd fit right in.....what are you anyway woodentop, i'm guessing Wiccan!?!?!?
          No we are genetically engineered by aliens


          • #6
            Nah, he's Jonny Vegas and Scary Spice ba$tard love child
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              Originally posted by Woodzie
              No we are genetically engineered by aliens

              many pagans are....where you think i came from?

              does that question deserve a poll? if so, set it up coz i'm in agony and gotta go lie down!
              i swear, it was like that when i got here...


              • #8
                Originally posted by logey79
                mate, if i could get a job, earn a living and live in your neck of the woods i'd be there tommorrow!!!

                sort me a job and i'll be there as soon as i can drive/walk again!!!!!

                What are you skilled at ?

                We got some vacancies at Chertsey
                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #9
                  Originally posted by UDTrev
                  What are you skilled at ?

                  We got some vacancies at Chertsey
                  Chatting up slags as he runs them around ..........

                  Will make a good orifice worker


                  • #10
                    KEEP BRITAIN BRITISH
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by marky; 18 August 2007, 10:32.
                    (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Apache
                      Hold on... who is gonna pay for these $$$$$$ houses for the influx from Eastern Europe? You can bet they wont be wandering in from Poland with £200k in their back pockets! Thats right... You and me will end up paying! The ordinary British tax payer!
                      they'll be bought by someone who will privately rent them to the eastern euros...
                      i can't afford to live in my home town... even on a good wage, a can't get a mortgage anywhere near what a house costs!!
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12
                        put them in care if they persistentlymisbehave.

                        dont put them in care

                        put them in jail

                        i can still remember when in the 80's the short sharp shock system used in borstals was dropped as "to harsh and severe"

                        well aint we reaping the benefits of that policy reversal now. i knew someone who went to a borstal and it made him NEVER want to go there again, or break the law again.but just look for example at pete docherty he of ex libertine and ex kate moss fame). he must have a huge charge sheet by now. no car tax or insurance Many drug offences, all dealt with in the public eye,and all he ever seems to get is a slapped wrist, what does that message send to kids,it says do what you want to whoever you want, because its alright ,we can blame someone or something else! there may be reasons why a criminal misbehaves, but if punishments were meted out that befitted the crime(and get rid of $$$$$$ asbos and ideas that bleeding heart liberals propose like come to prison and meet your burgalar/mugger/rapist etc) ,perhaps a healthy respect for the law of this land might suddenly prevail!!
                        Non intercooled nothing.


                        • #13
                          Precisely mate! Couldn't agree more!

                          At the moment we have something that goes like :-

                          1) Commit crime
                          2) See social worker
                          3) Get hugged and patted and told its not your fault
                          4) Go on free holiday
                          5) Come home, commit crime
                          6) Goto line 2

                          In my world it would be :-

                          1) Commit crime
                          2) Go to jail - no big TV, no snooker table - cell and excercise yard only.
                          3) Come out - tagged and monitored

                          Lets face it folks, No-one in this 'handout' society needs to steal or mug people. Anyone who does would know the outcome is jail. I also have a way of dealing with people caught carrying knives or guns without good reason (I'm not talking about fishermen or target shooters etc - people with legit reason - cos our govt would also hit the legit). I would throw them in jail. No arguments. Carrying a knife to school? Going out clubbing with a gun? Jail term, 5 years minimum. What do we do? "Naughty boy! Please dont carry a knife to school or we'll give you detention tut tut!"

                          F*ck that! Stick 'em away before they kill one of my family members!

                          This country is f*cked, and it's the bleeding heart 'human rights' spouting namby pamby liberals fault!

                          Come back Maggie (nearly) all is forgiven!
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #14
                            Round them all up in a field & BOMB the Buggers
                            DEPORTATION does'nt seam to exist anymore
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by marky; 18 August 2007, 11:02.
                            (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                            • #15
                              Still most of it comes back to the parents, without them backing up and displine the old bill or schools hand out (or used to), it won't work.

                              No one wants to except their little darling could have possibly done anything wrong, but dosn't want the trouble of bringing them up properly and teaching about responability.

                              Originally posted by gwh200
                              put them in care if they persistentlymisbehave.

                              dont put them in care

                              put them in jail

                              i can still remember when in the 80's the short sharp shock system used in borstals was dropped as "to harsh and severe"

                              well aint we reaping the benefits of that policy reversal now. i knew someone who went to a borstal and it made him NEVER want to go there again, or break the law again.but just look for example at pete docherty he of ex libertine and ex kate moss fame). he must have a huge charge sheet by now. no car tax or insurance Many drug offences, all dealt with in the public eye,and all he ever seems to get is a slapped wrist, what does that message send to kids,it says do what you want to whoever you want, because its alright ,we can blame someone or something else! there may be reasons why a criminal misbehaves, but if punishments were meted out that befitted the crime(and get rid of $$$$$$ asbos and ideas that bleeding heart liberals propose like come to prison and meet your burgalar/mugger/rapist etc) ,perhaps a healthy respect for the law of this land might suddenly prevail!!
                              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

