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had enough

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  • had enough

    sunday night monday morning 3am i was woke up by this girl screaming at the end of the road, and some bloke shouting at her. was very loud to wake me up so i took a look and tried to work out what was going on. the bloke looked like he was trying to talk to her and was holding her arms and she was trying to run off. her exact words were 'i dont want to talk to you no more'
    i sat there for a little bit listening as they went off down the road, i assumed they were together and had an arguement. and i was saying to myself if he punches or anything then ill go out as thats the line.
    there was no violence i see and so i just went back to sleep. i heard sirens in that area, and then shortly after i see and hear them come back to the top of our road with similar noise. still no violence, so went back to sleep.

    now ive heard that there was a rape down along that road that night. i feel such a prk. next time im going out. ive had enough of all this.
    my old car got done over twice within 2 weeks once. then another car got done and it just sounded like someone slamming the car door.
    i know i could of stopped that.

    then last night at the same time i was woken up by a massive crash. and then police sirens and i took another look and see old bill chasing soemone. just out of field of view but i see one with his trunction out and shouting at him to get on the floor. he was shouting stuff like 'that hurt etc'
    then he goes 'what have i done? what have i done??'
    then the copper sais 'your driving while $$$$ed!'

    ill be keeping a bat by the front door now, for next time. i dont care if its a group of teens trying to nick stuff again, or someone getting violent. if they wake me up im going out there.
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    Do you live anywhere near logey???.......He normally gets sword weilding Russians


    • #3
      are you serious? no i dont.
      when you hear stuff like this on the tv, radio or paper you dont think nothing of it. but when its on your doorstep and there is a choice to do something about it and i took the wrong choice - i dont feel good about myself right now.
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #4


        • #5
          Know how you feel mate, but always be careful cos things can backfire. Lots of the little scroats these days are running about armed to the teeth, and have no grip on reality so will use there weapons without a second thought. Or if you give em a quick well deserved belt, well then then they become the victim and you are in the brown smelly stuff. Worlds gone mad, no respect or justice for those that just want a quiet life and to live in a respectable neighbourhood. Having said all this, I've lost count of the number of times I've jumped out of bed and gone out to ask people to be quiet and go away. In a pro-social manner of course



          • #6
            Originally posted by dieselboy
            are you serious? no i dont.
            when you hear stuff like this on the tv, radio or paper you dont think nothing of it. but when its on your doorstep and there is a choice to do something about it and i took the wrong choice - i dont feel good about myself right now.

            Come to south Wales, there are still areas where it all goes quiet from 9pm 'till 9am.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              Come to south Wales, there are still areas where it all goes quiet from 9pm 'till 9am.

              Just you wait till the nipper arrives mate...see how quiet it is at night then Oh the joys of parenthood



              • #8
                That's exactly why I left sunny East London. The immigrants are welcome to it.


                • #9
                  been to south wales. loved it. was almost going to move there but current job didnt want me to as it benefited them if i stayed here.
                  now ive left them anyway, i cant move just yet. got to make do whith how it is.
                  its all CR@P
                  Oh Nana, what's my name?


                  • #10
                    aint anyone finished their time machine yet?
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dieselboy
                      aint anyone finished their time machine yet?
                      Yep... I went forward 10 years. Came straight back and set fire to the thing...
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dieselboy
                        aint anyone finished their time machine yet?

                        Where would you like to go back to?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                          Where would you like to go back to?
                          nineteen eighty five baby

                          seriously, the other night, then at a ton of other times, then finish in the 80s somewhere
                          Oh Nana, what's my name?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                            Where would you like to go back to?
                            ah-ha! not a question of where, but when!
                            Oh Nana, what's my name?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dieselboy
                              nineteen eighty five baby

                              seriously, the other night, then at a ton of other times, then finish in the 80s somewhere

                              Why 1985, to prevent the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior?

