Have you ever tried one of these 
It's called a dirtsurfer, I had a go this week end on a friends. They are fukcing great it felt so like being on a snow board.
To slow down going down hill all you do is lean your back leg back and it applies a brake to the back wheel.
I want one..
Beats a mountain board hands down
Have you ever tried one?? and what did you think
I may try to introduce this at the activity centre i work for.
http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=23963755872484 70592

It's called a dirtsurfer, I had a go this week end on a friends. They are fukcing great it felt so like being on a snow board.
To slow down going down hill all you do is lean your back leg back and it applies a brake to the back wheel.
I want one..
Beats a mountain board hands down
Have you ever tried one?? and what did you think
I may try to introduce this at the activity centre i work for.
http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=23963755872484 70592