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I have a Dream.

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  • I have a Dream.

    Well more than one actually but this is the main one.

    To live a comfortable and happy existance in France, in a small house on a piece of land, say an acre ( for some veggies and for the dog to have space) in or near to a village with the necesary ammeneties.

    Only trouble is I can't afford it

    Been wracking my brains for a while trying to think of all the financial options, and they just don't pan out.

    If/when we sell the house my cut is gonna be about £25,000 once all outstanding mortgages etc are paid off.

    It's not enough money to put down on a house in this country without having a massive mortgage, and it ain't enough to get anything in France that don't need £60-70,000 spending on it to make it habitable ( based on average refurb cost of 500-1000 euro/sq.metre).

    Then there is work, or lack of it in France,

    so I could buy a small pile in rural France, and rent a small 1 bed place close to the channel tunnel, get a local job and commute to France to do some diy when funds allow, but that may only be about one week in eight, and the rest of the time I' still stuck in the UK rat race going round in circles.

    So anybody got any ideas as to how I can achieve my dream on no money and little time?

    Still working for the man!

  • #2
    Does it have to be France ?

    Perhaps Eastern Europe might be cheaper & the labour for renovations.

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      Pray for a lottery win like the rest of us!!!!!
      www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


      • #4
        Originally posted by plumb bob
        Well more than one actually but this is the main one.

        To live a comfortable and happy existance in France, in a small house on a piece of land, say an acre ( for some veggies and for the dog to have space) in or near to a village with the necesary ammeneties.

        Only trouble is I can't afford it

        Been wracking my brains for a while trying to think of all the financial options, and they just don't pan out.

        If/when we sell the house my cut is gonna be about £25,000 once all outstanding mortgages etc are paid off.

        It's not enough money to put down on a house in this country without having a massive mortgage, and it ain't enough to get anything in France that don't need £60-70,000 spending on it to make it habitable ( based on average refurb cost of 500-1000 euro/sq.metre).

        Then there is work, or lack of it in France,

        so I could buy a small pile in rural France, and rent a small 1 bed place close to the channel tunnel, get a local job and commute to France to do some diy when funds allow, but that may only be about one week in eight, and the rest of the time I' still stuck in the UK rat race going round in circles.

        So anybody got any ideas as to how I can achieve my dream on no money and little time?
        Bulgaria looks good at the mo.I've been looking on the net at differant places and they look ok for little money


        • #5



          • #6
            I like France, and the French way of life/living, and eastern europe is out due to what I consider to be the unstable political climate (long term), why do you think they are all coming here?

            B/w did you check that site, cheapest apartment was 60k

            I want to be away from towns and the hussle & bussle, but nnear enough to UK for work if necessary and any family emergencies.

            And I really can't stand the way this country is going, what with shootings, robbery, violence, tax, tax, tax, ( Yes I know french tax is high) and eastern europe is far worse for most of those things.

            I just need some options to be able to put the plan into motion, if I was IT super guy I could work from home (anywhere in the world) but most countries are pretty much sown up for working exept this one, cos anyone can come here and call themselves whatever they want and put an add in the paper, can't do that in any other EU country!
            Last edited by plumb bob; 29 July 2007, 22:42.

            Still working for the man!


            • #7

              Been looking at bulgarian properties, just to see the comparison, and from what I can see they are poorly built ( at best) with no lintels over doors and windows, large cracks appearing in properties less than 20 years old,bad brickwork, no external rendering, poor or no plumbing, poor local amenates, and 2000 miles from UK, about four days drive.

              I'll bet there is very little in the way of local law enforcement and then there's the language barrier.

              They've been saying it's the next big thing for five years, and it still hasn't taken off.

              So I'll keep looking in France, where at least the political situation is stable and the infastructure is in place, and it's close to UK, and also the people are of a similar ilk to us.

              Rural France has a very low crime rate, possibly because most of the youth have left for the big cities to find work.

              I guess life ain't easy where ever you look, and the grass ain't always greener when you actually get there, but I do need to get out of this rat race and find my country iddle, I'll keep looking.

              Still working for the man!


              • #8
                Originally posted by plumb bob
                I like France, and the French way of life/living, and eastern europe is out due to what I consider to be the unstable political climate (long term), why do you think they are all coming here?
                I'd agree with your opinion. The outlying countries are far too unstable, in a lot of regards. France is close to what we have, just with a different set of anals in charge. Property prices are far lower than here, though. Been thinking of this for a few years, but have the same problems. What you can do over here and what you can do over there, income wise, are vastly different areas. Second obstacle is the sodding wench.


                • #9
                  I found this to be about the best site when I keep having my drooling session. One day................



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MattF
                    I found this to be about the best site when I keep having my drooling session. One day................

                    I thought *this* site was your fave for drooling sessions...

                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MattF
                      I'd agree with your opinion. The outlying countries are far too unstable, in a lot of regards. France is close to what we have, just with a different set of anals in charge. Property prices are far lower than here, though. Been thinking of this for a few years, but have the same problems. What you can do over here and what you can do over there, income wise, are vastly different areas. Second obstacle is the sodding wench.
                      The problem with the French ( or any) cheap property is the amount of work and money it will swallow to bring it to a habitable condition, and my definition of habitable is a lot lower than some.

                      The reason for a lot of the cheapies is that Brits bought them and either started renovations and ran out of money, or got caught up in french beurocracy, or just never got started once actually faced with the task, and I'm not sure that I won't be the same when the time comes.

                      It's a daunting task to try to renovate a property in a foriegn country on your own.

                      One option I have looked at today is to buy a caravan for say £2-3000 ( that will get about a 14' 4 berth with most mod cons, w/c and shower, heating/hot water) and plant that on site, so at least when I get there late at night off the ferry/train/motorway, I can at least be comfy.

                      The surf of course will be used to tow it to sight and get me about while I'm there ( once I've got the bits sorted on that).

                      If the property is a fair way into France, I could leave the surf on site also, and travel via TGV and finally taxi.

                      The problem still remains that to finance the operation will require renting a flat here and working say 6-7 weeks out of eight, as UK living will sap the majority of the monthly funds.

                      I don't know if this will come to fruition, but this may be my last chance to try.

                      Still working for the man!


                      • #12
                        Got the same dream Bob, we're always looking, when the mortgage is paid (about 3 years) it may be a possibility "BUT" i'm not sure how my wife's disability/benefiets etc would work out in france, i dont think we'd get enough for this place and have enough to live on without some form of help, regardless of all the moaning we do about this country the benifiet system is still probably the best in the world, pity tho i do fancy france over most of the other country's,
                        failing that maybe wales, middle of nowhere,
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ian619
                          Got the same dream Bob, we're always looking, when the mortgage is paid (about 3 years) it may be a possibility "BUT" i'm not sure how my wife's disability/benefiets etc would work out in france, i dont think we'd get enough for this place and have enough to live on without some form of help, regardless of all the moaning we do about this country the benifiet system is still probably the best in the world, pity tho i do fancy france over most of the other country's,
                          failing that maybe wales, middle of nowhere,
                          I think you'll find that if you keep a UK bank acc. they will pay the disability benifit straight into it as you are still in the EU, I was wondering if they would pay me dole money to live over there

                          A lot of OAP's get their pensions paid direct even thuogh they live in spain, so it's worth asking.

                          I looked a Wales too, but couldn't find anything in the middle of nowhere for even near my budget, all the yahoos have bought the old farms and turned them into holiday lets.

                          Still working for the man!

