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Just not my luck with cars at the moment.

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  • Just not my luck with cars at the moment.

    Well after the surfs tree hugging ordeal, I was happily sitting at a roundabout at gallows corner Romford last night in our primera, and all of a sudden,"SMACK", the bloke on my inside decides to drive straight in to the side of me, telling me he was trying to avoid the mini coming around the roundabout....which was about 80yds away.

    Anyway, we pulled up exchanged details etc..... I expected the damage to be major hearing the noise it made, but its only the front wing dented on mine and some scratches, about the size of a plate that will easily pull out. He's seems to be unable to drive his,he heard a crack from the wheel area, as this took the brunt when it hit our car. He reckons its just about driveable. The guy was ok about it and very sorry and shaken. I was ready to blow, but cooled down after a bit.

    Anyway, I can probably get the damage repaired for next to nothing as long as he pays, but think he will want to go through insurance for his damage. If I inform my insurance of the accident will they still see it as an accident against my policy even though it wasn't my fault. Cos if they do, I'd rather get it done and let the guy pay cash.

    cheers Fieldsy.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Fieldsy
    Well after the surfs tree hugging ordeal, I was happily sitting at a roundabout at gallows corner Romford last night in our primera, and all of a sudden,"SMACK", the bloke on my inside decides to drive straight in to the side of me, telling me he was trying to avoid the mini coming around the roundabout....which was about 80yds away.

    Anyway, we pulled up exchanged details etc..... I expected the damage to be major hearing the noise it made, but its only the front wing dented on mine and some scratches, about the size of a plate that will easily pull out. He's seems to be unable to drive his,he heard a crack from the wheel area, as this took the brunt when it hit our car. He reckons its just about driveable. The guy was ok about it and very sorry and shaken. I was ready to blow, but cooled down after a bit.

    Anyway, I can probably get the damage repaired for next to nothing as long as he pays, but think he will want to go through insurance for his damage. If I inform my insurance of the accident will they still see it as an accident against my policy even though it wasn't my fault. Cos if they do, I'd rather get it done and let the guy pay cash.

    cheers Fieldsy.

    Sorry to hear about that, really isn't your lucky time at the moment - still with all that bad luck you must get some good coming your way. Maybe you'll win the lottery or at least the new Surf will be an absolute gem.

    I think it will depend on the insurance company. It is odds on that the insurers will do a knock for knock on it as it is not so clear as to who is at fault here - unlike someone going up your back or someone pulling out in front of you when you had right of way. Problem is if you ask your insurers you have as good as reported it and then it can count against you even if no claim is made against your insurance. Mind you again the insurance can cause trouble if the other guy claims and you don't as the other insurer will counter claim against yours (the always seem to) and if you haven't told your insurers then they can get nasty.

    It's a heads they win, tails you lose in most cases unless you agree up front with the other guy and he sticks to his side of the bargain.

    Hope that someone with more insurance knowledge and less bad experiences can help in a morfe constructuve manner.

    Sorry m8 and good luck



    • #3
      Thats sucks.
      The last year I've been starting to think I'm a magnet for people who want to crash.
      I've had quite a few smashes and it's NEVER been my fault but this means I'm now coming from experience.

      My advice - Go to the insurance company.
      It sounds like this guy was completely at fault (if you were stopped at a roundabout). This means it wont damage your no claims discount and if you get his policy number you wont even have to pay any excess.
      If you try doing it by cash then it causes all sorts of problems. He could not pay up and by that point whos to say he went into you if you never reported it.
      Through the insurance company it should get sorted quickly and painlessly by them with no cost to you.

      Good luck man.


      • #4
        Thanks Andy,

        I did think the same myself. If I ask them, I'm as much as telling them I've had an accident, but If I don't tell them and they find out, they could think I caused it and didn't tell them............

        @ Dolph,

        thanks m8, Consience is telling me go to insurance, but the damage is so minimal it hardly seems worth it. I know for a fact that the bloke who could do it for me wil only charge about 30-40 quid, and surely I can't see the bloke knocking that.............but ya never know do ya.

        I've left him a message on his phone to get back to me, so I'll see what happens.
        Last edited by Fieldsy; 17 February 2004, 16:40.


        • #5
          Inspect it

          Just thought I'd drop in my two pennies worth........

          I would go along with the lads who recommend the insurance job. There are lots of components which may appear fine to the naked eye, but which may have been damaged, stretched, compressed or fractured at a level where you can't see them. Just because something looks ok, doesn't mean to say it is.

          If it were me, I'd get the whole car inspected. I had an old Datsun Cherry which was hit by a person in a car park. No apparent damage to the outside and it was only 6 months later when the MoT advised that one of the rear shock absorber supports had been sheared off, did I think that I should have had it inspected!!


          • #6
            Hi Fieldsy, You should always inform your insurance company about any incident that might give rise to a claim against you or by you against anyone else. Usually it is a condition of your policy that you notify them within a reasonable time and this is generally taken to be within 48hrs.

            Notifying your insurance company of an accident is not the same as making a claim so you dont have anything to lose by telling them. Just be careful that you know exactly what you are going to say before you make the call and remember what you did say because 'your insurance company' is probably no more trustworthy than the guy who ran into you is.

            After you have notified you insurers you have between three and six months, depending on the company, to make a claim. If none of the parties involved makes a claim during this time then the file is closed and your insurance status is not affected.


