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Anti 4x4 Nazis

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  • Anti 4x4 Nazis

    Today, I decided to drive up this hill on a byway I've driven dozens of times. It's a good place to drive as it has some nice dips in it to work the suspension out.

    On the entrance to this track there is no sign saying it's a restricted byway, just a sign telling people that the Ridgeway is out of bounds to vehicular traffic.

    Anyway, I drive up to the top of the hill and onto the flat. Just before I get to the "Prohibited Traffic" marker post, there are two old pensioners walking their dog. As I approached them, they stood in my way with their hands on their hips.

    I then received the most severe tongue lashing of all time off the woman, about how hard they have fought to stop people like me using the Ridgeway. I told them that I wasn't even on the Ridgeway, and that there were no signs up to the marker post saying that you couldn't drive up to that point. She then called my education into doubt and stated that I obviously couldn't read, to which I replied I couldn't read the sign as I had two people standing in the middle of the track in my way.

    They were having none of it. The old man then started having a go. He said he was a Dr, and a retired magistrate. The inquisition then made sense. He obviously thought I was standing in front of him in the dock!! They then took my number and said they will be contacting the Police about my "illegal" activities.

    Anyway, after all that I came home and have written a long email to the Police Officer responsible for that section, with grid references to ask if the section up to the "Prohibited Traffic" marker post is legal to drive. If not, fair dues, but there is no signage to say otherwise. If it is legal, then I've said I'm not happy about being stopped by persons who are not legally entitled to stop vehicles.

    These people were out and out 4x4 haters. I thought the woman was going to have a heart attack, she was freaking out so much. Jesus. They have obviously got too much time on their hands. It's not as if I was ragging it, I was only in 2nd Low doing a walking pace.

    What a nice country we live in.

    Oh and for those in the know, here are the grids.

    SU 485859 to SU 464850

  • #2
    Like you say, old people - nothing better to do, so need to invent something that can fill a little time. I also like it when a tree hugger comes up and asks about my carbon footprint, as i have a veg oil engine conversion, they are shot down in flames realising thier 3 cylinder mower of a car is worse than mine for carbon emmisions.

    Fortunately i live in farming area so people are used to seeing 4x4's alot, but doesn't stop the odd idiot from putting in his 2p's worth. Must give em a sense of self-importance i suppose.

    Hey ho, the surf stays and always will, unless i find a better one
    Without Surf And Unhappy


    • #3
      The fact that he was a retired Dr and magistrate had absolutely nothing to to with why they had stopped you, or their reasons for the rant, it only goes to show how far up their own a r s e s this type of nosey halfwits actually are.

      I have no time for magistrates, they know fcuk all about the law and only do the job coz it makes them feel important to their peers.....scum!

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        Originally posted by plumb bob
        The fact that he was a retired Dr and magistrate had absolutely nothing to to with why they had stopped you, or their reasons for the rant, it only goes to show how far up their own a r s e s this type of nosey halfwits actually are.

        I have no time for magistrates, they know fcuk all about the law and only do the job coz it makes them feel important to their peers.....scum!

        My sentiments exactly. I was seething, but what can you do, they must have been in their 70's. Just gave him a piece of my mind concerning his illegal action in stopping me going about my business, but it goes to show how much hate there is for us 4x4 owners. The funny thing is, it's in the middle of the downs and I was wearing my work gear, with high vis in the back etc. For all they knew I could have been a farmer. They had their BMW parked right at the bottom of the hill I just climbed up. It would be ironic if this area too is illegal to drive on after the lecture I got from them!!!


        • #5
          Dont lose sleep mate, tw@ts are everywhere.

          There's been a piece in this weeks local rag about 4x4s 'racing through floods' and causing problems for people who live on the edge of flooded roads.

          There was no piece about me and countless other 4x4 owners who RESCUED said $$$$$$s from same floods.

          The media are 4x4 haters, and the cock heads you bumped into have been taken in by them.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            Originally posted by M35A2
            Today, I decided to drive up this hill on a byway I've driven dozens of times. It's a good place to drive as it has some nice dips in it to work the suspension out.

            On the entrance to this track there is no sign saying it's a restricted byway, just a sign telling people that the Ridgeway is out of bounds to vehicular traffic.

            Anyway, I drive up to the top of the hill and onto the flat. Just before I get to the "Prohibited Traffic" marker post, there are two old pensioners walking their dog. As I approached them, they stood in my way with their hands on their hips.

            I then received the most severe tongue lashing of all time off the woman, about how hard they have fought to stop people like me using the Ridgeway. I told them that I wasn't even on the Ridgeway, and that there were no signs up to the marker post saying that you couldn't drive up to that point. She then called my education into doubt and stated that I obviously couldn't read, to which I replied I couldn't read the sign as I had two people standing in the middle of the track in my way.

            They were having none of it. The old man then started having a go. He said he was a Dr, and a retired magistrate. The inquisition then made sense. He obviously thought I was standing in front of him in the dock!! They then took my number and said they will be contacting the Police about my "illegal" activities.

            Anyway, after all that I came home and have written a long email to the Police Officer responsible for that section, with grid references to ask if the section up to the "Prohibited Traffic" marker post is legal to drive. If not, fair dues, but there is no signage to say otherwise. If it is legal, then I've said I'm not happy about being stopped by persons who are not legally entitled to stop vehicles.

            These people were out and out 4x4 haters. I thought the woman was going to have a heart attack, she was freaking out so much. Jesus. They have obviously got too much time on their hands. It's not as if I was ragging it, I was only in 2nd Low doing a walking pace.

            What a nice country we live in.

            Oh and for those in the know, here are the grids.

            SU 485859 to SU 464850
            i'd have told them to fu<k off! and barged them out of the way, some goon wants to put him/herself in the way of a moving vehicle needs sectioning, but hey that's me
            The benchmark....

