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  • We are back

    The clan Sumo and Pops & Da Witch are back from Turkey and all I can say is,$$$$$$ hell its cold over here aint it.Mind you i was told that you had a heat wave and it nearly got to 25 deg C.I kinda hate to tell you that at 18 metres below sea level the Med was 23 deg C.
    Oh well its good to be back..........Not.
    If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.

  • #2
    Originally posted by sumo
    The clan Sumo and Pops & Da Witch are back from Turkey and all I can say is,$$$$$$ hell its cold over here aint it.Mind you i was told that you had a heat wave and it nearly got to 25 deg C.I kinda hate to tell you that at 18 metres below sea level the Med was 23 deg C.
    Oh well its good to be back..........Not.

    Pah! 23's for girls! Try Yuma AZ in July / August, and then try working outside when there's no shade and it's 48 deg C.

    Welcome back. Nothing's happened. We were just killing time til you got back.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