            • #7
              wibblywobbly/ ROB IS FAIRLY CLUED UP ON THIS SORT OF STUFF.he might advise you better he redid my statment for the incident i had with a white van
              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


              • #8
                Most of you probebly not aware I am an Motor Vehicle Insurance Assessor for a major Insurance company . Believe me even if you do not inform your Insurance company about the claim and go via the Third party insurance company (his) , next time you change or renew your insurance it will be flagged on the national data base .
                Best advise I can give is to initially persue through his insurance and then notify your insurance if you get the run around .
                Most of the cases I deal with are third party cars our insureds have hit . It can be the quicker , and cheaper option , no excess ,for you depending on his insurance company and IF he admits liability in writting to his insurance company .
                If he will not write admitting liability , claim on your insurance because he will claim against yours and you could end up paying for the repairs to his car and not have yours fixed !!
                Hope mthis helps .

                Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                • #9
                  Thanks for all your replies and advice guys, it has been very helpful, I've done the right thing and advised the insurance company and also advised the police of the incident.

                  To top it all, the bloke has rung me and told me he's not accepting liability and that I went into him.........after swallowing hard, biting my tongue and about to explode, I calmly told him I 've advised insurance and repeated to them everything he said on the night. The insurance company told me, that even by saying sorry on the night, he is admitting liability, I informed him of this, and he replied, "Well I'm sorry for any accident I'm involved in".

                  I've explained it word for word to the insurance claim department, including what happened, so now its time for the paperwork. They say I may have to pay excess, but they will claim it back from he's insurer.

                  Looks like its going to to and fro a bit

                  .................just a ****** pain in the arse

                  hmmm? how come I can't type bl(oo)dy, but I can type arse
                  Last edited by Fieldsy; 17 February 2004, 20:30.


                  • #10
                    This is what I intend to write to the insurance, does it seem ok, any flaws???



                    I was proceeding along Eastern Avenue, after passing through Harley Green lights, to come to a stationary stop at Gallows Corner roundabout (Romford). I was stationary in the middle lane preparing to enter the roundabout and then exit into Straight Road. I remained stationary at the entrance due to a vehicle (a mini) entering the roundabout from the junction to my right.As the vehicle was on the roundabout, I remained stationary.

                    I was aware of a vehicle (dark blue Fiesta, Reg no:*******) in close proximity on my outside (right hand side). I had noticed the vehicle earlier, as he had wandered across from his right hand lane into mine and back again, crossing the visible white lane markings preceeding the roundabout The vehicle on the outside was at first stationary at the entrance to the roundabout, but then proceeded to enter the roundabout. I remained stationary (because of the mini already on the roundabout). The vehicle (reg no:******) next to me then veered left, colliding with my vehicle on the right hand front wing. I could not exit my vehicle as my door was pinned by his vehicle.

                    I gestured to him to wind down his window, only to see him with his head in his hands. When I finally managed to get him to wind down his window, I suggested we got to the nearest exit and exchange details. He exited his vehicle, as did I, and he started to apologise “I’m sorry, I went to pull out, I saw the mini…..I’m sorry. I’ve gone into you, Its my fault, It will have to go through insurance, I think my cars badly damaged, I can hear a knocking noise from the wheel, Its not driveable”.

                    I suggested we look at the damage and determine our options.

                    He was at that point, in my opinion, accepting responsibility, and I was in no doubt that he was liable.

                    We exchanged details, surveyed the damage of our vehicles and carried on our way.

                    I a very familiar with this junction, as I use it every night for work, and have done for the past ten years. I have used the same entrance and exit during this period and have never had an incident such as this.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Fieldsy
                      This is what I intend to write to the insurance, does it seem ok, any flaws???



                      I was proceeding along Eastern Avenue, after passing through Harley Green lights, to come to a stationary stop at Gallows Corner roundabout (Romford). I was stationary in the middle lane preparing to enter the roundabout and then exit into Straight Road. I remained stationary at the entrance due to a vehicle (a mini) entering the roundabout from the junction to my right.As the vehicle was on the roundabout, I remained stationary.

                      I was aware of a vehicle (dark blue Fiesta, Reg no:*******) in close proximity on my outside (right hand side). I had noticed the vehicle earlier, as he had wandered across from his right hand lane into mine and back again, crossing the visible white lane markings preceeding the roundabout The vehicle on the outside was at first stationary at the entrance to the roundabout, but then proceeded to enter the roundabout. I remained stationary (because of the mini already on the roundabout). The vehicle (reg no:******) next to me then veered left, colliding with my vehicle on the right hand front wing. I could not exit my vehicle as my door was pinned by his vehicle.

                      I gestured to him to wind down his window, only to see him with his head in his hands. When I finally managed to get him to wind down his window, I suggested we got to the nearest exit and exchange details. He exited his vehicle, as did I, and he started to apologise “I’m sorry, I went to pull out, I saw the mini…..I’m sorry. I’ve gone into you, Its my fault, It will have to go through insurance, I think my cars badly damaged, I can hear a knocking noise from the wheel, Its not driveable”.

                      I suggested we look at the damage and determine our options.

                      He was at that point, in my opinion, accepting responsibility, and I was in no doubt that he was liable.

                      We exchanged details, surveyed the damage of our vehicles and carried on our way.

                      I a very familiar with this junction, as I use it every night for work, and have done for the past ten years. I have used the same entrance and exit during this period and have never had an incident such as this.
                      Good point in your favour is the point you were stationary . Hard to be held at fault if stationary .

                      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

