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computer boffs:

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  • computer boffs:

    my work has blocked youtube now, msn dont work up in our building either. they also got any webpages blocked with 'anonymizer' so i havnt been able to find any web proxies to go through like i did back in school.
    any ideas anyone?
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    cant find any proxies or they dont work?
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #3
      i can google search them, and i get results, but if i click on the link it says:
      Access denied by SmartFilter content category. The requested URL belongs to the following category: Anonymizer.
      so if i click on the cached link from google i can get in but then the proxies arnt working.
      when i was at school i set up a geocities page with a web proxy on so that we could do whatever, usually porn or chat though, very funny in RE when one of the people that got my address for the first time ended up getting caught.
      i dunno how its blocking those pages though, meta tags may be? or is it scanning the whole page and seeing a proxy script?
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4
        possible scanning the pages and/or using well know directory listings from the firewall supplier..the filter i configure for work has this facility along with all the use keyword and domain name blocking....oh the power
        beware of what searches you do as if you have specific internet access policies you may just get a kick up the ass


        • #5
          ok, we use a proxy.pac in our web settings. we used to change this to what they use in the next building but its not active any more. they must use another one
          thing is, i can go into the comms room, patch myself a internet only line - 192.168.x.x and use it that way, but then ill need another pc. and thats too easy. lol
          Oh Nana, what's my name?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gizmo
            beware of what searches you do as if you have specific internet access policies you may just get a kick up the ass
            yeah im worried that all what ive been doing this morning has been logged, as earlier i was searching foreign websites to see if i could get through that way. and because i only speak the language of cockney i didnt have a clue what the words meant. i got a block from 'Sex' oops...
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #7
              Network Rail have really clamped down on internet and email use.Some people have either lost their jobs or been downgraded for mis-use of railway property so just be carefull


              • #8
                a proxy.pac (or wpad.dat file) brings all information through the port numbers assigned to pass traffic through the firewall and if it fails it then trys to directly connect to the web page. So possibly they have shut down both the ports and domain name.

                don't know if this page may help



                • #9
                  Might sound a little bit left field, but you could always try the old 'stop visiting sites you boss doesn't want you to visit, and get on with what they are paying you to do'....
                  it's in me shed, mate.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gizmo
                    a proxy.pac (or wpad.dat file) brings all information through the port numbers assigned to pass traffic through the firewall and if it fails it then trys to directly connect to the web page. So possibly they have shut down both the ports and domain name.

                    don't know if this page may help

                    i looked at the pac file, and youtube.com nor their ip is listed.
                    also this line at the beginning-- if (isPlainHostName (host)){
                    return "DIRECT"}
                    so this says to me that the .pac file listed doesnt control what pages are blocked or not at our end.
                    must be a higher power!?! or am i wrong
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Chillitt
                      Might sound a little bit left field, but you could always try the old 'stop visiting sites you boss doesn't want you to visit, and get on with what they are paying you to do'....
                      as if! lol
                      no only kidding, im multi skilled! i can make 2 cups of tea!

                      really though, were on top of the workload. i just got to call someone in dubai to get his internet working. then its not so exciting cabling here.
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?

