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advice on brake fluid change

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  • advice on brake fluid change

    My brakes are becoming a vague - butt clenching sometimes, so I thought, since I don't know when the fluid was changed last,(certainly not in the 2+ years I've owned her) I'd flush the lines through.
    Is there an easy way to do it on your own? Any tips / tricks / special tools?
    I am going to do a photo write up during/once completed to post up here as it doesn't seem to be covered very often.
    Last edited by jaky cakes; 8 July 2007, 15:20.
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

  • #2
    Try this mate, also available from your local motor factors (may be cheaper). I would also buy new bleed nipples as the old ones are bound to be corroded.

    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


    • #3
      I think you'll find one of thos gadjets a bit cheaper at your local motor factors, but they're great when you're on your own, and as said by copycat, would be wise to get a set of bleed nipples just in case, whole thing should only take about an hour, and your surf will give a sigh of relief with new fluid in.

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        im getting a garage to do mine next monday, aswel as power steering fluid and coolant. my brakes do give me brown moments sometimes too. like when deer run into lights
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          Brake fluid should be changed every two years. If you have ABS I personally would recommend every year. Its hygroscopic ( absorbs moisture) and this makes it deteriorate. Some garages check the boiling point to see how far its degraded but its so cheap why not just change it, why bother checking the boiling point.

          Сви можемо


          • #6
            Originally posted by dieselboy
            im getting a garage to do mine next monday, aswel as power steering fluid and coolant. my brakes do give me brown moments sometimes too. like when deer run into lights
            The brown trouser moments come stndard with the 2nd gens, the brakes are pretty poor for a heavy vehicle.

            Still working for the man!


            • #7
              Originally posted by plumb bob
              The brown trouser moments come stndard with the 2nd gens, the brakes are pretty poor for a heavy vehicle.

              Press the pedal with your left foot, you'll see the brakes are actually quite good!


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                Press the pedal with your left foot, you'll see the brakes are actually quite good!
                Thats coz the muscles on my left leg are twice the size of my right!

                Still working for the man!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by plumb bob
                  Thats coz the muscles on my left leg are twice the size of my right!

                  Blimey? do you walk around in circles?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    Blimey? do you walk around in circles?

                    It does seem that way most of the time.

                    Still working for the man!


                    • #11
                      what volume of fluid should be evacuated from each bleed screw to ensure the fluid in that line has been completely replaced??
                      I was thinking around a half pint-ish??
                      Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                      • #12
                        You can usually tell by the change in colour the bright new colour comes though eventually.

                        I gravity bleed mine crack open the bleed screw and keep topping up so it keeps coming out without letting air in.

                        Then i just get one of the kids or wife to press on the pedal while I put a wee pipe over the nipple once tight on foot pedal release bleed screw if necessary to ensure all air is out.

                        Normally dont have to.

                        SAVES BUYING A GIZMO.

                        For my motor bike I use a syringe that I got from a vet years ago.

                        Cheers JB
                        www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                        • #13
                          You should see the difference in colour when the clan fluid comes through,and then just clear the air.

                          Still working for the man!


                          • #14
                            and dont forget you cant get dot3 anymore only dot4
                            I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


                            • #15
                              I flushed and replaced the braking system last night. got an ezee bleeder and 1ltr of dot 3 fluid for around £6 from local auto save shop.
                              easy to do on your own - around 30mins in total.
                              what a difference in braking. I can lock the wheels up now under heavy braking, and brakes are a lot more responsive. well worth it if you're concerned about your stoppers.
                              My brakes were good enough to pass an MOT - but gave a few hairy moments when needing to stop quickly, but now I'm sure I could get her to stand on end!!
                              I found that the fluid reservoir has two chambers (front / rear brakes) which are connected by a wear. it is best to drain both chambers (not completely as this will draw air into system) by breeding one rear and one front cylinder first before refilling reservoir. this is because as the chambers are connected - if you only drain one IE front, when refilling - the old fluid in the other chamber will wear over into drained chamber and contaminate new fluid.
                              that sounds complicated but have a look at your reservoir and all will become apparent.
                              Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

