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Alan Johnston FREE!

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  • Alan Johnston FREE!

    News this am that the BBC journo has been freed, about fcukng time too, best wishes to him and his family.
    A time for them all to celebrate.
    Last edited by plumb bob; 4 July 2007, 08:52.

    Still working for the man!

  • #2
    self inflickted prision sentance to me!!! there should be no journos over there, they should pull the lot out, what a waist of life its been, then let the bas...ds kill them selfs.


    • #3
      Whether he should have been there or not, he's free and hopefully back with his family - $$$$$$ right too. He was doing his job, simple as that and was kidnapped. Be nice to see our troops come home, but they're doing their job. Whether it's right or wrong that they are there I'd sooner see them come home alive than continue to hear on the news that more British troops have been killed.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        Originally posted by joymic
        self inflickted prision sentance to me!!! there should be no journos over there, they should pull the lot out, what a waist of life its been, then let the bas...ds kill them selfs.
        I agree, But even though he is free he will be scared for life, Not knowing what the f--k is going to happen next and not know what they are rabbiting on about, The jekell and hyde of these freeks. I hope him and his family can rebuild there lifes and forget about what has happened.


        • #5
          Alan Johnston FREE!

          there is allways a catch when something is offered for free
          Only Toyota can get you out of shite

